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Topic: Episode 123: The Beatings Will Continue Until Dinner Improves  (Read 21316 times)


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with Boots Raingear, Kumquatxop, Isfahan, Adam Bozarth, and Lemon.

Content for this episode was compiled by kal-elk.

Edited by Lemon.

Does a strict Christian lifestyle prohibit a kinky sex life? As you might expect, there's varying beliefs on this which are nuanced and subtle, so here's the Cliff's notes version: If it gives me a boner, God wants you to do it. We're looking at the life choices made by the Christian Domestic Discipline movement - a patriarchal society who believe men should control women, and use the word "panties" as often as possible in doing so. This week, we're telling your mother EVERYTHING.


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Oh God, these guys. These guys are somehow even creepier than your standard issue patriarchal God-botherers. And that's saying something.


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This just reeks of some sort of filial sex fantasy. That coupled with the latent and less than subtle sexism puts these folks high up there in the ranks of terrible people covered on the podcast.


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These guys could teach asexuals something about boner justification, and that's saying a lot.
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Oh God, these guys. These guys are somehow even creepier than your standard issue patriarchal God-botherers. And that's saying something.
Runic, January 11, 2014, 06:10:17 pm

I think that even in a completely atheistic bubble these people would have just chosen an alternative justification to slap asses.
Without god in the picture then maybe Anne Desclos could have been their Karl Marx of spanking. Or maybe they would have claimed to be really big fans of Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams".
Spanking fetishism was already around back when punching your wife was normal so even the connection to behavior modification using painful stimuli is teneous.

And that woman who wrote that spanking machines are hard to conceal hasn't really googled much. A lot of spanking machines could pass for old-timey shoe shinning machines. And then there are revolutionary compact designs such as this one:
(Warning: It is a webpage about a spanking machine. There are some softcore shots of butts in thongs. There's a YouTube video. The YouTube video is filmed in late-night infomercial style but without voices. The only sound is WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK)


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Oh God, these guys. These guys are somehow even creepier than your standard issue patriarchal God-botherers. And that's saying something.
Runic, January 11, 2014, 06:10:17 pm

I think that even in a completely atheistic bubble these people would have just chosen an alternative justification to slap asses.
Without god in the picture then maybe Anne Desclos could have been their Karl Marx of spanking. Or maybe they would have claimed to be really big fans of Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams".
Spanking fetishism was already around back when punching your wife was normal so even the connection to behavior modification using painful stimuli is teneous.

And that woman who wrote that spanking machines are hard to conceal hasn't really googled much. A lot of spanking machines could pass for old-timey shoe shinning machines. And then there are revolutionary compact designs such as this one:
(Warning: It is a webpage about a spanking machine. There are some softcore shots of butts in thongs. There's a YouTube video. The YouTube video is filmed in late-night infomercial style but without voices. The only sound is WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK)
Odd, January 12, 2014, 06:43:21 pm

Nah, without the god aspect* these people would've probably just become Goreans.

*=The God Aspect is the name of my alternative industrial pop band

Geremy Tibbles

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Yeah this had the stink of Gor all over it.

Also the "Gay sex is against God, unless there's two chicks and a dick in there somewhere." solidified that the God part is just a convenient excuse.


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Adam Bozarth saved my sanity with the Air Bud joke.  This one just made my stomach turn.  Eesh.


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Oh God, these guys. These guys are somehow even creepier than your standard issue patriarchal God-botherers. And that's saying something.
Runic, January 11, 2014, 06:10:17 pm

I think that even in a completely atheistic bubble these people would have just chosen an alternative justification to slap asses.
Without god in the picture then maybe Anne Desclos could have been their Karl Marx of spanking. Or maybe they would have claimed to be really big fans of Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams".
Spanking fetishism was already around back when punching your wife was normal so even the connection to behavior modification using painful stimuli is teneous.Odd, January 12, 2014, 06:43:21 pm

I think that the sexist behavior modification with the strict scheduling is part of this fetish, so without the religious aspects, it would just turn into generalized "women are bad and need spankings" sexist bullshit.

That said, I loved this episode-- butI love the religion and sexism episodes best, so that's not surprising. It's two of my favorite terrible things in one.
Maxine Headroom

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Honestly I don't believe that most of this community is truly confessing to spousal abuse. To me, the whole thing reeked of "n-no! I do this horrible thing for real! Honest!" in a similar vein to Spectrum_X's insistence that he really does want to eat people and any multiple's claims of wanting to murder folks. Once it got to silly little posts about "it's my choice to be beaten because I soooo deserve it ;)" and how "God would totally dig a threesome if he knew I personally found it totes hot," I figured this was less about real abuse and more about Demisexual Tier boner justification.

My theory is that these ultra-conservative Christians found out they were into kinky shit, and after a Hellfire-esque musical number, decided that they desperately needed an argument for how the Bible is not only okay with it, but promotes it. Because if the Bible flat-out said "no, this is completely great and you should keep doing it!" then not only does that put your own fears to rest, but you can still look down on those unwashed masses because their weird but consensual sex shit isn't on God's personal "Approved Boners" list. Two dudes doing it? Ew, you're going to hell, because it's a sin, unlike my alleged abuse which I tangentially tied to some line or another about keeping women subservient to men!

I'm sure somewhere in this community there's some genuine abuse going on. But overall the tone sounded more like cutesy little "oh I'm sooo bad and it's a good thing someone keeps me in line ;3" Gorean bullcrap. Personally I think these are people who were brought up in such strict Christian-As-An-Excuse-To-Oppress-And-Judge-Others households that they'd honestly feel better identifying as violent monsters than as kinksters.
Sherman Tank RoeCocoa Really_Quite_Nice

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Personally I think these are people who were brought up in such strict Christian-As-An-Excuse-To-Oppress-And-Judge-Others households that they'd honestly feel better identifying as violent monsters than as kinksters.
portaxx, January 15, 2014, 11:31:36 am
That's the saddest thing anyone has said about this entire community. There is an entire, vast, filthy world of people who are letting their freak flag fly and getting genuine joy from that, and these people have walled themselves up away from it.

That said, there were definitely a couple of moments where it felt like the husband was a LOT more into the spanking than the wife was, and zero negotiation about who got to get what they wanted. The quote about that mother-in-law saying she'd rather have one of her own daughters spanked in private than divorced in public reflects a different kind of abuse, I think: someone taking away your ability to participate in how your life is run.


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In a similar vein, I'm sure that some of the material nominally written by the wives was, in fact, written by people roleplaying their wives.  Whether they had actual wives is up for debate, but there's probably a good percentage of that stuff that was written purely as wank material.

I've seen a lot of that stuff personally where there's this kayfabe of "oh I'm totally beating my wife" and everyone doesn't really acknowledge it because it would kill boners.


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As I said in the bumper, this is why I'm glad we did this episode. The content was nasty, but there's actual reflection to be had.

Personally, I believe what's happening here is consensual misogyny, or at least consensual patriarchy.

There was one Taken In Hand bit that we read, but I cut it out of the episode because I didn't want to conflate the CDD people with the secular fetishists, but the same blend is clearly there. The women are giving up their control, and the reasons for them doing that is, I'm sure, a blend of factors that's gonna be different from person to person, but obviously religious adherence is a key factor for the CDD people.

For that reason I don't think what's happening here, generally, qualifies as domestic violence. These people are in what seems to be poisonous relationships that they themselves contribute to (although the same could be said about domestic violence relationships as well), and I guess I don't believe there's real victimhood happening here, which is what turns something from People Making Bad Decisions into The Worst Possible People.

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If it's any consolation to anyone, when I was mining for this doc I found that a lot of the people on the CDD sites readily admitted that they weren't actually in CDD relationships but were intrigued by the idea. The most enthusiastic ones (except for a couple like that No One guy) almost always were the ones who weren't actually doing it, just incessantly posting about how much they wanted to.

There were also some really depressing things, and you're better off not knowing about them, I promise.


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At the end of this podcast, Lemon makes an insightful remark on the sometimes squick-y subject matter of The F Plus:
Lemon: A strange read, because, obviously, there's a whole lot of fucked-up-ness that sort of makes people uncomfortable. But I think that … this should not be what our podcast should be on a week-to-week basis, but I also like when we do these. I like those episodes where they kind of stick around for a little while afterwards and you kind of know that exists, and it makes your life a little bit worse? I like that aspect of the podcast.
Boots Raingear: [laughs] Yeah, the things that sort of chip away at your soul, slowly.
Lemon: Right, right. Were you just havin' a good day? You know— You're out, you're alone. You don't have anything to do that day. And you're at a bar and you're drinking, and you go, "Hey, life's pretty— ohhhhh. People like that exist in the real world."

Not that I crave those moments, but this does indeed happen me when I encounter brief examples of the subject material in real life that was once featured on this podcast.

And on that note: Are you guys going to feature my document soon? It's very much along those lines.