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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 147663 times)


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 [yayvictor] is pretty important

Frank West

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"Let's go back to an AI being...what would it need to do to prove it was...spiritual?" - A journalist that works next to me, interviewing someone on the phone.

Oh my god do I want to know who he is interviewing.


  • the 49th unbreakable gstring
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I have no idea where to put this but Cirque du Soleil now has an Avatar-themed show. I know Cirque has no shortage of cheesy pop culture based productions but ... Avatar.

Behold the most expensive cosplay in the world.

Sherman Tank

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I saw a guy wearing a onesie today (presumably part of a Halloween costume) but I couldn't get the adult babies episode out of my head.

Fatty Bo Batty

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An ex-coworker wore a shoddy, handmade, dragon hoodie. I nearly shat myself trying to hold in my laughter when he said hi.

Detective Popcorn

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I have shared this in person but I'll say it again:

I went to a Minneapolis club called the Gay 90s on their "kink" night. Most of it, I just smiled and nodded but one thing will stick with me forever.

I saw two people, average, chunky, middle aged people being tied on stage with CLING FILM.

Detective Popcorn

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I go to college and there's an area specifically reserved for the nerd gamers to hang out and play ps4.

In that area, I overheard this sentence. "Dude, it's cool. Like, catgirls are over 50 percent of the population's fetish, anyway."

positive stress

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The store I work at got remodeled and we hired a bunch of new people. During training, one of them casually mentioned that he's a furry and goes to conventions in a fursuit (but assured me it wasn't a sexual thing at all and that the furry fetishists are a minority in the community). This was prompted by me calling myself a hipster.

He wasn't doing very well at training so my boss told him we wouldn't need him to work on the day of our grand opening. When that day came around, I saw he'd been put back on the schedule and asked why. My boss said he volunteered to be one of the people who would be standing out front in a mascot costume. I said "I guess he would, huh" and he asked what I meant by that. I don't think I've ever awkwardly backpedaled so hard in my life. "What? I don't know. What did I mean by what? I don't know. I'm like half asleep right now. WELL BACK TO WORK"


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I"m sitting in Calculus and the girl in the row in front of me is link-surfing WikiHow.

Schumin Capote

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I had a co-worker named Irv. The first day that I met him, he started talking about how his dream in life was to buy a used Real Doll. I later found out that he was regular caller on Coast to Coast AM and they had limited him to 1-call per week, because they were tired of dealing with him. I'm not sure what he's up to these days, but I like to think that he's walking around in an ill-fitting femskin that smells of cat piss.


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So I was browsing a journal RP gossip blog, and a new game is advertised. People poke around and discover some amazing things which include:

The mod is both otherkin and a multiple system.
She's a self-diagnosed schizophrenic who has no idea what schizophrenia actually is.
She believes that otherkin/multiples are oppressed on the same level as LGBTQ people and people who are actually mentally ill.
Her pronouns are "vae/vaer."
She describes herself as a "polyamorous, skolioromantic grey-asexual"
She's also "nonhuman (kin of a beehive, mostly. other shit in the link)"
Said "other shit" includes a fucking dwarf planet. (Eris, specifically) Which leads to this gem in her list of triggers:

#pluto - this isnt really a trigger so much as the amount of attention pluto receives vs other dwarf planets sends me into an impotent uncontrollable rage so like. id appreciate it

This chick is at least a half-dozen F+ episodes all by herself.

The entire trainwreck starts here, and additional commentary is here.

A Meat

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So I was browsing a journal RP gossip blog, and a new game is advertised. People poke around and discover some amazing things which include:

The mod is both otherkin and a multiple system.
She's a self-diagnosed schizophrenic who has no idea what schizophrenia actually is.
She believes that otherkin/multiples are oppressed on the same level as LGBTQ people and people who are actually mentally ill.
Her pronouns are "vae/vaer."
She describes herself as a "polyamorous, skolioromantic grey-asexual"
She's also "nonhuman (kin of a beehive, mostly. other shit in the link)"
Said "other shit" includes a fucking dwarf planet. (Eris, specifically) Which leads to this gem in her list of triggers:

#pluto - this isnt really a trigger so much as the amount of attention pluto receives vs other dwarf planets sends me into an impotent uncontrollable rage so like. id appreciate it

This chick is at least a half-dozen F+ episodes all by herself.

The entire trainwreck starts here, and additional commentary is here.
izzy, November 05, 2015, 11:51:22 pm
I feel like this person doesn't deserve attention, even if it's ridicule


  • *SQUEAK!*
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I feel like this person doesn't deserve attention, even if it's ridicule
A Meat, November 06, 2015, 01:44:53 am

It started out funny.  It got infuriating.


  • *SQUEAK!*
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  • "If you're white, see a doctor."
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This hearkens waaaaaaay back to the War On Christmas.

Starbucks has probably always been Christmas Offensive, but it is again:



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Instead of being Christmas-themed, Starbucks cups are now red and green-themed, the color scheme of, uh, holly, which...uh, neopagans?