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February 13, 2025, 10:35:59 am

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Topic: Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1.  (Read 50263 times)


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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #15
Dig the concept, dig the execution.

The commercial was real strong


  • The Girls Ask Guy
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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #16
Recording another one next week with John Toast as a guest.
znarf cube abuser Coalbus


  • #1 Fox in Socks reader
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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #17
Thanks so much to those who have sent questions! Especially because I see the sender and title and am momentarily baffled by what the fuck has come strolling on into my little email world. It took me half the day to realize that one from "A Meat" was something I was going to want to open.

A Meat

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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #18
Sorry for not sending in a fucked up fact about clown porn or whatever


  • #1 Fox in Socks reader
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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #19
Sorry for not sending in a fucked up fact about clown porn or whatever
A Meat, August 09, 2016, 11:27:34 pm

Never apologize for not sending a woman clown porn. I'm sorry I didn't recognize your name, it was just out of context and incongruously coupled with a vegetable.
Boots Raingear nuffkins, of all people, Sherman Tank

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #20
Sorry for not sending in a fucked up fact about clown porn or whatever
A Meat, August 09, 2016, 11:27:34 pm
incongruously coupled with a vegetable.
squiddy, August 10, 2016, 03:26:07 am
A good personal text
A Meat Nifty Nif Lemon nuffkins, of all people, chai tea latte Ashto Yavuz

Nifty Nif

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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #21
As a consistent quasi-educated bullshitter (some would say "liar," I disagree), I love the concept and I think you've hit upon a powerful urge--the desire to never be wrong and to always have an answer.  I love this!  I'm constantly making shit up and am usually hosing or saving my team at trivia night, so this really scratches a profound itch in my brain.  It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who feels the need to answer questions.
Achilles' Heelies nuffkins, of all people, Argyle Funk Fanzay

Silent Liver Disease

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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #22
This is awesome. Loved the advertisement. If you ever take it far enough to make fake websites for your audible and naturebox knockoffs you should put disguised donate buttons up so I can trick friends and the elderly into supporting this.


  • Linda, where's my coffee!?
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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #23

You know what sucks? Going to the tattoo parlor. Long lines and it's expensive.

With TrampStamps.com you'll never have to go to the tattoo parlor again!

Just purchase your tattoo online, print it at home, attach it to your package and show off your package to your friendly neighborhood mail carrier!

Use the promo code "stuffit" to take advantage of discounts!

TrampStamps.com, we're behind you.
Lemon Boots Raingear Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank chai tea latte Yavuz Argyle Funk Bodark Ashto

Digital Walnut

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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #24
I enjoyed the first episode. Also, I want to know if any marsupials menstruate. I hope not because that sounds like it would make pouch hygiene difficult.


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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #25
I'm only like 3 years late but I thought this episode was hilarious. I like this format a lot


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Adjudicated Guess, Episode 1. #26
Yeah, it was a good show. RIP.
oscaruglyface Immoral Filth