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Topic: 332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin?  (Read 25424 times)


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SHAMBA~1.SBB chai tea latte Achilles' Heelies Ambious Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Penultimatum Secret Gaygent 69 xX_sp00ks_Xx GirlKisser420 Immoral Filth Salubrious Rex Yavuz Shell Game
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 10:58:09 pm by Lemon »

Achilles' Heelies

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Wrought Secret Gaygent 69 Lemon chai tea latte GirlKisser420 Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug surrey Salubrious Rex adrenochrome dome Yavuz

Tipsy Almond

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"How can we cover up the fact that we don't know a thing about financial investments, overhead costs, and computer hardware? That's it! Horrifically illiterate sexism! To the forum submission box!"

In all seriousness though, the ROI of cryptocurrency is very much in the "results may vary" category.


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The universe willed this podcast into being so that someday, someone would read the words "women is really a paths duck" out loud.
Lemon Secret Gaygent 69 Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte Penultimatum Seth "Slimy" Rollins KingKalamari GirlKisser420 Antivehicular Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex adrenochrome dome RoeCocoa Yavuz


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This is a GOAT episode.
chai tea latte Ambious Wrought Adam Bozarth Seth "Slimy" Rollins Salubrious Rex Yavuz


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The only thing I can imagine a paths duck being is "apathetic". (Say it with one of those stuffy-nosed voices.)
Seth "Slimy" Rollins SHAMBA~1.SBB RoeCocoa Salubrious Rex


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Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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women just keep taking the path duck less traveled by and it makes all the difference
Lemon Boots Raingear Penultimatum Wrought chai tea latte Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB adrenochrome dome Salubrious Rex Yavuz

I Liked That Joke

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In this chaotic, unpredictable, often frightening world it's reassuring to know that Portaxx still doesn't understand toilets.
GirlKisser420 xX_sp00ks_Xx Puppy Time SHAMBA~1.SBB RoeCocoa Yavuz

positive stress

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all of the posts saying "women love money and they love spending money. that's why they will never understand bitcoin" really give the game away that bitcoin is more of a lifestyle that makes them feel cool and smart and masculine than it is a thing that they really sincerely believe is good and important for the world
GirlKisser420 Seth "Slimy" Rollins Ambious Penultimatum Wrought Puppy Time chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex adrenochrome dome Yavuz


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all of the posts saying "women love money and they love spending money. that's why they will never understand bitcoin" really give the game away that bitcoin is more of a lifestyle that makes them feel cool and smart and masculine than it is a thing that they really sincerely believe is good and important for the world
positive stress, August 25, 2020, 12:37:58 am
It's also a tacit acknowledgment that they will never, ever be able to turn their bitcoin "riches" into actual monetary gain, instead of an abstract number on a website. Only the pure, rational masculine mind can appreciate the beauty of NUMBER GO UP!
Ambious Puppy Time SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex

Shame Boi

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Finally got around to paying the ten bucks now that I've actually submitted a doc. A few things I wanted to mention:

  • At one point Boots is told to read a post by "saddampbuh" and immediately rejects it. That was actually one of the least disgusting posts by that dude I could find. In an early version of the doc, I actually had a whole section of just saddampbuh posts where he explicitly says the "women having sex with women is hot, men having sex with men is disgusting and sinful" thing, followed by a long diatribe on how pornography was invented by jews to corrupt people. I realized at some point that it was way too disgusting for the podcast, though even the bitcoiners were making fun of this dude so that's... something I guess?
  • There's a section in the doc on a coin called BREED that was pretty long and understandably didn't get read, but I highly recommend you give that a look if you want to see bitcoiners trying to start some kind of sex cult. Personally I would have called it Cumcoin but whatever.
  • Regarding how bad everyone is at typing, a bunch of them are ESL but at the same time a bunch of them... aren't... Man I don't know.
  • I genuinely like the term "Money Slavering" a whole lot

Anyway I really love how this ep turned out, thanks for reading it!

(Oh also, I made this ballpit account before I had "standardized" on the Shame Boi spelling, I'm not sure if y'all can change that or I just have to live with it. It's not really a big deal regardless.)
Seth "Slimy" Rollins sambair Secret Gaygent 69 Penultimatum Ambious Wrought Puppy Time chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB KingKalamari Achilles' Heelies adrenochrome dome Salubrious Rex Nemo2342 Yavuz Ashto cat_examiner


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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The bitcoin threads over on SA came to the conclusion that, similar to how scammers will send super obvious fake emails so that they'll only catch people too clueless to know any better, bitcoin self-selects for people who are dumb enough to think it's a good idea to invest in bitcoin. I assume the same process of selecting only the biggest rubes is why the spelling is so bad.
Wrought Puppy Time chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex

Boots Raingear

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(Oh also, I made this ballpit account before I had "standardized" on the Shame Boi spelling, I'm not sure if y'all can change that or I just have to live with it. It's not really a big deal regardless.)
Shame Boy, August 25, 2020, 10:24:30 am

Go into your account settings under profile menu. You can change your display name there.

Shame Boi

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Go into your account settings under profile menu. You can change your display name there.
Boots Raingear, August 25, 2020, 12:53:33 pm

Thanks, I could have sworn I checked there already but I guess not...