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Topic: Episode 339: Afterskin  (Read 23388 times)

Boots Raingear

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Episode 339: Afterskin #30
Hey man, you ain't got to read it if you don't like it. This podcast is relevant to my interests and I enjoyed it -- intactivists are some crazy people. I only wish the Silent Hill theory was mentioned.

And my foreskin is real enough. I was circumcised with Gomco clamp that wasn't tightened enough and slipped, requiring a free-hand cut and sutures. And this was in the early '80s -- I was entirely unanesthetized. It was unsightly and far too tight to be comfortable. The outer skin is cutaneous and the inner skin is a mucosa membrane. It's been enough to fool urologists, who assume I was uncircumcised until they pulled it back a little and reveal the scar. Even then, they assume it was only a partial circumcision: removing just what the Greeks called the akroposthion, or the part of the foreskin that extends beyond the glans. C-10, in modern terms. Few believe tissue expansion alone is possible from CI-1 to CI-9.

As I said, I did it before modern social media and never had much contact with intactivists. Still, I've found them more misogynistic than antisemitic. So many blame their mothers.
PersonFromPorlock, January 18, 2021, 06:22:49 pm

How many fucking times to people need to stop telling you not to talk about your dick. Also: nobody remembers your PoE exhibit site. You are now banned.
Shell Game Secret Gaygent 69 Antivehicular chai tea latte GirlKisser420 Tipsy Almond Cradicus SHAMBA~1.SBB Achilles' Heelies Macho Masc Sangy Savage Great Joe sea hag Seth "Slimy" Rollins Penultimatum Immoral Filth Oats Mix Salubrious Rex Sauce Big Stinky dijon du jour DUDEVSTHEWORLD
« Last Edit: January 18, 2021, 07:00:43 pm by Boots Raingear »

chai tea latte

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Episode 339: Afterskin #31
I'm gay
Shell Game Mix Vinny Possum Salubrious Rex Macho Masc Sangy Savage Great Joe Dr. Buttplug Oats A Meat Immoral Filth blunge Sauce Ganymede Sherlockian thelizzerd

Vinny Possum

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Episode 339: Afterskin #32
My dude you opened your weird little rant with an anecdote about being hated by jews for your skin stretching.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Shell Game

Achilles' Heelies

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Episode 339: Afterskin #33
It turns out that a person that intentionally damages their dick might have poor judgement.
Penultimatum Shell Game RoeCocoa

Puppy Time

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Episode 339: Afterskin #34
I just... don't understand what that person was going for.

Most charitably, perhaps just making conversation. But in a venue where clearly nobody was into pursuing that topic. AND YET...


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Episode 339: Afterskin #35
In my time on the internet I have seen many people terminally incapable of reading the room and it always ends exactly the same way.


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Episode 339: Afterskin #36
To get back to the other discussion from the thread: I appreciate documents not focusing on bigotry and similar unfunny/infuriating topics. I know that those can be cathartic for people, but I honestly find the initial frustration stronger than the eventual catharsis, and also (as already mentioned) generic ugly bigoted content is everywhere. I'm here for the weird shit, like a guy named "The Tiny German" asking to be farted on by a giant, or these guys having video-game-style stats to reflect the state of their increasingly convoluted genitals. That's the good shit, and I'm glad people focus on it in their document submissions.
Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug Puppy Time SHAMBA~1.SBB sambair

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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Episode 339: Afterskin #37
saoyanara, uncirc'd cowboy.

ngl i am kinda sad that the episode didn't spend a lot of time on reddit talk, but the forums that got visited ended up being way more interesting. like, reddit was just dick hobbyists, those guys turned it into dick careers. highlight of the episode was the talk of the Machines, though. just straight up silent hill set dressing things to restore your foreskin.

A Meat

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Episode 339: Afterskin #38
I was relistening to the episode and a weird thought crossed my mind: could you make a skin pocket out of your own foreskin? because that would solve that one dude from the body mods episode's problem
Boots Raingear Penultimatum Puppy Time Lemon Shell Game Mix Immoral Filth Salubrious Rex Big Stinky Tenerence Sauce

Tipsy Almond

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Episode 339: Afterskin #39
We didn't start the peen war
No we didn't like it, and we don't want pockets

--Puts on a Billy Joel skin suit and plays piano--
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Immoral Filth Penultimatum Salubrious Rex


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Episode 339: Afterskin #40
Came across this very odd ditty on youtube uploaded by enthusiastic proselytizer  TLCTugger:

But what I really treasure is the top comment:

Is this the uncut version?


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Episode 339: Afterskin #41
So which of the subjects of this episode drives this car?

Achilles' Heelies Mix Lumbermouth Puppy Time Shell Game Antivehicular Dr. Buttplug KingKalamari Salubrious Rex


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Episode 339: Afterskin #42
So which of the subjects of this episode drives this car?

ikaribattousai, February 06, 2021, 02:27:40 pm

“... so what else do you like, Gary?”
Shell Game Great Joe Salubrious Rex

Tipsy Almond

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Episode 339: Afterskin #43
So which of the subjects of this episode drives this car?

ikaribattousai, February 06, 2021, 02:27:40 pm

15 square inches of foreskin...

I have that children's song about earlobes stuck in my head now. How do I stop it

Puppy Time

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Episode 339: Afterskin #44
15 square inches of foreskin...

I have that children's song about earlobes stuck in my head now. How do I stop it
Tipsy Almond, February 07, 2021, 03:58:40 pm

Blunt force trauma to the head might briefly alleviate it.