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Topic: Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation  (Read 33900 times)


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Again, the whole point of Tumblrite attention-seeking is to Make Posts™. Isfahan, February 12, 2013, 02:45:25 pm

My theory is pity-mongery.  It's similar on the surface, but bear me out.

Ultimately, we all* want social interaction in one flavour or another.  Ideally, it should be positive social interaction.  An easy way to get that is to elicit feelings of pity and attendant "comfort" that follows.  (I used comfort as a verb, like you were playing one of those old Zork games:  comfort isfahan).

From there, it just self-reinforces.  More victimization gets more pity gets more comfort-flavoured social interaction.  I'm not sure this spiralling is really conscious, because it's just so patently ridiculous but there's enough examples of it out there that it's a real phenomenon.

I personally knew a man like that, who enjoyed nothing save playing online text-based roleplaying games, and parlayed these characters into MPD for the pity, and when that got played out, anted up with satanic ritual abuse, and when THAT started failing, started making up really disgusting medical conditions.  I don't know how that finished, he hasn't left much Internet spoor to track him by any longer.

Anyway, where this gets pathetic is with the kinda-weird highschool (and early college-aged) crowd, who haven't really anything more piteous than a love of fantasy to draw from.  That particular downward victimization-spiral results into such gold, like elven concentration camp survivor stories.

* near as matters, all of us, anyway.


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comfort isfahanAcierocolotl, February 12, 2013, 02:59:56 pm

Isfahan is comforted, and feels better about the life choices which led him to post obsessively about fake things on Tumblr. His were-cuttlefish kinfeels take over once more, but this time, instead of crying about it to anonymous strangers on the Internet, he simply basks in the simple warmth of manly, frot-free friendship.

Unfortunately, Great White is playing the nightclub in which you are currently sitting, and they have brought a lot of flashpots.

You scored 17 out of 682 points.


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Again, the whole point of Tumblrite attention-seeking is to Make Posts™. If you don't Make Posts™, you don't get attention, and nobody pays attention to someone who's content.
Just so you know, your post-per-day ratio is 11.
chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB


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« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 07:56:19 pm by Isfahan »


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Portaxx, I love it when you vent righteous anger.

It's absolutely a giant pissing contest.  The more oppressed points you rack up, the more seriously you're taken.  Are white cisgendered males the statistically least oppressed and most powerful group?  Yes.  But that doesn't mean they don't have problems.

It's a powerful, toxic mindset that gets let loose in echo chambers, and that's hell of dangerous.  When your business model is "Your problem isn't valid because someone else has a bigger problem", not only do you inevitably lose to some starving paraplegic kid in a third-world nation, but insecure people (who make up a good chunk of the SJ population) start downplaying their own issues because they're afraid of offending someone.  I spent a long fucking time in my life going "Oh, I was verbally and emotionally abused as a child, but it's not like I was physically or sexually abused" because of the insecurity stemming from that abuse.  By the time I figured out that the last dang' place you want to have a point system is victimization, I'd already lost far too much time grappling with inferiority and depression.  And that is the mindset that they propagate.

It's the most fucked-up backwards logic in the world, it honestly is.

Oh, uh...tw: abuse strong opinions italics I guess

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Yes but can I exchange my oppression points for air miles?


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Portaxx, you hit it right on the nose with that post. Every time I see a post about the word 'stupid' being a form of ableist oppression, or people railing against The Hawkeye Initiative (portraying male comic book characters in female comic book poses to hilight the absurdity of them) because it's 'transphobic', I die a little inside. These people really are more in it for the thrill of the hunt and the desire to be some sort of overbearing paladins of what they percieve as social justice than they are interested in genuine, real-world solutions to social problems. Not even content with real problems, many of them have gone off to make up their own problems (multis, otherkin, etc), and have hijacked terminology from the LGBT movement to do it. These people are just that hungry for the sort of attention that the whole game gets them.

I'm also annoyed that they've hijacked the term 'Social Justice' to do so. Fuck them for diluting the concept to this sort of monster cock-retentive hypersensitivity.

I just can't wait for this generation of tumblerites to grow up. Seriously, that should cure them of this circle-jerk mentality, right?

... right?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 01:47:03 pm by Adept Omega »

Lady Naga

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The only thing that'll make them grow up is if they'll ever have to face real oppression.


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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #23
junior associate faguar bubbleuj SHAMBA~1.SBB chai tea latte Sauce


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