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Topic: What's up with your username?  (Read 165171 times)


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What's up with your username? #30
There's this Lego toy series called Bionicle. It had a story where the heroes are called 'Toa'.

I wrote few Bionicle fanfiction, where one of the characters are called 'Toa Nordi'.

'toanordi' becomes 'toanoradian' somehow.


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What's up with your username? #31
A long time ago, I thought that the term 'null and void' was actually 'nil and void' because nil is another term for zero and that went along with void because I was very smart and a teenage Nihilist (all teenagers are Nihilists). I thought that the two sounded cool when stick together and so I adopted the name nilvoid, which turned out to be insanely unique because no one was and is as smart as teenage me.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 04:50:48 pm by nilvoid »

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What's up with your username? #32
Mine is from the TV Tropes episode. That kid thought he was funny because he said to "heat it with fruit power."  I was so embarrassed for him.


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What's up with your username? #33
I needed a name for submitting the doc for the Sherlock episode, and this just seemed appropriate. I decided to stick with it when I signed up for the forum.

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What's up with your username? #34
I needed a name for submitting the doc for the Sherlock episode, and this just seemed appropriate. I decided to stick with it when I signed up for the forum.
Moriarty, April 22, 2013, 01:05:52 pm

To be fair, that is the sort of thing Moriarty would do for shits and giggles.

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What's up with your username? #35
I needed a name for submitting the doc for the Sherlock episode, and this just seemed appropriate. I decided to stick with it when I signed up for the forum.
Moriarty, April 22, 2013, 01:05:52 pm

To be fair, that is the sort of thing Moriarty would do for shits and giggles.
Al, April 22, 2013, 02:10:12 pm
And on the nerdier side of this comment, I appreciate that you used Moriarty from the Granada series as an avatar. Dude is still the undisputed champion of Holmes archnemeses.


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What's up with your username? #36
I needed a name for submitting the doc for the Sherlock episode, and this just seemed appropriate. I decided to stick with it when I signed up for the forum.
Moriarty, April 22, 2013, 01:05:52 pm

To be fair, that is the sort of thing Moriarty would do for shits and giggles.
Al, April 22, 2013, 02:10:12 pm
And on the nerdier side of this comment, I appreciate that you used Moriarty from the Granada series as an avatar. Dude is still the undisputed champion of Holmes archnemeses.
Cuddlesquid, April 22, 2013, 05:35:02 pm

The fact that Granada Moriarty actually matches the one in the books is one of the reasons I love that series above all other adaptations I've seen.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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What's up with your username? #37
The fact that Granada Moriarty actually matches the one in the books is one of the reasons I love that series above all other adaptations I've seen.
Moriarty, April 23, 2013, 11:35:55 am
Right? He used to make 12-year-old me puff up in fear and indignance like a frill-neck dinosaur.

The actor in Game of Shadows was eerily close to how I pictured him when I read the stories as an adult, but he was undercut by the fact that he was in Game of Shadows. Guy Ritchie, y u do. :(


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What's up with your username? #38
It's my name.


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What's up with your username? #39
all teenagers are Nihilists
nilvoid, April 21, 2013, 06:14:03 pm

HA! I wasn't a nihilist as a teenager! I didn't have enough self-awareness to have any sort of philosophy about anything! Ostensibly I still don't. Or maybe I actually don't. Who knows? Not me obviously.

It's the best username I could have or ever will come up with.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 04:27:38 pm by MISANDRY CANNON »


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What's up with your username? #40
This is just what my friends have called me for years in real life and the reason behind that is a whole bunch of stupid parallel things that all converged in one particular way, but the summary is that I'd use "fluffy" as a placeholder name for things I didn't have a name for yet (or as an adjective for pretty much everything else) and I hate my real name for various reasons (mostly gender-related), and I was visiting a friend who was all "well if you don't like being called that, what should I call you? 'fluffy?'" and it stuck.  Over the next few years I stopped using the other bunches of stupid names I was using online and transitioned everything to this one.

(I was also getting pretty tired of people - furries, mostly, but not exclusively - conflating my fictional characters with me, thus I also made the plaid-critter character to fit the name, as a sort of amalgam of a bunch of other previous characters and an externalization of internalized attributes.)


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What's up with your username? #41
It's my name.
Ike, April 25, 2013, 02:14:14 pm

Ex-president Eisenhower what are your opinion on adult babies


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What's up with your username? #42
Pamperchu alone justifies the presence of nuclear weapons.


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What's up with your username? #43
My username comes from the novels I'm trying to write. In them, Locclo is the king of the Reokeians (basically angels, they go by different names but refer to themselves as Reokeians) and since nobody but me has ever read my work outside of a few chapters, I figured I'd go with it. Until I become rich and famous ( :P ), it's a name that will never be taken.

The name, by the way, has such a stupid origin that I can't believe I still kept it around. The series is called Chronicles of Light (CoL), and for a long time, I used the acronym to break up chapter segments - CoLLoC. Eventually, I decided that it was a decent name for a character, and so Colloc was born, the ruler of the Peiakeians (the sort of demonic counterparts to the Reokeians). Back at the time, I had the stunningly good idea (/sarcasm) of naming counterparts using reversed or rearranged names, so Locclo became the leader of the Reokeians.

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What's up with your username? #44
That story has way too many fantasy words in it. You get, like, three max.