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Topic: 169: I'm Gonna Cuddle Everyone In This Room  (Read 60170 times)

Sherman Tank

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169: I'm Gonna Cuddle Everyone In This Room #91
Theta, February 12, 2018, 07:22:27 pm

I'm going to guess that this article isn't just the word NO written in a very large font.


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169: I'm Gonna Cuddle Everyone In This Room #92
Theta, February 12, 2018, 07:22:27 pm

One of the FAQ answers reads: "Think of this like making out with your girlfriend, only this is not your girlfriend, and no making out is allowed."

I tried to see if the rest of their FAQ is just as weird, but Cuddle Time seems to have taken their site down. Did manage to find way too many other sites with their own FAQs though:

Q: I’m afraid I might cry. Is that ok?
A: Yes, absolutely. Please allow yourself to – it can feel amazing to cry while you’re being held.

Q: What is your policy regarding hygiene?
A: We ask that you shower and brush your teeth before the appointment. We also ask that you avoid perfume and cologne. Our cuddlers will be doing the same. If you request them to wear a specific scent, let them know before the session, and obtain that bottle of perfume, cologne, etc for them.

Q: What about “natural reactions?”
A: Due to the family oriented interactions we strive for, this is rare. From time to time this may happen though. If this does happen we ask you to shift your body or change poses so that it does not become a focus of the session and so any physical arousal is not in contact with your cuddler. We are great at being the “big spoon.


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I've started playing Death Stranding. One of the world building elements in the game is that there are smart drugs the organization you're working with uses to help people cope with the stress of whatever the hell apocalypse Kojima has managed to think up. It does that by stimulating the production of oxytocin. The NPCs will talk about how they're able to deal with the stress of the jobs thanks to the oxytocin. They mention it with surprising regularity.

And whenever that's mentioned, all I can think is "the cuddle hormone".
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Wrought


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I was worried about how CuddleParty.com was faring due to COVID (as I'm sure we all are.)

They've got events scheduled into mid-June.

In New York City.

(The website continues to be a time-capsule of early-Naughties web design.)
Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB GirlKisser420 A Meat


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Hazmat cuddle parties: sweatier than ever before!