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Topic: Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo  (Read 46211 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #60
My gyno's office called me back today to say that one of my medications interferes with the Implanon (implant birth control), and that she recommends switching to an IUD. I just want to NOPE so hard to that forever unless she can quite literally knock my ass out or drug me the hell up.


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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #61
My gyno's office called me back today to say that one of my medications interferes with the Implanon (implant birth control), and that she recommends switching to an IUD. I just want to NOPE so hard to that forever unless she can quite literally knock my ass out or drug me the hell up.
Sanguinary Novel?, April 19, 2018, 10:08:02 am

Do you have a special reason to be against IUDs? Most of what I've heard from other people has been positive so I'm curious.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #62
My gyno's office called me back today to say that one of my medications interferes with the Implanon (implant birth control), and that she recommends switching to an IUD. I just want to NOPE so hard to that forever unless she can quite literally knock my ass out or drug me the hell up.
Sanguinary Novel?, April 19, 2018, 10:08:02 am

Do you have a special reason to be against IUDs? Most of what I've heard from other people has been positive so I'm curious.
montrith, April 20, 2018, 02:19:16 pm

The IUD itself isn't the problem - it's supposed to be one of the most effective forms of birth control and lasts quite a long time. It's the insertion that is the problem.

TMI incoming, but the last pap smear I had was so painful that I was just openly weeping, and was in such a sorry state that a woman and her daughter came up to me in the waiting room and said they would say a prayer for me. On top of that, because of the bariatric surgery, I can't take NSAIDs anymore, so the more effective pain control meds are out of the question.

It's just easier for me to change out the medication that is interfering with the Implanon and move on with life.


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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #63
Ouch. I can sympathize with that. It's not like I myself am a fan of someone inserting foreign objects into my vagina.

Despite guys on the internet trying to convince me otherwise.


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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #64
On one hand, I'm so sorry to hear that... on the other, it's kind of an odd relief to know that I'm not the only one who finds pap smears SUPER painful. I have vaginismus, which is absolutely zero problem for me any other time. I'm an asexual virgin with no interest in changing that, so it's a complete non-issue. :B Until speculums are required.

I can usually manage insertion if they use the smallest ones, but as soon as it starts to open I get RIPPING pain shooting up from there through my trunk. It's like someone's trying to tear me apart from the vagina up. |D; Couldn't walk without pain for a full week afterward, and that was with NSAIDs, so, um...  I guess you're not missing too much on the pain relief front if your issue is the same... ^^; Best of luck.


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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #65
Hold on, if you're an asexual virgin why are you having pap smears? My doctor told me specifically that since I wasn't sexually active there was no need for one. The  human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted DNA virus, so if you want to be ABSOLUTELY sure nothing is wrong you can continue having it done, but in your case the risk is microscopically small. I'm assuming you're not middle aged either, so that shouldn't be a factor to have a pap smear either.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #66
It's been the same for me - even though I wasn't sexually active ever, I still had to have pap smears. It's only once every three years, but they still do it. It's not only for HPV, but for cancer and pelvic exams. It suuuuuuuucks.

I'd also like to complain about there being so much pain associated with female sexuality, from before, start, to finish.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 02:34:44 pm by Sanguinary Novel? »


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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #67
I've never gone to a pap smear. I'll probably go to the next one since I'm starting to enter my "can't be called young anymore" adult years, but I even for women my age I think the recommended time is still every 5 years or so.


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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #68
See, though, Montrith, you live in a place with a decent medical system. I'm in the USA. :B

Sanguinary brought up all the relevant points. I mean, if we're being even more honest, my chance of HPV is less than microscopic because I've had the vaccination series. But it's treated as part of a normal pelvic exam at most places, and it suuuuuuuuuuucks.

Doesn't help that over half the time nurses and doctors give me an "I know you're bullshitting me" look when I tell them I'm a virgin at my age and have no interest in sex. |D; (I'm glad my PCP believes me at least. Still on the hunt for a gynecologist that believes me BEFORE they try to push the speculum in the first time.)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #69

I love looking at these horrible things every time I'm at the grocery store. Who knew that taking levothyroxine for my broke ass thyroid was a scam, and all I needed to do was drink more water!

junior associate faguar

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #70
I wish that I didn't have inconveniently sized feet... I'd like to be able to wear cute shoes more than once a week without just about degloving my pinkie toes. Guess I just have to learn to love sandals...


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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #71
Well, hi. Hey! I thought I'd stick my nose in here - even though this thread is fairly inactive - I'm a new member of the site yo.

^^^^ also, as above - I also wish I didn't have inconveniently sized feet. Mine are annoying large - like my current pair of shoes is a man's size pair and I love them but I'm dreading the inevitability of finding a new pair when this lot wear out.

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #72
Welcome, o great necromancer. It's nice to see someone who appreciates the art... :V

Yeah I lucked out and my feet are JUST BARELY at the top end of acceptable for available women's sizes. Even still they're not easy to find. :/

Eider Duck

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #73
On the flip side, my feet are half a size bigger than average, and it makes it annoying when I go sales shopping. All the nice shoes on sale are in tiny or big sizes, not average because everyone else has bought them before me!

My shoes mostly consist of boots and trainers though, because those flat ballet shoes never stay on my feet at all. I want something that will stay on my feet when I run for a bus.

Ramona Chingona

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Lady Thread 2: Girlectric Boogaloo #74
How big are we talking? And what kind of shoe? My mom wears an 11 and likes Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack. They carry a lot of Sam Edelman, which goes up to a 13. They go on sale a lot too, and you can usually find some good stuff in the more uncommon sizes. I can vouch for the pumps at least being comfortable.

I'm also a half size, a 7.5, so when I buy stuff on sale it's usually something that doesn't REALLY fit me but I justify it because it's cheap. Also, yeah, if something is on sale and available in my size it's usually because no one wants it. I wear the same two pairs of heels for professional settings where I know I'll be on my feet a lot, one pair of Cole Haan platforms that honestly aren't super professional, and the Sam Edelman pumps. Heels that don't fucking kill are expensive, if anyone has any recommendations that aren't Clarks or Naturalizer I'm all ears.

For shoes that stay on your feet, what about slingbacks? I have a pair of Seychelles slingback flats that were no problem during a game of tag with my nephews (AND were on sale in a half size!).

Also, hello Girl Thread. I was going to post this in the "Why was your day good" thread but it seems more fitting here. I'm extremely happy with the Mondrian-inspired manicure I got this weekend. Please share your favorite nail art, whether it's something you did or if you just like it.

Edit: oops, image size
Eider Duck chai tea latte bubbleuj Liatai
« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 09:26:25 pm by Ramona Chingona »