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June 02, 2024, 10:11:34 am

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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 147288 times)


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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"horrible clown music" is pretty fitting for carnies, got to say


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I'm sitting next to a foul-smelling nerd who is cybering with other dragonkin while browsing deviantart.

Whoever decided that internet access on the train was a good idea should have been shot.

Just two more hours to go!


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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I like shopping at farmers market type stores because they tend to have cheaper produce and bulk nuts.

I can't help but think of you guys every time I see Himalayan salt.

(Also, one of my old landladies was a full-on giant crystals New Ager.)

Knitting Machine

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I spent the $10 just so I could share this: I met the author of "Tears of a Clown".

I went to a Nanowrimo meetup (my first mistake) back in November and ran into her. She appeared normal on all accounts: steady job, getting married, kept mostly to herself. The only reason it came up at all was because she was 'so excited' because all of a sudden people were buying copies of her book! And she had no idea what caused the spike in sales!

I didn't tell her. I couldn't tell her.
Baldr Mister Smalls Frank West Bobalay GodOfCheevos Maxine Headroom Yavuz

Tiny Prancer

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I watch a lot of videos of people playing vidyagames in my spare time and in one of the ones I watched recently the topic suddenly turned to jelqing. Like, in a joking context, but it was still weird as shit, and they talked about the wet towel thing.


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I watch a lot of videos of people playing vidyagames in my spare time and in one of the ones I watched recently the topic suddenly turned to jelqing. Like, in a joking context, but it was still weird as shit, and they talked about the wet towel thing.
Tiny Prancer, January 31, 2015, 01:04:31 am

"You know, I wonder if the guy I'm playing as in Modern Warfare 3 ever had to jelq. You know what jelqing is? Do you think he does tactical jelqs while undercover from the enemy? That's what I want to know. I want to know that before I go into battle, I can extend my penis."

positive stress

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Dragon Ball was good but it could've been a lot better if Goku had to jelq the Power Pole

Emperor Jack Chick

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I spent the $10 just so I could share this: I met the author of "Tears of a Clown".

I went to a Nanowrimo meetup (my first mistake) back in November and ran into her. She appeared normal on all accounts: steady job, getting married, kept mostly to herself. The only reason it came up at all was because she was 'so excited' because all of a sudden people were buying copies of her book! And she had no idea what caused the spike in sales!

I didn't tell her. I couldn't tell her.
KnitOneKillTwo, January 30, 2015, 12:16:28 pm

Should I know what this is?

Will I know what this is when I am not hammered?


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I went to a Nanowrimo meetup (my first mistake) back in NovemberKnitOneKillTwo, January 30, 2015, 12:16:28 pm

Well, now that you're here,  you might as well share stories about the meetup, too. Please.

Knitting Machine

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I went to a Nanowrimo meetup (my first mistake) back in NovemberKnitOneKillTwo, January 30, 2015, 12:16:28 pm

Well, now that you're here,  you might as well share stories about the meetup, too. Please.
Isfahan, February 01, 2015, 01:42:28 pm

Most of the people there weren't that crazy. I mean, there was the woman who told me all about her sister's heroin addiction within the first five minutes of meeting her. And there was the guy who's novel was all about the UN's secret blue hat army taking over America which he kept stressing COULD TOTALLY HAPPEN. Even the Juggalo Author was pretty normal save for the whole 'wrote a High School Juggalo romance novel' thing.

The best part of the evening was when it was my turn to talk about my novel. I was actually using Nanowrimo as a way to track my editing on my current already-written story. After I said that the guy next to me pretty much flipped out over how I was "cheating" and that what I was doing was against Nanowrimo and he was going to report me to guy in charge of the area and have me banned from the website. I laughed, thinking he was joking. He was dead serious. The guy ended up spending the rest of the meeting glaring at me for sullying the name of Nanowrimo.


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Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Isfahan, February 01, 2015, 03:42:41 pm
*sound of glass breaking*

*stone cold stunner*


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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Getting banned from optional voluntary personal goals is no laughing matter.  Two years ago I said my New Year's resolution was "dis dick" and I've still got eight years of probation left.
Aljonso Yavuz

Emperor Jack Chick

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Adam Bozarth

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There's an episode where I make a joke about someone's idiotic post by muttering "This is the kind of stuff that gets posted from public terminals." I believe that is probably the source of most of the idiot-traffic online are people who don't have the means (or the freedom) to have the internet in their home.

I used to work at a famous computer company's store in the Midtown Manhattan area, and I think I basically met most F Plus subjects on a daily basis. I could see a lot of people posting comments on blogs or logging into their forums and 3rd-rate e-mail clients. And FACEBOOK FACEBOOK FACEBOOK! Two customers stand out to me, though, as people who quiet possibly have been featured on the F Plus.

I was helping folks with answering questions when a lady flagged me down and asked me if our internet was out. Google's up, Facebook's up,
yeah the internet is working. The customer, an African-American woman in her early-forties, starts to explain her problem to me. "OK, because I was trying to get onto my forum to--" she stops, realizing there is an important piece of information I need, "First of all, I don't know if you know this, but the government is targeting people, like myself, who lead an unconventional lifestyle. I wanted to get onto my forum to connect with other targeted individuals, but the website won't load." Oh boy. I take a look, and she is trying to access David Icke's website. However, the in-store wi-fi has a blocker to help prevent most adult material from being accessed, and Icke's website must have triggered it. All I am able to say is that the site is blocked, and she gets a little terse. "Is that the computer's block or the company's block?" I don't know how to answer, so I say it's blocked by the store. There's an odd, inappropriate look of understanding on her face. She nods and smiles and starts to leave the store. "OK, I see, I see. Well, you're young, you have a lot to learn, and you take care of yourself, OK?" And she never came back. Odd that someone who is so worried about being tracked that they would try to use a computer with a camera in it, in a store canvased by cameras, in one of the busiest places, in the most crowded city on the east coast. But what the hell do I know? I'm 30 and I have a lot to learn.

The other customer had just bought a new tablet and needed some help getting it up and running, but was very adamant that I show her how to make a bookmark. As we go through other steps, she keeps mentioning the bookmarks. "I need to get my bookmarks so I can read my fan fiction." The needle slid of the record in my brain, because this was a middle-aged woman and not the twitchy teenager I imagine most fanfic authors to look like. So, I'm expecting awkwardness for the next 20 minutes as I try to have a conversation about anything else. Because who know what kind of fanfic she likes? Maybe they are all winged dogs that wet on each other instead of British wizards? Who knows! As she looks up the site she needs to bookmark, she starts raving about how much she loves reading Harry Potter fanfics, and making apologies. "I know, it's silly, but I gotta have my fanfics!" That's about how weird it got. When the bookmark was saved, I think she might have been the happiest person I've ever helped. It was nice to see that much joy in one person, and it was infectious. I wanted to shout for her to never apologize, never be embarrassed. Go and live your journey, lady! I gotta have my fanfics, too.