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Topic: Tales from GameStop  (Read 24536 times)


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Tales from GameStop #30
[...] just before entering he opened up his flip phone (this was early 2011, so the smart phone saturation hadn't hit yet), booted up his MP3 of the FF7 boss theme and proceeded to gingerly finger through our PS1 selection, then our Wii games, then everything else in the store, all while blaring this music at full volume from his phone's shitty speaker and weirding out all of the other customers. He would take occasional glances at me and I refused to acknowledge him since I was busy helping moms and young kids check out the N64 games. He eventually took the hint and left.
Ike, May 27, 2015, 12:41:01 pm

"Oh man, nobody else in my life really 'gets it', but I know the guys in this store are gonna freak out when they hear this... Is it... can they not hear this? Is it not loud enough? Maybe I'll... fuck this, I bet the guys at Subway will appreciate it."

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Tales from GameStop #31
I had a customer do something similar with some song from the anime Kill la Kill. We'll also have people going over to our headphones test station and plugging in their media players and blasting their music loudly enough into their ears that we can hear it, too. A lady even started dancing once. And continued to do so for almost half an hour, making everyone in the store intensely uncomfortable.


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Tales from GameStop #32
"If I do this everyone will marvel at what a free spirit I am!"

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Tales from GameStop #33
"If I do this everyone will marvel at what a free spirit I am!"
Isfahan, May 27, 2015, 05:36:39 pm

Either this or they want some UPTIGHT NORMIE to shut them down so they can post about how brave and original they are online.


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Tales from GameStop #34
Part of me feels like that a highly restricted, cable television-esque internet would be a very good thing for a lot of people. Not that I'm endorsing it, because fuck that.

I bet if this dude didn't have the internet, he wouldn't be running around in a Naruto outfit.

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Tales from GameStop #35
Part of me feels like that a highly restricted, cable television-esque internet would be a very good thing for a lot of people. Not that I'm endorsing it, because fuck that.

I bet if this dude didn't have the internet, he wouldn't be running around in a Naruto outfit.
goombapolice, May 28, 2015, 11:29:13 am
On the contrary, the internet is repeatedly telling him not to do that. He's like Chris-chan; he's so deeply entrenched in his personal fantasy world that even reasonable people on the internet can't talk him out of the insanity.

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Tales from GameStop #36
I know this is dead but i really want to know if anyone on the board now has worked at a GameStop/has stories. these are like candy to me and reinforce to avoid the place as much as i can