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Topic: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*  (Read 323124 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #210
The building owner hosted a holiday party with an open bar so guess who's sobering up at the office until I'm okay to drive!!


What garbage i'm posting means I have quite a bit of water and time to go before I'm okay to drive like a two miles home.

In drunk thoughts: I'm trying to slough off everything and start anew, but there a a lot of good things awaiting me once i Do. It's taking far longer than I want, and expected, really, but I can't wait to start new in a different city. Not that it'lls stop the same habits that put me in this place, but maybe getting rid of the mantle of guilt will help starting over. I'm so tired of guilt. You think at 30 guilt would stop being such a thing. Like I thought this was the age that you're all like "FUCK IT I'LL DO WHAT I WANT" but who you are and your flaws don't fundamentally chang3e.

Also I'm quite literally hiccuping right now cleaning person don't judge me. I still have enough faculties to not drive drunk at least give me this.
GirlKisser420 chai tea latte bubbleuj

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #211
Fuuuuuxj.it's cleaning person night and I just wanted half hour of peace to sober up

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #212

Wouldn't it be cool if other human being found me appealing.

For the next twonminites sweet home Alabama is fave

Pumped up kicks is pretty banging but it is a school shooting song so I'm sl8ghtlyuncomfortable atm
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 03:58:34 pm by boooo566 »

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #213

Wouldn't it be cool if other human being found me appealing.

For the next twonminites sweet home Alabama is fave

Pumped up kicks is pretty banging but it is a school shooting song so I'm sl8ghtlyuncomfortable atm
boooo566, December 22, 2018, 01:24:05 pm

The she lingo owl is attacking me because j don't speech French het
chai tea latte

lazzer grardaion?

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #214
Hey I'm drunk, I have posting privileges!

1. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 suffer for not having a 'reset your soul level' option like DS2 and onward, as it prevents experimentation and encourages 'google: what kind of build should I do' gameplay.

2. Having what is 80% a glorified IT job after getting a a PhD is a bummer.

3. Everything is worth deep-dish pizza.

4. I want everybody to achieve their dreams and be happy and fulfilled.
GirlKisser420 chai tea latte

chai tea latte

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #215
Yoga fight its like a dance fight but you do crow pose or other bullshit poses I hate. So funnn

Family complex. Love them but hate being treated like I'm not a person

Filial piety good im o


Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #216
When I finally move and it becomes to expensive to fly home (or "too expensive") I wanna make a Christmas Eve where people can just chill and watch dumb movies and stuff.

Don't get me wrong I am a little lonely to be by myself on Christmas Eve, but it's better than the alternative

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #217
So drinnjkkkkkkkkkk merry xrjxjsirams
GirlKisser420 Spenny


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #218
Last Wednesday (the 19th) was the 1 year anniversary of the worst day of my life and the universe didn't have the decency to give me a reason to call it a 'bad day'!

Nevertheless, I still trudged through Christmas and every day since being upset for no reason because it was easier than finding anything to be happy!

I want to be bitter and pissed off but the world is my oyster! I think I want to move to Hawaii.

If any BallPitters are in the DFW area hit me up. I'm dying to see Into the Spiderverse but I don't want to go alone
« Last Edit: December 29, 2018, 02:49:17 am by Spenny »

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #219
You know how a lot of people will have that sociable friend that drinks a lot? I have that friend, he's amazing and cool, and he's here at the new years Eve party and brought a giant tray of spring rolls. It's perfect and I'll see you beautiful people in a few hours :3


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #220
Merry New Years ya cunts!
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Shell Game Eider Duck

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #221
Happy New Year fuckos! May 2019 at least be less trash!
Shell Game

Shell Game

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #222
It's still 2018 here but i still get to drunkenly tell you guys how awesome I think y'all are. You know who you are. ;)

Actually I can think of two of you who'd deny it. Dammit. You're wrong. You're actually awesome.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage GirlKisser420

Shell Game

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #223
It's still 2018 here but i still get to drunkenly tell you guys how awesome I think y'all are. You know who you are. ;)

Actually I can think of two of you who'd deny it. Dammit. You're wrong. You're actually awesome.
Shell Game, January 01, 2019, 12:57:03 am

Hey also. Getting to know a buncha you has been great. It's kind of mindblowing to me how many people i've become friends with over the last year. Thanks. And here's to more dumb fun together.


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #224
Big mood! 2019 is Big Mood! Big Mood! Big Mood! Big Mood? Big Mood!
GirlKisser420 I Liked That Joke bubbleuj chai tea latte