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Topic: 223: Penis Problems & Water  (Read 40847 times)

Digital Walnut

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223: Penis Problems & Water #30
I might be crazy but I remember homeopathic drugs having advertisements on TV and being sold in drug stores as legit drugs. Goes to show how great our medical industry is. So yeah, when I was a teenager of course I knew it was shit diluted in water, but all this mainstream visibility lent it the credibility of something that was socially acceptable to be sold as medication. It's been years so I don't know if this is still the case as I don't even own a television.
Spooks, August 13, 2016, 12:37:21 am
There have been some FDA crackdowns on supplements and homeopathic products that actually claim to treat or cure specific conditions, but as long as you're careful about the language you use, you can sell pretty much anything as a bullshit health product in the U.S.


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223: Penis Problems & Water #31
Gorgeouspil gives me "happy lucky feeling" and that's good enough for me.


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223: Penis Problems & Water #32
Do Indians have a cultural bias against masturbation or something? It seems all of the guys thought that jerking off caused their problems...

Sherman Tank

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223: Penis Problems & Water #33
Do Indians have a cultural bias against masturbation or something? It seems all of the guys thought that jerking off caused their problems...
Lux, August 14, 2016, 12:41:01 pm

There's a widespread belief that masturbating saps away your male life energy or something like that.

Dr. Buttplug

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223: Penis Problems & Water #34

As for the warnings on the box, James Randi here has lived to the old age of 88 after "overdosing" on homeopathic remedies countless times. This video is from 2001.
Down10 Corn Syrup


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223: Penis Problems & Water #35
Do Indians have a cultural bias against masturbation or something? It seems all of the guys thought that jerking off caused their problems...
Lux, August 14, 2016, 12:41:01 pm

It's related to Dhat syndrome, a kind of psychosomatic syndrome that comes from the belief that they're wasting semen (from premature ejaculation, too much masturbation, or it somehow accidentally escaping when they urinate), which is no good because Ayurvedic medicine says that semen is the distilled product of thousands of times as much blood.  This leads to a fixation on the idea that the semen loss is sapping their body's energy, making them associate every pain or ache or social difficulty with it.
Sherman Tank McMillan and Waifu Liatai Eider Duck Fanzay
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 03:40:58 pm by Hunky Jimpjorps »


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223: Penis Problems & Water #36

As for the warnings on the box, James Randi here has lived to the old age of 88 after "overdosing" on homeopathic remedies countless times. This video is from 2001.
Jackal Flapnasty, August 14, 2016, 11:51:48 pm

James Randi is a fucking hero.
Watch his bio documentary, "An Honest Liar". It's good.
Dr. Buttplug


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223: Penis Problems & Water #37

As for the warnings on the box, James Randi here has lived to the old age of 88 after "overdosing" on homeopathic remedies countless times. This video is from 2001.
Jackal Flapnasty, August 14, 2016, 11:51:48 pm

Isn't overdosing on homeopathic remedies just drowning?


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223: Penis Problems & Water #38

As for the warnings on the box, James Randi here has lived to the old age of 88 after "overdosing" on homeopathic remedies countless times. This video is from 2001.
Jackal Flapnasty, August 14, 2016, 11:51:48 pm

Isn't overdosing on homeopathic remedies just drowning?
Quark-Antiquark, August 16, 2016, 09:09:55 pm

Or alternatively...


Argyle Funk

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223: Penis Problems & Water #39
Homeopathy is a little like making love in a canoe, except instead of doing that you get out of the boat and hump the lake.

It's just fucking water
Bodark Yavuz Macho Masc Sangy Savage Corn Syrup


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223: Penis Problems & Water #40
Homeopathy is a little like making love in a canoe, except instead of doing that you get out of the boat and hump the lake.

It's just fucking water
Argyle Funk, August 17, 2016, 03:39:48 am

You just KNOW that's a fetish somewhere online.

Argyle Funk

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223: Penis Problems & Water #41
Homeopathy is a little like making love in a canoe, except instead of doing that you get out of the boat and hump the lake.

It's just fucking water
Argyle Funk, August 17, 2016, 03:39:48 am

You just KNOW that's a fetish somewhere online.
The Ambious Exists, August 17, 2016, 03:41:29 am
H2Otherkin gotta reproduce somehow
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Bodark Quark-Antiquark Yavuz Sherman Tank John Toast Gyro Corn Syrup

Frank West

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223: Penis Problems & Water #42
So originally, diluting wasn't a vital part of making the homeopathy treatment more effective. The guy who came up with it had the idea that "like cures like", basically, what caused a symptom in a healthy person would cure that symptom in a person who already had it from some other cause. When he actually tried this shit out, though, the person he tried it on obviously developed the symptom of the thing he'd given them. He started diluting to avoid giving them the symptoms that his "cure" would cause, and his process of diluting and then specially shaking the diluted mixture was a way of keeping it AS potent as it originally was. Eventually this turned into dilution making it MORE powerful.

Also, allopathy is the homeopathic word for "normal medicine that actually works".  Other alternative medicines also sometimes use the word. They can't use phrases like "normal medicine" or "scientific medicine", because that implies that homeopathy isn't normal or scientific. They had to make up a phrase for it, because prescribing shit that actually works alongside their bullshit makes them look really good when the patient feels better.
Lemon Yavuz Liatai Sherman Tank Fanzay


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223: Penis Problems & Water #43
Also, allopathy is the homeopathic word for "normal medicine that actually works".  Other alternative medicines also sometimes use the word. They can't use phrases like "normal medicine" or "scientific medicine", because that implies that homeopathy isn't normal or scientific. They had to make up a phrase for it, because prescribing shit that actually works alongside their bullshit makes them look really good when the patient feels better.
Frank West, August 17, 2016, 11:23:12 am

It's the same as with asexuals on Tumblr. They even use the same prefix. Apparently, it comes from a Greek word for "other".


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223: Penis Problems & Water #44
I keep going back and forth between feeling bad for the DAUGHTER WHO IS TOO LOUD. One one hand, she might have a profound disability that requires diagnosis and intervention from a real doctor that she'll probably never see before it's too late, but on the other hand, her father's English skills are such that for all I can tell, she just has poor posture and likes to yell a lot, just like every other toddler on the face of the planet.
Nifty Nif Yavuz Sherman Tank Digital Walnut Liatai