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Topic: Strategic deployment of innovative jargon concepts  (Read 55913 times)

Emperor Jack Chick

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A brief check-in with one of the worst people in the world

Hint - he's an ex facebook marketing manager.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Introducing Bodega! - a more complicated vending machine that's in a bunch of places I don't need a vending machine.

BRIPE - this product is named BRIPE.

Hey do you wanna get better at video games? - the best way isn't to play the video game a lot and try to evaluate how you could get better. only idiots do that. instead you should pay this company which will have you do some other random shit

South of Market - The Musical - you know in case you wanted musical theatre that was all about the garbage fire that is silicon valley

Dr. Buttplug


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Oh man I can't wait to get my BRIPE, I'm going to go hiking and bring with me coffee grounds and fresh water and this portable blowtorch just to make an espresso sized amount of coffee at a time. Which I'm presumably going to have to wash when I'm done, too.


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chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Emperor Jack Chick

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Dropbox redesigned their logo

naturally that requires 80000 words to explain why they did this.

Also the site takes a LONG time to load, fair warning.


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Dropbox redesigned their logo
jack chick, October 05, 2017, 12:47:31 pm

Yeah, if I was gonna rebrand Dropbox, I would start by removing Condoleezza Rice from the board of directors.


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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Old logo, "a box":

New logo, "a collection of surfaces":
Dr. Buttplug

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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BRIPE - this product is named BRIPE.
jack chick, September 13, 2017, 04:45:22 pm
Holy shit they made a rig for Maxwell House

Emperor Jack Chick

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inside google's HR department

a product expert across a myriad of domains hoping to sync and gain best practices.
chai tea latte

Sherman Tank

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I don't even know what best practices means anymore, if it ever did mean anything.

Shell Game

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It's loosely used jargon in health safety that implies OSHA guidelines are in the area of the activity.

Victor Laszlo

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However rigidity as a concept is more a deterritorialization than anything they would have defined in A Thousand Plateaus as a rhizome, as the closest they came to a thesis (this was something they desperately tried to avoid instead opting to collect ideas to permit people to take, leave, use, support, refute, and be puzzled by what they found as was congruent with their conception.) would be that limiting understanding to concrete points of truth flattens reality and implies a center to a concept, when really everything is actually an overlapping continuum of perception and experience and identity and... there's a lot of concepts they cover in the book and it would take ages to go over them all.
chai tea latte Frank West auaurorau Great Joe Dr. Buttplug Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Puppy Time

Puppy Time

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I feel like academic jargon is probably the biggest contributor to people deciding academics are ivory tower because it happens a lot even when they're trying to explain something to the masses and it's just like, bro, take a few moments to go over the whole thing and put it in plain English, your word shortcuts don't work here!

Lord help you if multiple academics get involved, because then the explanation goes from "Here's a basic thing" to "Here's a long digression as we argue a tangential point that doesn't really matter for the purposes of the audience but by gum, someone is wrong!"

Hi I'm just a layman frustrated at trying to get an idea of basic concepts in a lot of fields.

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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Wow. Sorry.

Puppy Time

  • Rainbow Brownshirt
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I don't know that it's something to feel sorry for, really; it's pretty natural to have trouble switching out of jargon mode when it's your daily language and you're surrounded by people who understand all the shortcuts.  Words will seem perfectly natural and self-evident because you're so used to using them that you forget that they're not common parlance.

At least academic jargon usually has a fairly standardized meaning, unlike business buzzwords which seem to lose their purpose within a few days.