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Topic: Strategic deployment of innovative jargon concepts  (Read 55911 times)


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chai tea latte

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Hahahaha another jackass decides that the government should do something about the homeless riff-raff -- san francisco startup bullshit of course.

that's ok his company commando.io has literally the exact same website and idea as everyone else so that's good disruptivation going on.

seriously can we grind these people into dog food
jack chick, February 18, 2016, 12:40:11 am
and the response

jack chick, February 18, 2016, 09:23:13 am

Well it's because you guys have such generous social programs and all the fucking riff-raff move just to piss off Justin and Co, right?

Oh, what's that, SF homeless overwhelmingly used to have homes in the city and nobody knows where that money goes
Vinny Possum

Emperor Jack Chick

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Ed Lee lays on it while beating off to pictures of Jack Dorsey

Sherman Tank

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Ed Lee lays on it while beating off to pictures of Jack Dorsey
jack chick, February 18, 2016, 11:49:37 am

I read this as Jack Dempsey and got real confused.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Hey remember how I have strong opinions about Uber and Lyft?

So this morning Lyft donated 1M to the ACLU.
Uber disabled surge pricing during the NYC/JFK taxi strike to specifically act as scabs. (Also Kalanick serves on that trump tech outreach thing).
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop A Meat Vinny Possum Lemon chai tea latte nuffkins, of all people, Sherman Tank AlbieQuirky

Vinny Possum

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I dislike both because they horribly exploit their drivers, but at least one robber baron is using his ill-gotten gains for something decent.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop A Meat chai tea latte AlbieQuirky

Emperor Jack Chick

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hey remember how uber was a super good company that is known for treating its employees really well?

Yavuz nuffkins, of all people, chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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hey remember how uber was a super good company that is known for treating its employees really well?

jack chick, February 19, 2017, 08:47:15 pm
Shocking: Silicon Valley Man Thinks "Asshole" Is Positive Character Trait
EYE OF ZA, February 19, 2017, 06:14:28 pm

The stuff in that article is really horrible, but disappointingly not that surprising once you assume that everyone in Uber is going FYGM as hard as possible at all times.


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Uber is 'cartoon evil' of some kind, right? Like, literally everything they do is bad from what I've seen, it's almost an impressive record.

I know they're the villain of some kind of story, I'm just not sure which one. I'd say that I'd like to rule out Bond-villain or Lex Luthor-level 'death ray evil' because they're more into fucking up the little guy than anything high-aiming like that, but I can't rule it out.

Emperor Jack Chick

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the tone of the company is set from the people at the helm. kalanick is just that big of a cockwagon that his attitude comes down and inflects the rest of the company's culture and attitudes.

Frank West

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Uber is 'cartoon evil' of some kind, right? Like, literally everything they do is bad from what I've seen, it's almost an impressive record.

I know they're the villain of some kind of story, I'm just not sure which one. I'd say that I'd like to rule out Bond-villain or Lex Luthor-level 'death ray evil' because they're more into fucking up the little guy than anything high-aiming like that, but I can't rule it out.
Cleretic, February 20, 2017, 03:00:27 am

Like most big american companies, they're the villains in a shitty cyberpunk story, because the world we live in is a cyberpunk story but only the lame parts.
Privatizing an industry in a way that works as a symbol of, and a cause of, the increasingly bad conditions for the lower class? Yep.
Run by a rich tech nerd running his company via social darwinism, so that success is all about subterfuge? Uh-huh.
Ties to a corrupt government that's increasingly run by corporations? Obv.

If we were in a COOL cyberpunk story, Uber would have flying cars, and we'd get the founders of lyft fighting Kalanick with katanas or something. Instead we have sexual harassment  and scabbing protests.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Lemon Yavuz Gyro nuffkins, of all people, Corn Syrup chai tea latte A Meat Sherman Tank Captain Nobeard

Emperor Jack Chick

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Yavuz nuffkins, of all people,


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Disrupt courts!!!!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Saoirse-Lilith nuffkins, of all people,

nuffkins, of all people,

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