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Topic: 265: Only The Preambles To Recipes  (Read 27632 times)


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes
SHAMBA~1.SBB Corn Syrup Shell Game


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #1
This might be the worst meme reading yet.

Edit: Wow, I had no idea that Squiddy could do the Bozarth Blubber.

Edit #2:  Ahoylemon.xyz is not a law firm.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 12:00:10 pm by Sham bam bamina! »


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #2
I’m so glad you asked about my favorite Buster Keaton gag! Dude was the Jackie Chan of the 1920s.
SHAMBA~1.SBB John Toast


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #3
I'd like to read an essay by Lemon about memes.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Corn Syrup bubbleuj


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #4
There is something satisfying about opening up a new package of Crisco, but I don't think I could get a novella's worth of words out of it.


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #5

Achilles' Heelies

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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #6
When the quinwar comes, couscous lovers will be the first up against the quinwall.
SHAMBA~1.SBB KingKalamari Boots Raingear Fatty Bo Batty Corn Syrup RoeCocoa Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop John Toast bubbleuj Shell Game Lemon


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #7
I'd like to read an essay by Lemon about memes.SirSlarty, November 05, 2017, 07:07:24 pm
A peer-reviewed paper by Lemon, Portaxx and Lowtax.
Sherman Tank


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #8
I love the concept of the preambles to recipes, i was laughing pretty hard. Great show yall!


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #9
This episode reminded me of the idea I had a while back to make a recipe site, but instead of using the preamble to blog about my life, it would be short serialized pulp adventure stories, like explaining how they picked up this recipe for coconut borscht after leading a mutiny on a Soviet nuclear submarine and landing on an uncharted tropical island.

Sherman Tank Lemon adrenochrome dome Wyst Dawnswalker Baldr junior associate faguar bubbleuj NutshellGulag Ugly In The Morning

Vinny Possum

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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #10
Lentils and White trash enchiladas have never been so infuriating
Sherman Tank

Dr. Buttplug

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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #11
I just spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to find a correlation between day drinking and Mommy/crafting dad type bloggers after Squiddy made some jokes in this episode. It turns out that statistics on alcoholic dependency show a decrease in recent years in the U.S. while "Mommy" blogs have ballooned into the millions since 2011.

While anecdotal evidence shows that people are likely to come up with bad ideas over brunch cocktails, my theory does not pan out when you get to the actual statistics.
Lemon Sherman Tank chai tea latte


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #12
This episode was a funny sleep hit sort of episode.  The idea didn't sound too funny at first, but I was dying.  Achilles and Squiddy killed.
Shell Game


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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #13
Achilles and Squiddy killed.znarf, November 08, 2017, 02:20:31 pm
I'm listening to it again right now, and Squiddy's breakdown at the end might be her best performance since the fuckdoll episode.

Yiffing In The Name Of

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265: Only The Preambles To Recipes #14
That meme reading by Lemon was the heaviest thing ever read on the podcast. I was screaming internally the whole time.

It kinda made me want to make a compilation of Lemon overreacting at memes; the only episode that comes to mind for now is Ridiculist's Passions but I remember another one where Portaxx is memeing from the intro on but I cannot put a name on it, I guess you could call that a Catch-22. Anyone remembers which one that would be? Also, if you can remember any other episodes where Lemon gets meme'd at?
Achilles' Heelies Corn Syrup bubbleuj