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Topic: Episode 132: Skyrim Has Crashed (User Decency Error)  (Read 29146 times)


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with Boots Raingear, STOG, John Toast, Montrith, and Lemon.

Content for this episode was compiled by Montrith

Edited by John Toast.

With over 20 million units sold, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been a shared part of our cultural experience. It's an open world game where you can slay dragons, accept missions, and explore a world created for you. But you know what you can't do? Drink a potion to make your penis four feet long and then use it as a truncheon to assault thieves. And that's where the mod community comes in. We're looking at loverslab.com - a place on the internet where perverts can share and discuss different Skyrim sex mods and complain about how none of them are any good for some reason. This week, The F Plus isn't going to judge your personal footjob technique.


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John Returns! Happy day!

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I would have gone with "Fap Roh Dah" for the title.

TheCrawlingChaos advancedclass


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I cannot wait for fan art of Dr. Puffynipples, PhD.


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Some stray observations about this episode:

-Yay Toast!

-It never ceases to amaze me the level some people dedicate themselves to their masturbation fantasies. I mean getting off to things is a pretty universal constant but there are so many people on the internet who take "I masturbate to this thing" and turn it into the very core of their being. I mean, what is life like for these people? Is it just boner time 24/7 for them? That's got to be exhausting.

-Yet another case of people being very demanding about the creation of things they have ideas for but absolutely no skills to realize. There were so many people in this episode who were just sort of like "I want sex mod! Me not know how make sex mod! You make sex mod! Me give you 1800 page list on things for sex mod!". Like, you'd assume these people would give the people who are actually making these sex mods a little bit of leeway considering they're basically producing interactive masturbation fodder for them for free but it's all just "WHY IS NO ONE SPENDING A HUNDRED HOURS PROGRAMMING A FOOT FETISH MOD THAT CATERS TO ME SPECIFICALLY?!"

-I want a mod that replaces everyone in Skyrim with penises. Just giant penises wearing people clothes.

A Meat

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Having looked around these horrible sex mods websites, because just like pretty much everyone here, I also had wanted to make a doc about dumb video game sex mods, I discovered that as much as these sex mods are creepy, I think the worst are the ones where it's just pseudo-porn. A mod that gives all the characters HUGE INFLATABLE TITS is just silly, but mods that just gives all the female armor textures large cleavages skeeves me out significantly more.

Nexusmods informs me that some other games also have dumb sex mods. Even games like Starbound.


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Having looked around these horrible sex mods websites, because just like pretty much everyone here, I also had wanted to make a doc about dumb video game sex mods, I discovered that as much as these sex mods are creepy, I think the worst are the ones where it's just pseudo-porn. A mod that gives all the characters HUGE INFLATABLE TITS is just silly, but mods that just gives all the female armor textures large cleavages skeeves me out significantly more.

Nexusmods informs me that some other games also have dumb sex mods. Even games like Starbound.
A Meat, April 05, 2014, 02:41:48 am

Nexusmods has standards. Loverslab does not. Think about that for a while, then slowly back away from that place.

I'd link you to some of the staff I removed from the doc, but honestly some of it is pretty borderline even for ballp.it. There's a mod that replaces all adult females with loli characters TOTALLY NON-SEXUALLY OF COURSE although you can still use it with sex mods if that's your thing. There is a guy who wanted a mod with necrophilia only, nothing else. There are people who are upset that animals in Skyrim don't have realistic dongs and that they don't rape the characters they've defeated. Lots of people want the ability to have slaves and whore them out. People are yearning for mods that allow you to torture and kill children.

Of course, all of this has to be lore friendly, so as not to break their immersion in game. Fuck that site.

A Meat

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Having looked around these horrible sex mods websites, because just like pretty much everyone here, I also had wanted to make a doc about dumb video game sex mods, I discovered that as much as these sex mods are creepy, I think the worst are the ones where it's just pseudo-porn. A mod that gives all the characters HUGE INFLATABLE TITS is just silly, but mods that just gives all the female armor textures large cleavages skeeves me out significantly more.

Nexusmods informs me that some other games also have dumb sex mods. Even games like Starbound.
A Meat, April 05, 2014, 02:41:48 am

Nexusmods has standards. Loverslab does not. Think about that for a while, then slowly back away from that place.

I'd link you to some of the staff I removed from the doc, but honestly some of it is pretty borderline even for ballp.it. There's a mod that replaces all adult females with loli characters TOTALLY NON-SEXUALLY OF COURSE although you can still use it with sex mods if that's your thing. There is a guy who wanted a mod with necrophilia only, nothing else. There are people who are upset that animals in Skyrim don't have realistic dongs and that they don't rape the characters they've defeated. Lots of people want the ability to have slaves and whore them out. People are yearning for mods that allow you to torture and kill children.

Of course, all of this has to be lore friendly, so as not to break their immersion in game. Fuck that site.
montrith, April 05, 2014, 05:09:50 am

Yeah, I know nexus mods moderates their content, but I've seen some real shit there too, and some of the non-adult stuff there is super creepy too. I totally saw some of the slave mod discussion threads when I was still trying to make a doc, one dude even wrote out a whole system where you can level up your "owning slaves" skill and there are different levels of slaves, because not only does it have to fit in with the lore, you need to keep the natural progression of the game intact. I think I gave up on this idea when I got to the point where I saw people arguing about some 'realistic horse vagina mod' and reached the conclusion that I'm not finding enough things that are actually funny and not horrible. Kudos for actually going beyond that point and finding really funny stuff.

I reached the same conclusion when trying to make a doc about horrible otaku perverts, since they occasionally show up in other episodes. Looking back at the doc I made, some of it was manageable "incest hentai is totally hot, and the fact that I have a real sister doesn't change that", or "Would watching Yaoi make you gay?" but most of it was "Who else thinks little (anime) girls are hot?" and then pages upon pages of people enthusiastically saying yes. The only things I could link people to are probably the two Wikihow articles I had there.


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Lots of people want the ability to have slaves and whore them out.
montrith, April 05, 2014, 05:09:50 am

montrith, April 05, 2014, 05:09:50 am

Not the word I would use.
chai tea latte

Mister Smalls

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This episode was really reminiscent of a lot of the other nerd/fetish mixer episodes (Pokegirls, Waifu stuff, etc.) in that the nerd terminology is clearly just as important to some of these people as the actual sex content.  I honestly couldn't even be that disgusted for the most part, a lot of it was just confusing.


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Why are my comments on thefpl.us being erased? I know that saying "Montrith is the David Attenborough of Internet creepers" and the like aren't the most fascinating or original insights, but I thought you folks actively wanted comments on the site. Seems like lately I post something, one or two people thumbs-up it, and then it gets deleted. ??


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Why are my comments on thefpl.us being erased? I know that saying "Montrith is the David Attenborough of Internet creepers" and the like aren't the most fascinating or original insights, but I thought you folks actively wanted comments on the site. Seems like lately I post something, one or two people thumbs-up it, and then it gets deleted. ??
AlbieQuirky, April 07, 2014, 04:52:02 pm

I'm guessing someone has been marking your posts as spam, that would make them disappear without someone consciously deleting them. Lemon knows how it all works, I'm not completely sure.


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Thanks, Montrith. In any case, now you've seen the David Attenborough thing, so achievement unlocked.


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I'm disappointed you guys went for the creepy, concerning shit instead of the ridiculous shit. There's depraved freaks who want terrible things everywhere, but loverslab is home to a special breed of weird people who just want things that make you sorta wonder how the fuck they find that sexually attractive.

Nexusmods has standards. Loverslab does not. Think about that for a while, then slowly back away from that place.
montrith, April 05, 2014, 05:09:50 am

Nexusmods has a ridiculous borderline-autocratic moderation policy. Basically, the mods remove anything they don't like for any reason, and ignore everything else. A friend of mine, Trainwiz, even managed to get banned from there and he's probably the best modder I've ever met.  A place like Loverslab is a necessary evil and serves a purpose, as depraved as some of its inhabitants might be. The only rules are that a mod on the site can't be illegal, and can't depict underage characters in a sexual manner.

There's a mod that replaces all adult females with loli characters TOTALLY NON-SEXUALLY OF COURSE
montrith, April 05, 2014, 05:09:50 am

You mean this? It's not on Loverslab.

although you can still use it with sex mods if that's your thing.
montrith, April 05, 2014, 05:09:50 am

Fun fact: Any NPC or race with the child tag can't be interacted with in the sex framework they use, as per the rules of the website. They generally make sure to use this tag on anything that looks underage. People will still masturbate to it, but hey, the site does what they can.

chai tea latte

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What's the ridiculous shit, then? I'm seeing apologetics, and there's no way I'm digging around loverslab to find out.