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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 503928 times)

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #1110
We're now going to discuss the replication crisis. We're now going to discuss the replication crisis. Sorry, that's a little replication crisis humor for you.
Salubrious Rex Bealit Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Puppy Time GirlKisser420 Frank West A Meat RoeCocoa


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CTRL+V and post it #1111


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #1112
 When the dog is present, DogFlix turns on (otherwise remaining blank) and shows content to the dog. This content is based upon the dog's behavior, where his/her feedback is collected through his/her tail wags (equivalent of a ‘like’). The dog keyboard has several buttons which allow the manual changing of the content to comedy, food, action, cat videos and nature. This keyboard also has a button to allow the dog to call a friend, who will then also be shown on the TV screen and the content shared allowing joint viewing.
chai tea latte Puppy Time


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #1113
In his blossoming enthusiasm for art, at fifteen, he informed his father by letter of his future direction, "I hope, dear father, you will not object to my choice."[17] His father, however, died from cholera at the age of 49, and

Whistler bucked authority, spouted sarcastic comments, and racked up demerits. Colonel Robert E Lee was the West Point Superintendent and, after considerable indulgence toward Whistler, he had no choice but to dismiss the young cadet.

While letters from home reported his mother's efforts at economy, Whistler spent freely, sold little or nothing in his first year in Paris, and was in steady debt.[29] To relieve the situation, he took to painting and selling copies from works at the Louvre and finally moved to cheaper quarters. As luck would have it, the arrival in Paris of George Lucas, another rich friend,
chai tea latte
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 03:54:39 pm by Spooks »


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CTRL+V and post it #1114
any winehouse
Puppy Time

A Meat

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CTRL+V and post it #1115
In 2015, Evans co-authored a cookbook titled Bubba Yum Yum: The Paleo Way for New Mums, Babies and Toddlers which raised controversy after being called "extremely deadly for all babies" by health experts.[26] Despite the controversy, My Kitchen Rules broadcaster, the Seven Network, said that public reactions to the event were not a concern and supported Evans. Following the controversy, the authors made several changes to the book, but experts noted that the recipes in the new version were still potentially dangerous for babies.[27]
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Frank West chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx RoeCocoa


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CTRL+V and post it #1116
i guess you can hold ctrl and look at cat videos if you really

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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CTRL+V and post it #1117
the film's "gross sexual excess may displease hardcore Lovecraft fans."
xX_sp00ks_Xx chai tea latte Antivehicular Salubrious Rex Shell Game


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CTRL+V and post it #1118


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CTRL+V and post it #1119
David Arquette is a better wrestler than the Miz now
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1120

Salubrious Rex

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CTRL+V and post it #1121
Imagine how big a T-Rex would be if it was as fluffy as an owl.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage chai tea latte RoeCocoa


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #1122
In its geometric aspect, the "abstract spectacle" is a double reduction: first the heterogeneous spaces of nature and social space are reduced to the homogenous space of Euclid; and next homogenous Euclidean space is reduced to the illusory space of two dimensional representations. Space is no longer something concrete and opaque, that is, something to be experienced and lived (as well as perceived and conceived); it is now something abstract and transparent, something to be looked at passively and from a distance, without being lived directly. What is seen is not space, but an image of space. Space becomes "intelligible" to the eye (but only to the eye); space appears to be a text to be read, a message that bears no traces of either state power or human bodies and their non-verbal flows. Certain basic geometrical forms -- the rectangular, the square, the circle, the triangle -- are elevated to the level of the exemplary (microcosms of the universe) and are reproduced everywhere as images of rationality, harmony and order.

Because abstract space "cannot be completely evacuated, nor entirely filled with mere images or transitional objects," and still exist, its geometry is a phallic one. A "truly full object -- an objectal 'absolute'" is required by abstract space. A monumental, vertically-oriented, steel-and-glass architectural erection "fulfills the extra function of ensuring that 'something' occupies this space, namely a signifier which, rather than signifying a void, signifies a plenitude of destructive force." This plenitude is the violence of state power, of the state's monopoly on "legal" violence. Thus there is a tension within the phallic aspect of the spectacle, or, rather, between its phallic and geometric aspects. "Abstract space is not homogenous," though it wishes to appear and be perceived as homogenous; "it simply has homogeneity as its goal, its orientation, its 'lens'." Abstract space appears to be transparent and readable-intelligible, but "this transparency is deceptive, and everything is [actually] concealed. Space is illusory and the secret of the illusion lies in the transparency itself."


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CTRL+V and post it #1123
 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see
about_Execution_Policies at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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CTRL+V and post it #1124
Gorgias. What say you, Socrates, of black? Is any black, white?
Socrates. No, by Zeus!
Cor. Do you say, then, that no black is white? Soc. None at all.
Cor. But is everything either black or non-black? Soc. Of course.
Gor. And everything either white or non-white? Soc. Yes.
Gor. And everything either rough or smooth? Soc. Yes.
Gor. And everything either real or unreal? Soc. Oh., bother! yes.
Gor. Do you say, then, that all black is either rough black or smooth
black? Soc. Yes.
Cor. And that all white is either real white or unreal white? Soc.
Gor. And yet is no black, white? Soc. None at all.
Cor. Nor no white, black? Soc. By no means.
Gor. What? Is no smooth black, white? Soc. No; you cannot prove
that, Gorgias.
Cor. Nor no rough black, white? Soc. Neither.
Cor. Nor no real white, black? Soc. No.
Cor. Nor no unreal white, black? Soc. No, I say. No white at all is
Cor. What if black is smooth, is it not white? Soc. Not in the least.
Cor. And if the last is false, is the first false? Soc. It follows.
Cor. If, then, black is white, does it follow, that black is not smooth?
Soc. It does.
Cor. Black-white is not smooth? Soc. What do you mean?
Cor. Can any dead man speak? Soc. No, indeed.
Cor. And is any speaking man dead? Soc. I say, no.
Gor. And is any good king tyrannical? Soc. No.
Cor. And is any tyrannical king good? Soc. I just said no.
Cor. And you said, too, that no rough black is white, did you not?
Soc. Yes.
Gor. Then, is any black-white, rough? Soc. No.
Cor. And is any unreal black, white? Soc. No.
Gor. Then, is any black-white unreal? Soc. No.
Gor. No black-white is rough? Soc. None.
Cor. All black-white, then, is non-rough? Soc. Yes.
Gor. And all black-white, non-unreal? Soc. Yes.
Gor. All black-white is then smooth? Soc. Yes.
Gor. And all real? Soc. Yes.
Gor. Some smooth, then, is black-white? Soc. Of course.
Cor. And some real is black-white? Soc. So it seems.
Gor. Some black-white smooth is black-white? Soc. Yes.
Gor. Some black smooth is black-white? Soc. Yes.
Gor. Some black smooth is white. Soc. Yes.
Gor. Some black real is black-white? Soc. Yes.
Gar. Some black real is white? Soc. Yes.
Gar. Some real black is white? Soc. Yes.
Gor . . And some smooth black is white? Soc. Yes.
Gor. Then, some black is white? Soc. I think so myself.