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Topic: Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous");  (Read 67016 times)


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #90

True story.
I coded so much yesterday I forgot to eat. Took no breaks. Coded all day.
Then today I made an even bigger commit before lunch, then TOOK a lunch break, then chased a bug for four hours that ended up being a rogue dynamic cast, then coded some more.

tl;dr don't code on Ritalin if you don't have to, you'll starve.


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #91
I had a problem where I needed to parse through nearly a gigabyte of log files, each line of which represented an operation, and interpret that data.
This wasn't a task I was given as much as it was a task that I gave myself because I was curious about a mismatch in the data we were seeing from it. An idle curiosity that I wanted to throw an hour at.

In short, each of these log files represented a run of the program. An operation could fail or succeed. Successes would be present in the next log file and errors would be reattempted.
The problem was that I noticed that a very small number of these operations would show up in the log as an error, but never appear in the next log as a success. It would just disappear.
This occurred to an incredibly small number. We predicted 67 out of 2.3 million operations.

So the plan for this utility is: Iterate through each line of each file. When you find an error, hold onto it, then when you find a success, check to see if it matched any of the error lines. If it did, remove that error line. At the end, any errors remaining are our orphans.
I shit this together in 30 minutes, ran it, went off to lunch. After lunch, it wasn't finished, but whatever, it's a lot of data, this may take awhile. I'll just let it run in the background while I do other shit.

The next day, it was still executing. I inspected the process - it was definitely doing work, but at the rate it was going, it would take roughly 60 hours to interpret everything. Whatever, it's nearly the weekend, I'll just let it go.
Until late this afternoon - Processes started hanging. Explorer.exe stopped and refused to start up again. I could not start Task Manager. I could not ctrl+alt+del. This process was consuming every resource it could get its hands on. With great regret, I killed the machine, losing over a day of execution time.

I rewrote the code giving a shit about performance. Same idea, just a slightly different implementation. Only took 10 or so minutes, maybe 20 lines of code. Started it up, then went to inspect the process's Read/Write data. By the time I did, it was done.
Rewriting the program brought execution time down from 60 hours to 20 seconds.

Lemon junior associate faguar chai tea latte RoeCocoa Corn Syrup A Whirring Bone-White Gleech Schumin Capote


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #92


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #93
So last week I submitted my Web Programming project, and let me just say I fucking hate JavaScript.
We also had to use AngularJS which I guess is an improvement over native JavaScript, but holy fuck it's overly unnecessarily complex.
Also we were not allowed to use any other external library (except for Bootstrap and jQuery) so things were just being difficult for difficulty's sake.
I will say I kinda love the whole concept of Bootstrap - it sort of normalizes and unifies design concepts so you can make a site that doesn't look like something whipped up in 1995 and not have to go into the depths and antwork of CSS manually.
I mean I still had to do a lot of CSS overriding, but it beats writing it from scratch.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #94
So last week I submitted my Web Programming project, and let me just say I fucking hate JavaScript.
We also had to use AngularJS which I guess is an improvement over native JavaScript, but holy fuck it's overly unnecessarily complex.
Also we were not allowed to use any other external library (except for Bootstrap and jQuery) so things were just being difficult for difficulty's sake.
I will say I kinda love the whole concept of Bootstrap - it sort of normalizes and unifies design concepts so you can make a site that doesn't look like something whipped up in 1995 and not have to go into the depths and antwork of CSS manually.
I mean I still had to do a lot of CSS overriding, but it beats writing it from scratch.
The Ambious, March 04, 2018, 05:01:58 am

.then(function(howDidItGo) {
    if (howDidItGo === false) {

i work in angular every day. :(


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #95
So last week I submitted my Web Programming project, and let me just say I fucking hate JavaScript.
We also had to use AngularJS which I guess is an improvement over native JavaScript, but holy fuck it's overly unnecessarily complex.
Also we were not allowed to use any other external library (except for Bootstrap and jQuery) so things were just being difficult for difficulty's sake.
I will say I kinda love the whole concept of Bootstrap - it sort of normalizes and unifies design concepts so you can make a site that doesn't look like something whipped up in 1995 and not have to go into the depths and antwork of CSS manually.
I mean I still had to do a lot of CSS overriding, but it beats writing it from scratch.
The Ambious, March 04, 2018, 05:01:58 am

.then(function(howDidItGo) {
    if (howDidItGo === false) {

i work in angular every day. :(
jack chick, March 04, 2018, 11:25:35 am

Is it any less annoying and complicated when you don't have the limitations of "don't use anything 3rd party"?
I mean some of the directives and html tags are actually really useful, but the implementation is so cumbersome.

Anyway I don't know how it went yet, it'll probably be a week or two before we get a grade.
We got an email from the TA yesterday that one of the main features of the site (user registration) wasn't working because of an SQL error.
We tried it again and again and found nothing.
I did find a leftover method using a non-existing variable that simply caused the whole thing to not refresh when logging in, and fixed it, and also some weird CSS thing, which I also fixed, but couldn't reproduce the SQL error.
I sent him a "fix" (which was just the aforementioned  fixes which don't go anywhere near SQL) and suddenly he said it was ok.
I suspect he just didn't clean the Derby directory from the previous project he graded and it messed up with ours, so when I sent the "fix" he DID clean it that time and that's why it worked.

But that's the thing - I come from compiled languages where if you do something like use a non-existing variable it will immediately throw error messages at you and won't let you do anything.
JavaScript - in my experience - is just a crapshoot. You entire website might stop working because of a single missing mistake somewhere that might not even have anything to do with what stopped working, and good luck hunting it down.

Also can I just say Apache Derby is the stupidest implementation of SQL I ever had the displeasure of working with.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #96
No, not it is not.


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #97
I kinda like JavaScript, goodbye!
Schumin Capote


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #98
Is it any less annoying and complicated when you don't have the limitations of "don't use anything 3rd party"?
I mean some of the directives and html tags are actually really useful, but the implementation is so cumbersome.
The Ambious, March 05, 2018, 03:00:43 am

I'll say that I'm confused by the assignment they're giving you. They're telling you to put something together using Angular, which I get, that's a thing that a lot of people are hiring for these days, have you use Bootstrap (which is a little old fashioned and also kinda outside the ecosystem - Why not go full-bore ng and use Material), but then jQuery? Like, at the point that you're putting together an Angular app, you shouldn't have a need for jQuery.

Like, what 3rd party stuff were you prevented from using that would have been helpful?


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Thread.setTitle("Programmers Anonymous"); #99
Is it any less annoying and complicated when you don't have the limitations of "don't use anything 3rd party"?
I mean some of the directives and html tags are actually really useful, but the implementation is so cumbersome.
The Ambious, March 05, 2018, 03:00:43 am

I'll say that I'm confused by the assignment they're giving you. They're telling you to put something together using Angular, which I get, that's a thing that a lot of people are hiring for these days, have you use Bootstrap (which is a little old fashioned and also kinda outside the ecosystem - Why not go full-bore ng and use Material), but then jQuery? Like, at the point that you're putting together an Angular app, you shouldn't have a need for jQuery.

Like, what 3rd party stuff were you prevented from using that would have been helpful?
Lemon, March 05, 2018, 07:46:15 pm

You are right to be confused.
Have I mentioned I study at the 2nd worst CS establishment in the country?

Anyway,  it wasn't just not allowing to use anything 3rd party, I forgot to mention we weren't allowed to use any versions of this stuff but only specifically the versions he specified, so a lot of stuff was out of date and had bugs or missing features that didn't all fit well together. One thing I kept running into online - which we weren't allowed to use - was AngularUI for AngularJS, which seemed to solved a lot of the problems I was having. Specifically I had an issue with some navbar elements in IE, something which would've been fixable with a 3rd party addon or a newer version of either Bootstrap, AngularJS, or both - and I couldn't just say fuck it and go "this website doesn't work well on IE" because we were required to make it work in all browsers.

Also our server-side had to be Java based Servlets, except we HAD to use Java 8 (that's after he originally wanted to make us use Java 7 to which we almost rioted), and we HAD to use Eclipse Oxygen and nothing else as he would test and grade the project IN Eclipse. Eclipse sucks donkey balls, so we wrote most of the project in IntelliJ and worried about making it Eclipse compatible towards the end only, but still - fuck those stupid limitations.

My Web Programming professor seems to have come from a completely different field with zero idea what he was doing and was recycling an old course, and his excuse for not allowing any deviation was that he wanted everyone to be "on the same level" or something or rather.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 08:33:32 pm by Ambious »

Schumin Capote

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I guess it doesn't hurt to have some knowledge of jQuery, since you'll inevitably work on legacy projects, and it works very differently than modern JS frameworks like Vue, React, Angular, and Ember. That being said, I wouldn't recommend using it for a new project, since most things can be done far easier in a modern framework. As for Bootstrap, I agree that it's getting dated and Material would make a lot more sense for an Angular project. Heck, you could even use a library like ng-bootstrap, so that you can use Bootstrap natively with Angular.

How is the Angular community doing these days? It seems like Google nearly killed it with Angular 2 and while I've heard that Angular 4 is better, I haven't had much reason to check it out.

Schumin Capote

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Is it any less annoying and complicated when you don't have the limitations of "don't use anything 3rd party"?
I mean some of the directives and html tags are actually really useful, but the implementation is so cumbersome.
The Ambious, March 05, 2018, 03:00:43 am

I'll say that I'm confused by the assignment they're giving you. They're telling you to put something together using Angular, which I get, that's a thing that a lot of people are hiring for these days, have you use Bootstrap (which is a little old fashioned and also kinda outside the ecosystem - Why not go full-bore ng and use Material), but then jQuery? Like, at the point that you're putting together an Angular app, you shouldn't have a need for jQuery.

Like, what 3rd party stuff were you prevented from using that would have been helpful?
Lemon, March 05, 2018, 07:46:15 pm

You are right to be confused.
Have I mentioned I study at the 2nd worst CS establishment in the country?

Anyway,  it wasn't just not allowing to use anything 3rd party, I forgot to mention we weren't allowed to use any versions of this stuff but only specifically the versions he specified, so a lot of stuff was out of date and had bugs or missing features that didn't all fit well together. One thing I kept running into online - which we weren't allowed to use - was AngularUI for AngularJS, which seemed to solved a lot of the problems I was having. Specifically I had an issue with some navbar elements in IE, something which would've been fixable with a 3rd party addon or a newer version of either Bootstrap, AngularJS or both - and I couldn't just say fuck it and go "this website doesn't work well on IE" because we were required to make it work in all browsers.

Also our server-side had to be Java based Servlets, except we HAD to use Java 8 (that's after he originally wanted to make us use Java 7 to which we almost rioted), we HAD to use Eclipse Oxygen and nothing else (as he would test and grade the project IN Eclipse. Eclipse sucks donkey balls, so we wrote most of the project in IntelliJ and worried about making it Eclipse compatible towards the end only, but still - fuck those stupid limitations.

My Web Programming professor seems to have come from a completely different field with zero idea what he was doing and was recycling an old course, and his excuse for not allowing any deviation was that he wanted everyone to be "on the same level" or something or rather.
Ambious, March 05, 2018, 08:30:12 pm

That's a classic case of school curricula lagging behind the industry. Though I have a friend who is a Java developer for a bank and he mentioned that they just recently migrated over to Java 8, so there are segments of the industry where you're stuck using outdated libraries.


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How is the Angular community doing these days? It seems like Google nearly killed it with Angular 2 and while I've heard that Angular 4 is better, I haven't had much reason to check it out.
Schumin Capote, March 05, 2018, 08:31:48 pm

AFAIK the Angular community is still going strong. Google's still pushing it, in the way that Google pushes things (which means really heavily for like 3 months before ignoring it for another 3 and then coming back to it and wanting to change everything) and there's a lot of corporate buy-in to the ecosystem because "Google Has Invented The System" is an appealing thing for the business people to hear. I still do not like the syntax and I'm sure I never will, but I find it infinitely more agreeable than React. And I personally think Ember and Vue will always be considered niche.

we weren't allowed to use any versions of this stuff but only specifically the versions he specified
Specifically I had an issue with some navbar elements in IE
Also our server-side had to be Java based Servlets, except we HAD to use Java 8
he would test and grade the project IN Eclipse.
Ambious, March 05, 2018, 08:30:12 pm

So you're building a website with an old version of angular, and it has to work in IE, and it's Java on the server side, and it has to run in a specific IDE?

I mean, on the one hand, there's something to be said for the real-world education of "Here is less-than-optimal technology and bad requirements", but in a real-world scenario, people inherit those kind of websites, they don't build them fresh.


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we weren't allowed to use any versions of this stuff but only specifically the versions he specified
Specifically I had an issue with some navbar elements in IE
Also our server-side had to be Java based Servlets, except we HAD to use Java 8
he would test and grade the project IN Eclipse.
Ambious, March 05, 2018, 08:30:12 pm

So you're building a website with an old version of angular, and it has to work in IE, and it's Java on the server side, and it has to run in a specific IDE?

I mean, on the one hand, there's something to be said for the real-world education of "Here is less-than-optimal technology and bad requirements", but in a real-world scenario, people inherit those kind of websites, they don't build them fresh.
Lemon, March 05, 2018, 09:04:08 pm

Assuming they gave us all those limitations to give us 'real world education' is really giving them too much credit. Both my professor and TA seem like they just inherited the course from previous years and wanted to do as little work as possible.
That's a really common thing in our shitty University. A couple of years ago I had a course that hasn't been updated in so long it was partially based on fucking PASCAL.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 09:21:12 pm by Ambious »


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I've been using typescript and Angular5 for about a month now, coming off of years and years of absolutely zero web experience, and it's mostly tolerable. Every so often I will get incredibly angry that the promise of typescript is broken when it allows me to pass a string to something that is very explicitly declared as a specific class, but it's overall *okay*. I'm less annoyed by the language than by the tooling. I feel 10x more productive when I'm working on our C# code.