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September 20, 2024, 08:07:10 pm

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Topic: 335: Planet Horny  (Read 14984 times)

Puppy Time

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335: Planet Horny #15
I think worldbuilding is a perfectly acceptable dumb hobby to have, so long as you're keeping it to hobby levels and not, like, "I am the next Tolkein, only with dickgirls instead of elves."  There ARE a few settings where people are actually into consuming worldbuilding-- tabletop RPGs being the big one-- but mostly the only people who give a shit about your lore on its own are you and the sockpuppet accounts you made.

Like, sometimes you just wanna sit there and make up an entire goofy religion that doesn't have to do with anything and doesn't matter. 
jim and the mammograms adrenochrome dome Salubrious Rex Penultimatum Immoral Filth


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335: Planet Horny #16
Good evening, Commissioners, my name is Marjorie LeCroy and I’m the president of the Misty Vista Homeowners’ Association. I’m speaking in opposition to the proposal to re-zone our neighborhood from the Infinite Raping Zone to the All Laws Apply Zone. Misty Vista has a unique neighborhood character….
Hoffgod Secret Gaygent 69 Lemon KingKalamari chai tea latte Puppy Time Penultimatum Shell Game Wrought Dr. Buttplug GirlKisser420 ViviVixen A Meat SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex znarf Immoral Filth


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335: Planet Horny #17
Accidentally missed my stop and ended up at buttfuck central. At least I didn't get sent to the black zone but I hate walking home through this neighbourhood, everybody keeps asking to fuck my butt.
Puppy Time Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB Salubrious Rex Immoral Filth

Dr. Buttplug

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335: Planet Horny #18
"It is hard to sleep at night with all the yiffing in Dresden. The invaders yiff at night so that the Germans cannot see them cumming."

-witness account Yiff Wars Saga 1945*
Wrought Puppy Time Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Penultimatum KingKalamari Shell Game ViviVixen Salubrious Rex Immoral Filth
« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 07:08:30 am by Dr. Buttplug »

Ugly In The Morning

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335: Planet Horny #19
The intro music and reader lineup made me realize I really want a mini episode of Kumquatxop reading ween lyrics.
Puppy Time KingKalamari Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Immoral Filth


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335: Planet Horny #20
Say what you will but at least the futanari guy actually wrote a story instead of just writing about writing a story.
GirlKisser420 Immoral Filth


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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335: Planet Horny #21
you do not under any circumstances "gotta hand it to" the futanari guy
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Dr. Buttplug Wrought Penultimatum Secret Gaygent 69 Puppy Time ikaribattousai Hoffgod GirlKisser420 Salubrious Rex A Meat Great Joe Boots Raingear Immoral Filth Macho Masc Sangy Savage Shell Game


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335: Planet Horny #22
The intro music and reader lineup made me realize I really want a mini episode of Kumquatxop reading ween lyrics.
Ugly In The Morning, September 21, 2020, 10:40:21 am

That sounds like a Garbage Day 2020 donation incentive if I ever heard one!

EDIT: I am only half-joking, I can and will assemble a doc for this.
Puppy Time Ugly In The Morning Immoral Filth
« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 08:53:12 pm by KingKalamari »

Ugly In The Morning

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335: Planet Horny #23
The intro music and reader lineup made me realize I really want a mini episode of Kumquatxop reading ween lyrics.
Ugly In The Morning, September 21, 2020, 10:40:21 am

That sounds like a Garbage Day 2020 donation incentive if I ever heard one!

EDIT: I am only half-joking, I can and will assemble a doc for this.
KingKalamari, September 21, 2020, 04:48:34 pm

Wavin’ My Dick in the Wind, Bananas and Blow, and It’s Gonna Be A Long Night seem like musts.
Immoral Filth


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335: Planet Horny #24
In an alternate timeline my BDSM super power is to be more snake girl for every chastity belt worn.  I want to be that Ultimo Dragon picture of him holding all of those title belts, but instead be covered in chastity belts and snake girls.
Puppy Time Wrought Immoral Filth


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335: Planet Horny #25
This was what popped into my head when I heard "snake girl with hips."

Puppy Time Salubrious Rex Hoffgod Shell Game FourStopCrossShot


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335: Planet Horny #26
That's my secret cap, I'm always horny.
Salubrious Rex chai tea latte ikaribattousai


  • Your Skelefriend
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335: Planet Horny #27
I have never been more upset to be wearing headphones when listening to an episode.
ViviVixen Wrought SHAMBA~1.SBB Ugly In The Morning


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335: Planet Horny #28
It's interesting that this episode is actually less focused on sexual worldbuilding than the one before it.


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335: Planet Horny #29
For some reason I just fucking lost my shit at the rapturous appreciation of the Paralysis Fuck Ghost Wolves. They really are somebody's pet Pathfinder race!
Penultimatum Immoral Filth