Alright, two things I wanted to address here:
First of all, I'm a person who really enjoys worldbuilding as an activity, but remain heavily of the "form follows function" philosophy when it comes to that sort of stuff. Basically what that means is that you come up with a broad idea for a setting, and then flesh out the details as they become necessary for the story/comic/tabletop game you're building the world for. If you don't do that you end up like the people featured in this episode, who spend all of their time working out the logistics of nonsense bullshit no one will ever care about.
I feel like years of nerds picking apart inconsistencies in the world building in popular media works has left a lot of aspiring internet focus with this unhealthy focus on making the logistics of their stories internally consistent at the expense of, you know, actually writing a goddamned story. No one cares about the goddamned gender classification system in your Omegaverse fan fiction, they want to see Jensen the catperson fucking Jared the dogperson! Focus on the details that support that!
Second: It kind of got lost in all the stilted dialogue and sexy nonsense in the FutaIsekai story, but I really like the totally relatable train of thought the main character had going.
"Hmm, I seem to have wandered into an unfamiliar town at 9:40 at night. I shall go ask the first person I see to give me a guided tour of this town, like a normal human would!"