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Topic: Episode 112: I've Got My Spine, I've Got My Woman Crushed  (Read 21682 times)

Emperor Jack Chick

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The two tighty-whiteys guys made me smile. I like to imagine that they are now planning their wedding.

Of course, the trade-off is that they can never tell any of their friends how they really met. The magic of being alive these days, indeed.
Cuddlegoose, October 04, 2013, 11:43:48 am

I think you have a very different image in your head of their friends than I do.
Lemon count_actuala

Mighty Dicktron

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I think you have a very different image in your head of their friends than I do.
jack-chick, October 05, 2013, 04:28:54 am
Is it "having one at all"


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The jingle has been stuck in my head for hours. When should I contact a doctor?

Emperor Jack Chick

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  • Metal tyrant from hell
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The jingle has been stuck in my head for hours. When should I contact a doctor?
Juice Unlimited, October 07, 2013, 12:13:28 pm

The F+ jingle may not be right for everyone. Consult your doctor before using F+ jingle. Side effects are known to include nausea, headaches, upset stomachs, and nausea. Pregnant women should avoid F+ jingle to prevent potential birth defects.


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The best fetishes are the ones that baffle more than they disgust.

This still doesn't beat butt ghosts though.


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...also dear lord have mercy, the F+ jingle is a work of fine art. Please include it in all future episodes.
Ansemaru, October 04, 2013, 04:39:27 am

Counterpoint: the F+ jingle is a goddamn corkscrew in the ear, it could no shit turn people away from listening, please do not use it ever again.
Isfahan, October 04, 2013, 10:44:27 am

I'm with you, having had the brilliant idea of "put the new episode on right before I go to bed to help me unwind" last night. I swear I lost two hours of sleep from that fucking thing.
TheCrawlingChaos, October 04, 2013, 10:57:06 am

I have to agree.  I generally fall asleep listening to F+, and there's nothing more jarring than that, er, cacophony, scaring the half-asleep shit out of you at 3am.   Hmm.  I mean, unless it's unknowingly starting the episode about bug sex when your glasses are off and you meant to press the one after it, and Jesus fuck, I've never screamed louder.


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I have to agree.  I generally fall asleep listening to F+, and there's nothing more jarring than that, er, cacophony, scaring the half-asleep shit out of you at 3am.   Hmm.  I mean, unless it's unknowingly starting the episode about bug sex when your glasses are off and you meant to press the one after it, and Jesus fuck, I've never screamed louder.
Tetriphile, October 08, 2013, 12:19:30 am
You'd think I'd get startled awake by Lemon's GAMERS HIP CLIP voice, but no. It's so soothing.