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February 13, 2025, 12:31:45 pm

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Topic: You die in your sleep - how long til the body is found?  (Read 19636 times)


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A day, since I live with family.

My main concerns if I was living alone would be not wanting to make a gross mess for someone to clean up, my bed being able to be passed down as a heirloom, and my organs/tissue being in donateable condition.

Vinny Possum

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My landlord constantly has incense lit so it really depends on how close my death is to when rent is due. What ever that time is + 1 week.


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I guess this old thread is popular again.

Uh I’d be found within a day. Unless I died sleeping under my work desk, then people would find me instantly.


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You know I would say about 12 hours since I live with my parents and my mom is super paranoid about people dying in their sleep, but I've woken up on several occasions to my door being locked still from the previous night. That doesn't even seem to raise any concern. So I guess in all actuality it could take up to a little over a day.
Sovereign, March 11, 2015, 08:01:59 am

I noticed this thread became popular again and totally forget I ever commented anything and the last two sentences still depress me.

Dr. Buttplug

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If I died on a Saturday it'd be six days or so. I have a group of close friends but we typically only hang on Fridays, if I didn't I know for a fact that they'd come check on me.


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Immediately because I have overbearing Indian parents.

I Liked That Joke

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I have a habit of leaving without telling anyone, and my roommates wouldn't go in my room, so I'd guess about a week before someone tried to call me and I still didn't answer.


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5 or 6 days?  I'm friends with my neighbor downstairs and my landlord lives on the first floor, so however long it takes for them to smell me.