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Topic: This Thread is Sketchy as Fuck - Post Your Sketches  (Read 127808 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

  • Beep Beep Imma Dwarf Jeep
  • Paid
  • 🍕 Pizza Philosopher 🍕
  • 3,984
  • 423
Goal of the thread is simple:


Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, or what the hell it was for.

Thing you drew on your pizza box?   POST IT

Thing you made during a drink and draw?   POST IT

Something you drew in a coffee shop like the horrible hipster you are?   POST IT

Dumb FPlus jokes you drew while slightly drunk?   POST IT

Thread open to all levels of skill.
Lemon Nifty Nif Liatai Gyro Positronic Bodark Really_Quite_Nice One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes adrenochrome dome


  • Made of tea, science, art, and dragons.
  • Paid
  • Warning: uses far too many smileys.
  • 622
  • 31
I heartily approve of this thread and envy your ability to draw machinery, Sanguinary Novel. X3

... meanwhile, me, I bury Undertale fish ladies' arms in cloaks when I don't want to draw them. :P

Nifty Nif Gyro Positronic Bodark A Whirring Bone-White Gleech


  • Joan Ocean's #1 Fansquatch
  • Paid
  • I'm real and I tried to suck your dick.
  • 853
  • 55
Some stupid bullshit I've cranked out in the last couple of days. I have no idea how light works.

Liatai Nifty Nif

lazzer grardaion?

  • Paid
  • 703
  • 27

The most adorable Elder God.
Liatai Bodark eldritchhat Macho Masc Sangy Savage Nifty Nif Gyro


  • Lady of Calamaris
  • Paid
  • Card Carrying Boobgeoisie
  • 497
  • -22

I've been watching a lot of MST3K lately.
Bodark Liatai Nifty Nif xX_sp00ks_Xx

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

  • Beep Beep Imma Dwarf Jeep
  • Paid
  • 🍕 Pizza Philosopher 🍕
  • 3,984
  • 423
Still not sure what I want to print, so went back to scrolling through the Strange Animals twitter feed and trying to make costumed people hybrid things. Working on foreshortening, and eventually forcing myself into more dynamic poses. Definitely had to reference a dancer image for that second to last one.

I'm an idiot, the punk rock turtle is actually a Mary River turtle. I was really hoping the turtle was called 'punk rock turtle'

Nifty Nif Liatai Gyro

Amelia Blank

  • Giant Woman
  • Paid
  • Secretly seven cats in a human-shaped bag
  • 166
  • 19
Here a few recent drawing I've done using my first digital art tablet. <3

Nifty Nif Liatai Macho Masc Sangy Savage Bodark Gyro eldritchhat


  • touched fuzzy, got dizzy
  • Paid
  • 830
  • 55
My scanner is dead, would anybody mind photographs (in shitty lighting conditions) of sketchbook stuff here?

Also thank you very much for making this thread - I had the idea of making a "let's learn to draw" thread, but I'm not quite qualified to do that considering I still suck shit at art.

Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, or what the hell it was for.

Thing you drew on your pizza box?   POST IT

Thread open to all levels of skill.
Sanguinary Novel, June 09, 2016, 04:18:24 pm

I'll post some of my scribbles later. Thanks for being cool art people on the internet.
Amelia Blank Macho Masc Sangy Savage Nifty Nif
« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 09:35:49 am by Gyro »


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,817
  • 142
Yes hello I do the thing, with the hands, where you make the pictures. I'll post whatever whenever, but until then here's a couple of oldies for content.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage Amelia Blank

Amelia Blank

  • Giant Woman
  • Paid
  • Secretly seven cats in a human-shaped bag
  • 166
  • 19



  • Lady of Calamaris
  • Paid
  • Card Carrying Boobgeoisie
  • 497
  • -22
To contrast Ms.Blank, I am trying to learn how to draw with my tablet (a shitty, portable one at that), and so I made this masterpiece:
Liatai Amelia Blank xX_sp00ks_Xx

Amelia Blank

  • Giant Woman
  • Paid
  • Secretly seven cats in a human-shaped bag
  • 166
  • 19
eldritchhat Liatai


  • Failson Prime
  • Paid
  • Turned on is the wrong word
  • 590
  • 44
Here's my left hand. First thing I've drawn in close to ten years.

Bodark Liatai Amelia Blank Macho Masc Sangy Savage Gyro

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

  • Beep Beep Imma Dwarf Jeep
  • Paid
  • 🍕 Pizza Philosopher 🍕
  • 3,984
  • 423

Some nightmare weirdo thing I did with owl-like spirits? Also, some just out of control attempt at shading with ink textures.

A punk chick in a stiff, awkward pause.

Some prelim ideas for a print series. The ghosts need a lot of work, because the one pictured is very much Japanese-style spirits, but ran through an American filter and brain damage. Need to do some more research and practice!
Liatai Bodark Fanzay


  • Made of tea, science, art, and dragons.
  • Paid
  • Warning: uses far too many smileys.
  • 622
  • 31

Dragons! Dragons? Dragons.