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Topic: the australia zone  (Read 140805 times)


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the australia zone #30
well canberra has plans to be using 100% clean energy by 2020 so yay progress

also, it's pretty cool now. i was able to walk outside the house today without melting which is a step up.


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the australia zone #31
nevermind everything's on fire again

i contend that summer is objectively the worst season


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the australia zone #32
nevermind everything's on fire again

i contend that summer is objectively the worst season
krytton, February 16, 2017, 12:13:26 am

Winter was the only season I could cope with due to it not being 90%+ humidity everyday.


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the australia zone #33
I'm embarrassed by how long it took me to realise that Men at Work has actual good songs (and sick fashion choices).


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the australia zone #34
Not enough people around me are excited about this.


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the australia zone #35
Curtain is a weirdly good choice, that actually looks kind of cool.
Other potential leaders? Gough could get a bonus to policy change and speed up public works? Howard could get bonuses from natural resources but using a living PM is probably poor taste.


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the australia zone #36
Given the fact they only ever include people who have died, Curtin was the best available choice. Whitlam's good too and could potentially lead to a fun playstyle, but he's kinda too divisive for a recent leader. Civ's no stranger to having controversial leaders (Enrico Dandolo for Venice and Oda Nobunaga for Japan in V) or recent figures (hell, they patched in Steve Jobs as a Great Merchant in V), but if you're doing both at once you'd want it to be a pretty agreed-upon positive one. Especially if it's for a country that's never even been in the series before. You want to show them that you understand and like them!

Curtin's a nice pick because of that, but also because he embodies an era and style of Australia that resonates with people and could have fun gameplay. They can tap into the Diggers which are a relatively iconic thing in terms of Australia's impact on war, and he's of a time where you can get the playstyle to reflect another thing people think of when they hear 'Australia', which is its comparatively unusual sparseness; a few big, fancy cities, and a United States-sized amount of sparsely-populated, unappealing land. The only living PM (or any PM) I could see being a better choice than Curtin would be if you went for Hawke, and made him a playstyle that instead highlights Australia's love of recreation.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 05:30:49 am by Cleretic »


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the australia zone #37
Given the fact they only ever include people who have died, Curtin was the best available choice. Whitlam's good too and could potentially lead to a fun playstyle, but he's kinda too divisive for a recent leader. Civ's no stranger to having controversial leaders (Enrico Dandolo for Venice and Oda Nobunaga for Japan in V) or recent figures (hell, they patched in Steve Jobs as a Great Merchant in V), but if you're doing both at once you'd want it to be a pretty agreed-upon positive one. Especially if it's for a country that's never even been in the series before. You want to show them that you understand and like them!

Curtin's a nice pick because of that, but also because he embodies an era and style of Australia that resonates with people and could have fun gameplay. They can tap into the Diggers which are a relatively iconic thing in terms of Australia's impact on war, and he's of a time where you can get the playstyle to reflect another thing people think of when they hear 'Australia', which is its comparatively unusual sparseness; a few big, fancy cities, and a United States-sized amount of sparsely-populated, unappealing land. The only living PM (or any PM) I could see being a better choice than Curtin would be if you went for Hawke, and made him a playstyle that instead highlights Australia's love of recreation.
Cleretic, February 23, 2017, 03:38:30 am

Wait till Howard dies and then make it so Australia has no guns. Or Abbott and his trait could be getting a bonus whenever he sticks to really poor decisions he has made, like say attacking a stronger force or eating a raw onion o n live TV.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 01:10:26 am by Blandest »


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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the australia zone #38
If you got a bonus every time you did something really fucking dumb I'd be unstoppable.
krytton Eider Duck Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Corn Syrup


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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the australia zone #39
Just remembered Harold the fucking Giraffe. What was with that.


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the australia zone #40
i too remember when giraffe boy rolled up to my school in a tricked out van and showed me his insides


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the australia zone #41


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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the australia zone #42
turnbull gets bullied by incredibly stupid right wingers constantly, it's the only thing I like about the libs


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the australia zone #43
I had a conversation with a friend of mine who is fairly active in the LNP (for context my politics are of the 'caring about refugee rights and gay marriage not so much about unions' left wing variety, basically I voted for the Sex party last election). His position was that Turnbull is hamstrung because he took power on the basis that he would be consultative and not make so many 'captain's calls' so he isn't in a position to go strongly against his party. My feeling is that what people didn't like about Abbot wasn't the captain's calls themselves but the fact that they were all moronic and on that basis Turnbull should pursue the positions that made him popular in the first place (e.g. sensible opinions on gay marriage and climate change) and he'd probably be surprised at the support he'd receive from young people who feel labour doesn't speak for them and are fed up with the Greens not achieving much.

That said looking at all the support One Nation et al. have and I wonder if I just think that because I'm just in a massive echo chamber (I almost certainly am).

I've never voted for Libs but Labour is terrible and the Greens aren't very inspiring these days, if Turnbull stopped being such a dickhead about gay marriage and just made it happen and made some sensible moves towards transitioning to more reliance on renewables I'd strongly think about voting for them, if only to provide some positive reinforcement. And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle, I guess.


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the australia zone #44
I'm gonna generally... disagree with the Greens comments, speaking as a member of the Victorian Green since last year. But I think you're touching on something I've voiced elsewhere, is that Australia's really lacked any strong, charismatic political leaders since Rudd. Everyone since him has either been playing it safe (Turnbull), is an obvious idiot (Abbott), or just isn't all that interesting (Shorten, debatably Di Natale), which leads to a lot of dissatisfaction with the leaders themselves because they neither catch people's attention, nor achieve much of note. I'd argue that's part of why Hanson got her foot back in the door; she might be a terrible person and kind of an idiot (albeit not to Abbott's level), but at least she's a fairly strong public speaker and you know she believes what she's saying. That's a lot more than you can say for either of the big party leaders right now.

I'd love to see Labor win government in the next election, but if Shorten's still leader at the time it will be less because of them winning and more because the Liberals lost far harder. I've been rooting for Albanese or Plibersek to take over from him, they're way better at it, but it doesn't look like it'll happen.