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Topic: Brag about your pets  (Read 208652 times)


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Brag about your pets
Cause I will.

This is Nuka. She likes eating, snow, mud and getting wet. As you can imagine, she smells most of the time.

This is Cara. She's very old, so she mostly likes sleeping and getting belly scratched. She also loves to rub her head on your lap and get hair all over you.

This is Luru. He likes windows, laps, sleeping in weird places, the PS3, that wardrobe where all the good clothes are and being inside bags.

This is Mökö. He likes food, catnip toys and running around with his furry little cat-toy in the middle of the night when nobody can see him do it.

Does not like: Taking his medicine, taking baths.

Gimme pics of your cute pets.

Liatai deadjoe

Zsa Zsa

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Brag about your pets #1
A neighbour's cat keeps trying to come into my house, and has started launching vicious cat manoeuvres at me when I try to block his access or put him out. Today he drew blood! I get that it's cold outside but he's being a real bastard. I am no good at furious cat manipulation, can you help me?

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Brag about your pets #2
Right now I can't have pets, because I don't have nearly enough money and I don't think I can persuade the landlord to let me have a small animal without paying the full pet fee.

But several years ago I had the best pets ever.

Obi-Wan, left, and Anakin, right (so named because he's the one with the dark streak). They were soft and adorable and really smart. They loved climbing on shoulders and into sleeves.

When they died they were buried with full Jedi honors (read: in a shoebox, with a lego lightsaber in the "coffin"). I still miss them.


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Brag about your pets #3
This is Osaka. She is my roommate's cat. She will often roll on her belly and look adorably fat and fluffy, but it's a trap.  She only does it so she can smack your hand and hiss.

This is Zoe. Shown here ending her fur to our blankets, she's a loving, snuggly cat, if you are a) my father or b) have her cat brush in hand. If neither are true, then leave the room immediately.

Bastian is my partner's kitty. He's a rescue and as such is a little neurotic, but he's also a person-climber, and a drooler, so I don't mind much. He also likes to bring me socks in the middle of the night, since we no longer live in a place where he can bring me dead lizards in the middle of the night.



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Brag about your pets #4
I have a westie named Crystal.

She's getting kind of old, and is less comfortable jumping up onto ours beds.  She still likes bunny-hopping through deep snow, and then running around really fast after she gets out of the cold.  She also gets really excited whenever she goes to get her fur trimmed.



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Brag about your pets #5
A neighbour's cat keeps trying to come into my house, and has started launching vicious cat manoeuvres at me when I try to block his access or put him out. Today he drew blood! I get that it's cold outside but he's being a real bastard. I am no good at furious cat manipulation, can you help me?
Zsa Zsa, January 20, 2014, 07:06:30 am

Let him. I had an almost full month battle with Luru when I first moved in with my current roomie. He wanted to come and see what was in my bedroom, I wanted to keep him out. We tried everything from pheromones to loud noises, gates and cat-repelling air-pumps. Nothing worked. It's quite possible that he's just too stupid to understand the concept of cause and effect, because even though he'd get yelled at or sprayed with nasty stuff he'd just look at us all puzzled like and then immediately try again. I gave up. After all, this is a cat who'd quite happily drown himself in the toilet if we didn't keep the lid shut at all times.

That being said, if your neighbor's cat has any brains at all, you might try squirting him with a bit of water or air, cats really don't like that. They also don't like it when you put stuff right in from of their faces, so you might try that with a broom or something. Mind you, I'm not telling you to hit the cat with the broom, just place it right in front of his face when he tries to get in. You might also try setting up a cat-trap, aka any cardboard box that's big enough for the cat. Just place it upside-down on the floor and prop it up just a bit with one of the folding bits. The cat will go see what's under the box and more often than not will get trapped. You might not even have to use anything as bait. I know this sounds like advice straight from a Looney Tunes cartoon, but it's worked more times than I can count with Mökö and Luru.


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Brag about your pets #6

This is Werner Karl Heisenflüff. He knows exactly where he wants to be skritched. If you wiggle your fingers in front of him, he grabs your hand and puts it where he wants it. Lately he's taken to having a weird autoerotic asphyxiation thing, though, where he'll rub his throat against something until he has a coughing fit, and he insists on me rubbing his throat and it feels for all the world like I'm doing something very, very dirty with him.

When I adopted Werner I lived in a condo with a balcony with a great view of a yard where a bunch of neighborhood cats always hung out, and I had a bird feeder, and that kept him entertained enough during the day. But when I moved back to Seattle I lost out on all that, and he started to very quickly go crazy. So I went to a shelter and looked for a young-ish cat who would play with him.  One cat in particular kept on trying to play with the other cats there, even though they'd have nothing of it, and she'd just shrug it off and keep on playing.  So I knew that was the cat for Werner.

I brought her home and tried doing the scent-based quarantine thing so they'd get used to each other, and that cat broke out of quarantine.  Werner was screaming his head off at me and at the new cat – how DARE I bring someone else into the house, despite him being desperate for companionship?! – and this new cat just walked right up to him, rubbed noses with him, and kept on walking, and Werner just got very confused. Within days they were snuggling and playing nicely with each other.

So, this is Fiona (named after the Adventure Time character). She loves the laser pointer. She understands that the dot comes from a little thing. She has trained me to play with her by threatening to knock fragile stuff off of shelves until I oblige her.  I know that's what she's doing because if I hear her knocking stuff off of the shelf and I come downstairs to stop her she jumps down and starts looking at the floor, trying to find the dot. One time I was sitting at the computer, she jumped in my lap, knocked a laser pointer off my desk into my lap, then jumped down on the floor and started looking around for the dot. She loves that fucking laser dot.



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Brag about your pets #7
I don't currently live with any pets, thanks to my family situation, but I do not care, since there are at least two animals that currently qualify enough as "my pet" to be featured in this thread.

This majestic creature is my dog, Tiggy. She's a cardigan welsh corgi (aka the kind that aren't the popular and beloved public face of the corgi, but the awkward cousins who have much bigger ears and actual tails). She's living with a family a few towns over after my mother and sister moved away and decided to give her up (which I wasn't informed of until after the fact), but she's still forever my dog in my heart. I mean, I lived with her for five years or so, and she's still alive. Her main talent is licking things (furniture, floors, feet, food) and trying to chew up anything that is left within her reach. Her greatest weakness is that her reach is incredibly tiny thanks to her being a corgi.

This is Miles- he's a cat my high school best friend found in a wood pile behind his old house in Delaware on the fourth of July, was formerly named Independence, and who was taken in by my sister as soon as I left for college. He's a skittish tuxedo who likes sticking his head in shoes and who has an incredibly high-pitched voice.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Brag about your pets #8
Miles is a dollop of cuteness and Tiggy's ears are majestic.


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Brag about your pets #9
I just heard the news that Cara is going to have to be put to sleep. If anyone still has cute animal pics now would be a good time to post them.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 06:50:40 am by montrith »

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Brag about your pets #10
I'm sorry to hear that, Montrith. Here are some cute things:

« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 11:03:26 pm by kal-elk »


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Brag about your pets #11
Montrith, sorry to hear that.

This cat, Axel, died a few years ago (after a reasonably long life), but:

When he was still a kitten, my mom bought that fruit bowl to put fruit into. Axel immediately jumped into it and fell asleep, and claimed it as his own.  He slept in it all the time, and it was his favorite thing ever.  Whenever he was sick and needed to be taken to the vet he never had to be put into a carrier - my mom would just carry him in the fruit bowl. He loved that bowl.

I added the fruit for the picture.


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Brag about your pets #12
Sorry, Montrith.  Losing a pet sucks.  I had to resize this pictures because holy moley they were large.



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Brag about your pets #13
I'm so sorry, Montrith. Cara looks like a well-loved sweetheart.

This is Whimsy, who I adopted from the local shelter as a puppy when everyone thought she was deaf. She turned out to be a huge faker. She's probably a husky/lab muttmix of some sort, which makes her two favourite activities cuddling you and running around at high speeds. These are not very compatible modes. She had a tendon rupture early in the summer last year and needed surgery. This was the first of many, many casts she had. Surgery was done at the college of vet med, which I assume means some bored student went and applied the flowers instead of studying or picking up horse poop.


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Brag about your pets #14
Thanks for everyone who posted pics and expressed their sympathy. Have a lovely kitten in exchange (kitten not mine, sadly).
