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Topic: Avatars!  (Read 52308 times)


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Avatars! #30
If we're doing it like that, then sure, count me in for an icon on your next car too!

(Also it looks like I -did- see the post, I just didn't realise you were actually saying that we could offer up our icons or names to be placed on your car. I thought you were just saying it as a matter-of-fact "Oh yeah you could put your icon or username on your car if you want" thing. As you can probably tell, I'm terrible at picking up on cues sometimes.)

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Avatars! #31
If we're doing it like that, then sure, count me in for an icon on your next car too!

(Also it looks like I -did- see the post, I just didn't realise you were actually saying that we could offer up our icons or names to be placed on your car. I thought you were just saying it as a matter-of-fact "Oh yeah you could put your icon or username on your car if you want" thing. As you can probably tell, I'm terrible at picking up on cues sometimes.)
Chaz, April 29, 2013, 12:51:51 am

Is this how it's gonna be?  Fucking weird space-rabbit-moth, I will cut you for the privilege of having my icon adorn the hood of the Canada's race-winning machine.

ETA: I will get the Star Trek fight music and the fucking Lirpas, see if I won't.


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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Avatars! #32
I know what Utani's avatar is!  Every fan of terrible pretentious Sean Connery movies should.


  • is tuning the tiny timpanis
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Avatars! #33
I will get the Star Trek fight music and the fucking Lirpas, see if I won't.Utnaphistim, April 29, 2013, 12:55:02 am

You win this round, Utna.


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Avatars! #34
I know what Utani's avatar is!  Every fan of terrible pretentious Sean Connery movies should.
Runic, April 29, 2013, 01:16:54 am

So what are your thoughts on guns and penises, respectively?


  • Emissary of Commandante Aligheri
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Avatars! #35


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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Avatars! #36
I know what Utani's avatar is!  Every fan of terrible pretentious Sean Connery movies should.
Runic, April 29, 2013, 01:16:54 am

So what are your thoughts on guns and penises, respectively?
Ansemaru, April 29, 2013, 01:19:05 am
I'm fond of one of them.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Avatars! #37
I will get the Star Trek fight music and the fucking Lirpas, see if I won't.Utnaphistim, April 29, 2013, 12:55:02 am

[an art]

You win this round, Utna.
Chaz, April 29, 2013, 01:18:09 am

No, I don't think I did.  Well played, Chaz, well played.

I know what Utani's avatar is!  Every fan of terrible pretentious Sean Connery movies should.
Runic, April 29, 2013, 01:16:54 am

So what are your thoughts on guns and penises, respectively?
Ansemaru, April 29, 2013, 01:19:05 am

Well, the gun is good, we all agree on that, but -- and here's where I start to diverge from my respected colleagues -- the penis is evil.  I know it's a provocative thesis, but I think I can defend it.

You see, the penis shoots seeds.  Innocent enough, but you must remember that those seeds go forth -- they go froth and create new life.  And that new life poisons the Earth.  It poisons the Earth with the filth of Brutals.

This is where the Gun comes in.  The gun shoots death, and that cleanses the Earth of the filth of Brutals.

In light of which, GO FORTH AND KILL.


  • Spongy Wood Witch
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Avatars! #38
It's a ningen. A pale, somewhat human-like aquatic creature which is often spotted in cold places. It seemed appropriate.

Now, if you'd ask me about my SKYPE avatar...
montrith, April 28, 2013, 11:36:33 am
I literally juuust (like two minutes ago) looked up ningens and saw that picture and went "hey, Montrith". Then I see this thread. 2SPOOKY

Mine is just an illustration of the character of Dacey Mormont. Lame.


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Avatars! #39

I'm flattered, guys, and there's room enough for everyone on my current wheels.  No need to fight, the Équipe Jagwire Team employ only equal-opportunity ridiculous drivers.

The problem I've got is of the lot of you, I don't know you that well and your current icons are more than a bit busy.  If you can bash out your own art, you have a choice of 75x25 pixels (that's wide, not tall) or 50x50 pixel squares.  Transparencies are okay.  Ideally, keep the colours relatively simple and bold (but as with most rules, they can be broken).

If you can't, I CAN.  Though either way, a simple "corporate" profile would be okay.  Sellin' a product?  Got a corporate slogan?  My first "official" car had actual sponsorship from mayonnaise and popsicles (though I never ate any of either) so there's nothing too ridiculous.

And maybe to avoid derailing this thread, feel free to send info by PM.


  • Paid
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Avatars! #40
It's me
I am a fat chinchilla


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  • these colors keep me awake at night
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Avatars! #41
Mine's just a bird I thought was cool. No idea where it comes from.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

  • Can I offer you a Lorna Doone?
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Avatars! #42
Mine's Duck, the main character from Princess Tutu. Great anime, embarrassing title. She's flaily and awkward and well-meaning and she makes adorable faces.

Also I don't really have a squidlike personal mascot, and since we've got Squiddy and KingKalamari I didn't want to step on anyone's tentacles.


  • Completely Wrapped in Cling-Film
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Avatars! #43
Mine is an image someone made up from "Commissioner Gordon's Backup Plan." One of the character described his outfit as being something like ts never surrender by skillet, and since nobody could quite comprehend what he was going for with that, it was decided that it was the phrase "Never Surrender" next to a picture of a skillet. Someone made it in photoshop or the like, and now I want it as a t-shirt.


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Avatars! #44

I'm flattered, guys, and there's room enough for everyone on my current wheels.  No need to fight, the Équipe Jagwire Team employ only equal-opportunity ridiculous drivers.

The problem I've got is of the lot of you, I don't know you that well and your current icons are more than a bit busy.  If you can bash out your own art, you have a choice of 75x25 pixels (that's wide, not tall) or 50x50 pixel squares.  Transparencies are okay.  Ideally, keep the colours relatively simple and bold (but as with most rules, they can be broken).

If you can't, I CAN.  Though either way, a simple "corporate" profile would be okay.  Sellin' a product?  Got a corporate slogan?  My first "official" car had actual sponsorship from mayonnaise and popsicles (though I never ate any of either) so there's nothing too ridiculous.

And maybe to avoid derailing this thread, feel free to send info by PM.
Acierocolotl, April 29, 2013, 08:33:34 am

If I slap together a MSPaint circle that just says "Montrith's Bitch" will you use that?