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Topic: Least likeable subjects  (Read 31867 times)


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Least likeable subjects #30
My copy of She Thinks My Sex Are Spexy is glitched and I'm reluctant to fix it because I keep hearing vague, unsettling things about the last (?) subject and I have complex, specific eye problems.Delcat, July 07, 2013, 02:37:42 am

I'm gonna make fixing your copy as easy as I can.


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Least likeable subjects #31
You're a peach, Isfahan.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Least likeable subjects #32
As an Official Gay Person I'm authorized to tell you all that bugchasing is 95% made up and 5% elaborate roleplay.
kal-elk, July 03, 2013, 01:27:54 am

I dunno, the rape story that guy talks about is creepily specific...
objectivelyhorribleperson, July 06, 2013, 08:29:32 pm
Yeah, like Cuddles says, lots of weird fetish stuff is. Think back to the -17.5 / -14 with three diopters glasses over contact lenses stuff from She Thinks My Sex Are Spexy.
kal-elk, July 07, 2013, 12:32:53 am

Apropos of nothing, finding content for the spex episode was amazingly fun. It was myself and Portaxx on skype linking things back and forth and giggling constantly, trying to out-weird the other one.

chai tea latte

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Least likeable subjects #33
As an Official Gay Person I'm authorized to tell you all that bugchasing is 95% made up and 5% elaborate roleplay.
kal-elk, July 03, 2013, 01:27:54 am

I dunno, the rape story that guy talks about is creepily specific...
objectivelyhorribleperson, July 06, 2013, 08:29:32 pm
Yeah, like Cuddles says, lots of weird fetish stuff is. Think back to the -17.5 / -14 with three diopters glasses over contact lenses stuff from She Thinks My Sex Are Spexy.
kal-elk, July 07, 2013, 12:32:53 am

Apropos of nothing, finding content for the spex episode was amazingly fun. It was myself and Portaxx on skype linking things back and forth and giggling constantly, trying to out-weird the other one.
jack-chick, July 07, 2013, 09:48:42 pm

This sounds super delightful, thank you for that mental image!


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Least likeable subjects #34
Not nearly as terrible as most of the groups already mentioned, but a special shout out to the Premium Bottled Water guys. Would that they all had one dick so I could repeatedly punch them in it.

chai tea latte

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Least likeable subjects #35
Not nearly as terrible as most of the groups already mentioned, but a special shout out to the Premium Bottled Water guys. Would that they all had one dick so I could repeatedly punch them in it.
Dacey Mormont, July 15, 2013, 09:26:06 pm

I couldn't, and still can't, get through that episode. Somehow they bother me more than the fetishists and misogynists on a inner level--I think one of the Ridiculists during the episode yells "WE'RE IN A RECESSION, FUCK YOU"--I just can't mentally deal with people for whom a $30 bottle of goddamn water is a reasonable thing that can exist.


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Least likeable subjects #36
As Lemon put it in that episode: "This is why I'm glad the recession's hit, because shit like this... all those fuckers in Dubai are doing really poor right now and that's good for... civilization."


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Least likeable subjects #37
Mostly I just hate all the bigots - misogynists, racists, homophobes, etc. The stupid internet people (nerds, fanfiction writers, loki brides, etc) just make me laugh. I can't really hate them because they're just people doing something that they like that may be extremely stupid, but they at least (mostly) keep it to themselves. I can't make myself listen to most of the sexual episodes because they creep me out too much, but I just feel sorry for the subjects of the ones I have listened to.


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Least likeable subjects #38
I can't make myself listen to most of the sexual episodes because they creep me out too much, but I just feel sorry for the subjects of the ones I have listened to.
hautecouture, August 06, 2013, 05:18:10 pm

I misread this as "the ones I have to listen to" and was briefly alarmed that someone was forcing you to listen to fetish eps of the F+ for reasons unknown.