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September 20, 2024, 08:23:22 pm

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Topic: 309: !sleep  (Read 32713 times)


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309: !sleep #45
The best scps are just the weird benign ones, like the vending machine that gives you weird shit depending on what you put into it that has like an entire page of results. The worst ones are the ones where people try and expand on the "lore" by bringing up stuff like the Church of the Broken God or other recurring elements. The best part of scps is that you just get a short ~500 word concept piece that you get to think about on your own terms, when people try and put them into their own stories it just turns out bad.
Wrought, September 26, 2019, 11:20:45 am

Ugh, I had almost forgotten about that Church of the Broken God garbage. Nothing kills the horror faster than when the creators start trying to create some kind of DEEP and EXPANSIVE MYTHOLOGY. Even shit like Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos work so much better when it was just the same couple of names and gods that got referenced in unrelated stories as opposed to when people tried to make an actual mythology or whatever.
Wrought Oats Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Hux Deep 13

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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309: !sleep #46
"This strange God is unfathomable and unknowable! Heres some info about its stats"
KingKalamari chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Wrought Turtle Dawnswalker Shell Game SHAMBA~1.SBB Wyst Mix Vinny Possum RoeCocoa Frank West Penultimatum Deep 13


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309: !sleep #47
the tickle monster scp is the best one and none of the others come close. http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-999
i do miss when scp was finding weird images on the internet and writing a brief explanation for them accompanied by (maybe) a simple story.
even though it's stupid, i also like the plague doctor mask scp guy, i think it's scp-049. it's probably just because i like plague doctors though. it also reminds me of r/medievaldoctor, which is a fantastic subreddit.

Dr. Buttplug

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309: !sleep #48
Hey these were fun, looks like the animator is still making them.


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309: !sleep #49
Yeah those are cute but again it's largely because they don't take the subject material too seriously


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309: !sleep #51
Good, actually! There are a lot of problems with the creepy pasta community at large and there have been for a long time, and now that everything is more homogeneous and less distinct than ever, the biggest issue is people who essentially take these stories, read them, and then post videos to profit off of them without giving proper credit.
I don't know how effective it'll be, but if the authors can gain more power in the community that honestly has an increasingly parasitic relationship with them, it can only mean good things. The only people with any real power are the people profiting off of this shit on YouTube, and they rarely if ever (not at all in my experience tbqh) even ask if they can use a story before they put it in their videos and absolutely never offer any of the profits to the authors.
People like to jab at bogleech because hes very litigious about not letting anyone narrate his stories on YouTube but honestly I can't fucking blame him. The big narrators on YouTube will fuck literally anyone over to make money.
Seth "Slimy" Rollins GirlKisser420 eldritchhat Mix

Great Joe

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309: !sleep #52
This is a level beyond "OC don't steal"


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309: !sleep #53
The creepypasta episode is still my favorite, since everything from the doc to the cold open to the music choice felt perfect and tailor-made for me, but this is most definitely a fantastic follow-up. I especially like that the end reflected upon how no-sleep relates to the rest of creepypasta as a genre. I've written my own horror stories since middle school (luckily, I did not post the ones I wrote in middle school), and I tried writing for No-Sleep for a good bit in high school (this is probably the least embarrassing out of the stuff I dumped there). Honestly, my development really did follow the arc that Boots and the readers laid out, at that stage I had improved enough to have some vague ideas of what I should do, but I was too invested in emulating more popular work to actually understand what made those stories work. I think I have grown out of a lot of those bad habits, but I'm just a college student, so there are plenty more that I need to get over with practice.

In regards to how I feel about creepypasta as a whole, I think I'm in line with a few people here in saying that it's a complicated relationship. I agree that Pale Luna is a legitimately good short story that is somewhat weighed down with its association to the haunted game phenomenon, but I also think some of the good nuggets in that dense mountain of trash have contributed to refined work (PETSCOP, in particular, stands out). My stance on the protest of No-Sleep's community is generally positive because, even if it is a bit absurd when considering the quality exhibited in this episode, there are still constructive elements of the space that should be preserved. I think that one of the understated through-lines of the F-Plus podcast is that there is value in archiving the internet as it exists, even if most of it is terrible and benign, because there is still meaning to be found in the mess of it all. If that were not the case, then I'm not really sure why the podcast has gone on as long as it has, or why this forum exists at all.

To be clear, though, I fully acknowledge that the creepypasta "fandom" (or whatever) is both bizarre and often toxic. I wasn't around for /X/, back then I was just watching Pikmin walkthroughs on the family computer, but I understand enough to know that it was... 4chan. I read from the wiki, no-sleep, SCP, and those weird side blogs like the one mined for the old creepypasta episode. I never fully left from that sort of world, I mostly just shifted spheres. Nowadays, I submit to Bogleech's annual contest and keep my own site for the stories I feel worth sharing. Coming from my own perspective, I understand why the writers on nosleep want some level of ownership for their own work, even if it's often shoddy.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop GirlKisser420 KingKalamari Wrought Dawnswalker


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309: !sleep #54
Frank West Seth "Slimy" Rollins Wrought Penultimatum NutshellGulag Dr. Buttplug