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Topic: I read stupid comments on Family Circus comics  (Read 6381 times)

positive stress

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I read stupid comments on Family Circus comics
the first one

the second one

I don't know shit about making videos but I think they're pretty good. maybe you will too
Shell Game Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Wrought chai tea latte A Meat Mr. Hunky Academia Diploskull Penultimatum GirlKisser420 beelzeboob woad SHAMBA~1.SBB Secret Gaygent 69 Dr. Buttplug sambair Salubrious Rex auaurorau

Shell Game

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bumping because anyone who hasn't seen these yet really needs to... god they're still so good. stress really does a great job highlighting these commenters
Secret Gaygent 69 Great Joe sambair

Secret Gaygent 69

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Thanks for making these positive stress! They were some really funny videos. I gave a quick look at today's family circus comments, and they are as bad as ever, and now Jasper has the super racist cleveland indians mascot as an avatar. I feel like there are just a lot of deeply broken boomers who post in these comments.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 11:47:53 am by Secret Gaygent 69 »


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I missed this thread when it first showed up, this sounds amazing.

positive stress

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exciting news: I did a stream last night on my Twitch where I went down some internet rabbit holes, including a whole lot of these fucking comments! these people really love talking about murdering the Family Circus kids!

(also featured: some batshit Quora posts about Harry Potter)
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug

Dr. Buttplug

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exciting news: I did a stream last night on my Twitch where I went down some internet rabbit holes, including a whole lot of these fucking comments! these people really love talking about murdering the Family Circus kids!

(also featured: some batshit Quora posts about Harry Potter)
positive stress, October 22, 2020, 04:58:49 pm
Like it. I preferred the edited pre recorded versions. When I watch game live streams it just makes me want to play games myself. This made me want to read the comments on retrograde *comics. Which is probably bad.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2020, 03:16:17 pm by Dr. Buttplug »