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Topic: Strategic deployment of innovative jargon concepts  (Read 55919 times)


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Now I know that I've been pretty one-sided in my reporting of this issue.

Have a look at the other side of the coin!
some metal dude, November 21, 2014, 11:31:27 am

Two things stand out to me here as potentially significant:
So where the tech industry has to grow up, the tech press has to earn its keep. There are plenty of stories that never get covered. Why is Chrome such a buggy slow browser? Maybe the web would do better if someone in tech loved it. Why will Google go to such lengths to smear a blogger (me) who reports on it?
How would you feel if an editorial series blasted you for being an "asshole," literally -- that's the word they used to describe Uber management. Not just in passing, as the key idea in a campaign. If we want the industry to grow up, the press has to grow up too.

Anyone can say anything, and should, but you still have to be nice about it. ugh.
chai tea latte, November 21, 2014, 12:44:46 pm

I also like when he goes "Why isn't anyone asking the hard questions the public needs, like why chrome is so slow"

chai tea latte

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« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 12:17:30 pm by chai tea latte »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Yeah this seems to have become a "lets rail against the tech industry" thread.

“That dinner was like the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones,”



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I need to bring this thing back to the original topic, just so I can post this.

Here's The Thing with Alec Baldwin
WNYC, New York Public Radio

In association with Killer Content Killer Content is a creative digital incubator, producing Award-winning, multi-platform entertainment and disruptive technologies to support production, marketing and distribution advantages for select creators.   Award-winning actor Alec Baldwin gives the listener unique entrée into the lives of artists, policy makers and performers. Alec sidesteps the predictable by taking listeners inside the dressing rooms, apartments, and offices of people such as comedian Chris Rock, political strategist Ed Rollins and Oscar winner Michael Douglas. Alec pursues great conversations in unexpected places to find out what motivates his guests, how they feel about what they do and what keeps them up at night. Here’s The Thing: Listen to what happens when a man you think you know surprises you. Here's the Thing has its roots in public radio. In 2009, Alec joined with producers Lu Olkowski, Trey Kay, Kathie Russo, and Emily Botein to find fresh ways to engage in conversation on the radio. The group developed the idea of a new show that at its heart would look at what makes interesting people tick and create a platform for new and emerging ideas to be presented. Here's the Thing: Listen to what happens when someone who's used to being the guest finds himself in chair of the host. Check out the full Here's The Thing archive. Read more about this project.

I have no idea if this show is any good, but after reading that summary, I doubt I ever will.

Emperor Jack Chick

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this summary really likes the rule of 3s. a lot.


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Hey, remember how this used to be a topic about how the people who run Uber are scumbags?

Well, this:

Emperor Jack Chick

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Tiny Prancer

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so I finally got around to listening to the otherkin recipe episode (I tend to save up episodes for when I have to sit and do shit for school) and when the jab at Marissa Mayer buying tumblr came up I remembered this article I saw a while back, which kind of explains a whole lot of what went behind that decision.

(for the record, even people on tumblr think it was stupid and have mostly hated the changes that have happened in the site since it happened, although it's not like they've ever been happy with any changes that have ever happened on tumblr. Literally the only things I think people have actually enjoyed happening on tumblr were the joke updates for april fool's day and festivus.)

Emperor Jack Chick

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Found in my email:

Subject: You're beepi'n awesome!


I'm excited to tell you about a very unique opportunity with a Series-B funded startup in Los Altos- Beepi ! I'm sure you've heard of them by now with all the media coverage....


Beepi is actively seeking a Beepi'n awesome Customer Service Manager to join their team. You will be joining their Marketplace Operatinos[sic] team... The Marketplace Operations team members share Beepi's ideals of creating a revolutionary way of buying and selling cars that is both fun and hassle free. The position is meant for those of you who challenge the status quo on a daily basis, seek and desire to radically change the inefficiencies in the world, and get what it means to build movements and not just machines. You are the face of Beepi, and you're ready to put yourself out there to help them grow.

More about Beepi: Beepi replaces the used car dealer and the used car lot with a system that connects buyers and sellers in a radical new way. No negotiating, no trips to the dealer, no surprises- and no commission to the guy with the plaid jacket. Which means a better price for everyone. They'll also take care of the title, the plates, and all of the paperwork! Beepi also believes in full visibility so they publish their rates, it's all about customer happiness here :)

Any interest? Send over your resume and we'll set up a chat with the team!

That's the image the recruiter uses on their linkedin. Then there's the ol dadjoke in the profile:
Why do Java guys wear glasses?
Because they don't C# !!!!

Ugh. Not to mention, a series b funded startup in LOS ALTOS?? who the fuck are they going to get to commute down there? just reeks of poor planning.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Anyone need a job?

Now I don't know about you, but I consider myself a copy/paste expert, so I think this is a great new revenue stream for me.


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As a customer focused, value added employee, I strive to maintain organizational momentum while providing excellent service to internal and external customers. These behaviors align with our organizational focus by delivering value in the form of services and knowledge transfer and support achieving our strategic goals at all organizational levels. In addition, I plan to not only maintain, but also consistently improve my work product output over the next year through a clearly laid out professional development plan that consists of defined, achievable quarterly goals tied to specific metrics, such as leveraging a blue-sky thinking paradigm, soup-to-nuts, thereby facilitating win-win scenarios in all functional areas. By applying synergistic principles to interpersonal transactions, I will continue to enhance an environment in which credo-based decision-making and open, courageous communication are fostered and nurtured, culminating in an industry-leading Can-Do team mentality where each and every employee is empowered to own the business. I will adhere to the principles of Servant Leadership and the unified company Mission Statement in every aspect of my day-to-day responsibilities.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Emperor Jack Chick

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TeamedWith! a new startup concept that does away with that pesky "having a product" element so that your team can just go from founding to acqui-hire as rapidly as possible!

this is a real company.


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Deliver data-driven monster cockysis and recommendations that align with campaign goals and quantify high-impact opportunities with clear recommendations
jack chick, September 03, 2014, 01:52:10 pm

The word filter here is MVP.

e: From what I can tell, most of these companies seem to be following the pre-Dot Com Crash tech bubble strategy of "Let's make a company that doesn't actually fucking do anything and eat a bunch of venture capital money." Am I misreading the situation or is that pretty much how it goes down?
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 09:11:19 am by Gyro »


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e: From what I can tell, most of these companies seem to be following the pre-Dot Com Crash tech bubble strategy of "Let's make a company that doesn't actually fucking do anything and eat a bunch of venture capital money." Am I misreading the situation or is that pretty much how it goes down?
Gyro, August 30, 2015, 07:53:38 am

I see it as "Let's make a company that doesn't actually fucking do anything and hope we get bought out by a board of old fogeys somewhere who weren't paying attention."

I call it the Startup Lottery.