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Topic: Episode 141: We're Gonna Need A Bigger Scrote  (Read 20837 times)


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with Boots Raingear, Frank West, Acierocolotl, Adam Bozarth, and Lemon.
Content for this episode was compiled by Runic.
Edited by Lemon.
With sex still being something of a taboo subject, feelings of sexual inadequacy can be complicated. Are you emotionally strong enough to provide a sexual experience that's mutually enjoyed as adventure, discovery, love and combat? Probably not, so how about you just yank on your wang for about 12 hours and see if that makes things any better. This is the topic of penis enlargement. Does it work? You might be surprised to find out how inconsequential the answer to that question is. This week, The F Plus LOVES THE BEACH!
The Hyltonaires - Big Bamboo
Fred Schneider & Shake Street - Monster


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To use the search functions on the forums and access some of the subforums I had to get a user account. Tragically, the entry field was not long enough for me to use Undercover Penis Lover as my username. I consider this to be the most damning indictment of Thunder's Places I can imagine.


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Adam and Frank - Hooray!


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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Just to clarify a few points, Jelqing is kind of like jerking it except more painful and tedious. This is a very very NSFW gif of a man using an automatic Jelqing device that demonstrates sort of the basic thing that they're doing. There are lots (many many) threads on that forum about Jelqing causing brusing and discoloration. One of the threads in my doc that wasn't read is titled "Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration." When you are crushing aspirins to use as as chemical exfoliates on your dick I think you might have a problem.

Also I really should have included a picture of an All Day Stretcher. The ones I've found literally look like tiny stretchers, the kind that you'd carry an injured person on, but attached to your dick. The idea is that you just wear this thing on your dick for hours at a time. It's kind of like when I was a kid and I thought that I could grow taller by hanging on the monkey bars, except for the dick. That is the level of logic that they are working with.


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So to make things light, this was a user's profile picture:

And the rest of this was surprisingly dark.  I was really expecting this document to be a bunch of weird stuff like subliminal messages to make your bamboo all bigger, and what we actually found was so much horror.  It was trivially easy to find things like "This penis stretcher broke my dick, here's ten thousand pictures of my fractured boner, I've been ejaculating blood."


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"What is my point? I wasn’t able to think my cock bigger."

When civilization finally collapses and all of our toys are left alone to the elements, I want to make sure this is etched into the biggest, blackest monolith I can find.
cube abuser Ansemaru GodOfCheevos Sherman Tank
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 03:47:33 pm by STOG »

A Meat

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I'm honestly glad that there wasn't more "Help! I might have irreversibly messed my penis up!" threads, because from my experience making a completely different doc, they're all exactly the same, they all go along the lines of the original posters going "I did something I really shouldn't have done and now I'm bleeding/in pain!" and everyone answering a variation on "It's fine, keep doing it, nothing wrong will happen.", regrettably with an occasional "post a pic of your mangled dick so we can diagnose it please"


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My sole regret about this one is that Victor wasn't here to be horrified from a more in-depth technical perspective. Apart from that, you guys were awesome, as was Runic for compiling this horror.
Victor Laszlo


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An entire episode about dicks and Bunnybread wasn't on the ridiculist roster. What sort of sick joke is this?

Also I suggest the tag "good for towel hangin" for this episode.


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An entire episode about dicks and Bunnybread wasn't on the ridiculist roster. What sort of sick joke is this?

Also I suggest the tag "good for towel hangin" for this episode.
MISANDRY CANNON, June 28, 2014, 08:06:44 pm

I would like to recommend the tag "Literal dick measuring contest".

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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That term "jelqing" is uncomfortably close to a fake swear word that a former friend/douchebag self-published author made up for his gross nonsensical fantasy saga.


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That term "jelqing" is uncomfortably close to a fake swear word that a former friend/douchebag self-published author made up for his gross nonsensical fantasy saga.
CuddlePLEASE MAKE IT STOP RAINING, June 28, 2014, 09:38:00 pm

You really need to bring enough to share with the class!


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Do we have a "I hate my genitals" tag? Cause we need one.


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A tag for "self-loathing" should suffice.

I couldn't help but click on the link to the GIF that Runic posted. One of the rebloggers on that page was worstthingsontheinternet.tumblr.com (NSFW!!!), and they really could not be more aptly named. Go there if you have an iron stomach and get perverse thrills from looking at the weirdest fucking shit in the world.


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BTW, I want to give thanks for all the deadpan innuendo that the Ridiculists made during this episode regarding lengths and polls and such. It made it easier for me to chuckle along to it like Beavis and Butthead.