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Topic: Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away  (Read 19164 times)


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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away
with Boots Raingear, Jack Chick (inside a fucking dumpster), Jimmyfranks, bumpgrrl, and Lemon.
Content for this episode was compiled by Driya.
Edited by Lemon.
Hey guys, you remember that Kickstarter episode? We found worse than that on Indie Go Go. This week, The F Plus selects donors by fuckability.

Plastic Penny - Give Me Money
Rolling Stones - Ain't Too Proud to Beg


  • Willy Dang Doodle
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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #1
Jack Chick (inside a fucking dumpster)
Lemon, July 05, 2014, 04:15:55 pm
Did rent prices finally get too high or something


  • Persnickety fussbudget
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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #2
I grew up in Dubuque and people keep telling me that the city is spending a whole bunch of money to attract Internet start-ups. Good job, guys, you cornered the highly-sought-after aftermarket toothpaste gear market.


  • Your Skelefriend
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  • 15
Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #3
That was amazing, I can't wait to hear the next episode in the Crowd-funding Trilogy.


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    • 38
Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #4
While listening to the episode I mumbled aloud, "Not enough stickers," right before Boots said the same thing. It was eerie.

Also, I'm glad the power of crowdfunding has finally made it possible for me to enter a raffle for a buried shipping container.


  • Square Pusher
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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #5
What a coincidence: I was about to get started on a GoFundMe document, but sadly, I just couldn't find enough money-starved-but-why-earn-it cases to make for a complete episode.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #6
The whole time I was listening to this, I was envisioning a "The Producers" type situation wherein scammy people try to set up a horrible indiegogo to get that sweet sweet flex funding, but it turns out that everyone on the Internet wants to buy a motherfucking sticker to end racism and they have to follow through.

I'm thinking of crowd funding this movie of mine.
McMillan and Waifu


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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #7
I'm pretty sure that everything the "Ultimate Crack Smoking Wizard" guy makes is ironic because he's got a ton of videos on YouTube with the same motif and the video on that Indiegogo of his is pretty popular, with everyone accepting it as ironic.

Oh well. Same sort of rule goes for all that fanfiction that turns out to be most likely written horribly on purpose— it's still funny, and this guy took his dear time to make a whopping total of 64 videos of the same sort of sarcastic theme. We can still mock him for putting time and (some degree of) effort into them.

That being said, he still managed to make a profit of over $100 out of it, and I'm not sure how I should feel about that.

Cat Planet

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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #8
The "watermelon straps" idea made me think about how much money I can probably make by taking a classic USSR bag called an avos'ka and rebranding it for the Kickstarter hipster generation.

The iAvoska. Convenient. Innovative. Sustainable. Now available with Mahatma Gandhi and Oskar Schindler prints. 0.01% of the profits will go towards the Legalize Gay Abortions charity. It's a gold mine, I'm telling you. Make a difference today!
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 03:44:54 am by Cat Planet »


  • Paid
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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #9
The iAvoska. Convenient. Innovative. Sustainable. Now available with Mahatma Gandhi and Oskar Schindler prints. 0.01% of the profits will go towards the Legalize Gay Abortions charity. It's a gold mine, I'm telling you. Make a difference today!
Cat Planet, July 06, 2014, 03:43:14 am

But where can I put my brand names?!


  • Your Skelefriend
  • Paid
  • 126
  • 15
Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #10
The iAvoska. Convenient. Innovative. Sustainable. Now available with Mahatma Gandhi and Oskar Schindler prints. 0.01% of the profits will go towards the Legalize Gay Abortions charity. It's a gold mine, I'm telling you. Make a difference today!
Cat Planet, July 06, 2014, 03:43:14 am

But where can I put my brand names?!
Sion, July 06, 2014, 05:42:03 am

Every backer above $1000 will have their names woven into the strings of the bag!


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #11
Oh hey, you guys gave me an excuse to post this!

That's two episodes in a row!


  • Spongy Wood Witch
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  • Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge cunt
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  • 61
Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #12
That was amazing, I can't wait to hear the next episode in the Crowd-funding Trilogy.
Nemo2342, July 05, 2014, 05:46:28 pm
Wouldn't this be part 3? Offbeatr is the second part. Also goddammit I just got the stupid joke in their name, kill me.


  • Paid
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    • 9
Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #13
I actually ran a successful campaign on Indiegogo with flexible funding (gasp). I originally wanted to do Kickstarter because they seemed more credible, but Kickstarter doesn't allow you to promise any of your funds to charity. Half of my funds were going to charities, so Kickstarter wasn't an option.
So, off to Indiegogo I went. Flex funding is actually the default option. I changed it, but they informed me that without flex funding, you will NOT be able to accept credit cards. With flex funding, you get the money immediately. Well, paypal money at least. Credit card funds come a couple days after your campaign ends. A friend asked me if there was anything stopping me from taking the thousands I raised and running with it. Really, there's nothing stopping people. So... on Indiegogo you can promise to donate money to charity, get money immediately, and take the money and run. But, if the person was honest or not, Indiegogo still gets a cut, so I bet they don't care. They really really want you to do flexible funding.

One more delightful thing: my campaign was "trending" on the website. I was thrilled that it was on the popular section with Solar Roadways! However, on the list I was right next to a sex toy that claimed to give men the best blow jobs ever. Mine was about helping disabled cats in shelters, so my cute cat icon was right next to a fuck toy.
Mortifying. Thanks Indiegogo!
Mister Smalls Boots Raingear slandersonn Lemon Baldr Runic Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Zsa Zsa Driya zmonbobbo


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Episode 142: Indie Go Go Go Away #14
Pando has run a number of stories on IndieGoGo's indifference to profiting off scams, specifically HealBe; the smart watch that reports your calorie intake to your phone because science.

Here is every article on the subject.