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June 04, 2024, 01:59:28 pm

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What forum featured on the podcast had the absolute stupidest userbase

11 (8.9%)
2 (1.6%)
Yahoo Answers
19 (15.3%)
School Survival
6 (4.8%)
6 (4.8%)
15 (12.1%)
The Experience Project
3 (2.4%)
Chicken Smoothie
3 (2.4%)
Spells of Magic
6 (4.8%)
Inventor's Spot
0 (0%)
The Federated Commonwealth of Malatora
14 (11.3%)
1 (0.8%)
4 (3.2%)
YourOpenBook / Facebook
5 (4%)
Netflix Reviews
0 (0%)
Idea Wiki
3 (2.4%)
The Shroomery
2 (1.6%)
24 (19.4%)

Total Members Voted: 123

Topic: The stupidest motherfuckers  (Read 21723 times)

Cat Planet

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The stupidest motherfuckers #15
Juggalos, because basing your life on pop culture is sad, but basing your life and ideology around a terrible rap band is even worse. I wonder who was the patient zero in this community, there are many bands that tell a story but you don't see GWAR fans walking around in Oderus Urungus cosplay and trying to make a guitar out of animals' intestines.

Least dumb: school survival, because being kind of stupid is a normal teenager attribute.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 04:25:26 am by Cat Planet »

A Meat

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The stupidest motherfuckers #16
I have to go with the Idea Wiki, because these are people who mostly can't have an original thought, and the episode doesn't show you just how many 'sequel to a popular movie, but with over a hundred Pokemon characters' or 'literally Disneyland, but in Indianapolis'.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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The stupidest motherfuckers #17
Going with Juggalos, Juggaloes, or what seems to be their preferred spelling, Juggalo's.

- Liking some pop culture thing a lot is fine, but basing your entire life around your pop culture fandom is limiting, empty, and pointless.

- From there, someone who bases their identity on being a fan of a cheesy nerd thing and then says that "no! It's not because we're geeks! It's because our favorite thing is so deep and so smart that there's no need to develop a skill or travel outside our rooms!" is just too fucking lazy and scared of even trying anything new and challenging.

- And from THERE, it's ridiculous to latch onto the most awful, shallow shit the entertainment industry has to offer and claim that you don't like it because you just find it fun, but because it SPREADS A MESSAGE~

- ICP are idiots. If you listen to them talk, they are complete, honest-to-god idiots. The titles of all their songs should just be "Random Shitty Horror Movie Tropes That Will Undoubtedly Upset Grandma (Reprise)" because that's all it is. It's not offensive. It's just stupid.

- The issue is that they do that crap and then tell everyone "nah guys! There's a message here and shit! The message is to be GOOD!" They rap about killing people in different uncreative over-the-top ways, then slide into the frame and say "oh but the victim was a racist so, y'know! d(^_^)b" So as you can see, by killing the racists in their songs, that spreads the idea of "RACISM = BAD!!!" They can't just own up to it and say "look, we want to make songs about murder, and making the victim a faceless bigot takes the edge off so you can just enjoy the parts about hatchets and blood!" They and their fans believe it's all part of an important, life-changing narrative. Saying you learned about unity and love through ICP is like saying you learned about body positivity from Garbage Pail Kids cards*. Either you're lying to yourself just to build up your favorite nerd shit, or you're admitting that your understanding of the world is so fucking short-sighted that you needed pop culture to spoon-feed your opinions to you.

- ... of course, that narrative never speaks about getting an education. That kind of thing isn't relevant, and in fact is of course derided in the infamous lyric "I don't wanna talk to a scientist/y'all motherfuckers lying and getting me pissed." That's not about the beauty of life or whatever the fucking hell "Miracles" was supposed to be about. There's literally no other way to interpret "y'all motherfuckers lying," especially when coming from two dipshits in clown make-up.

- So you have a group of morons who follow other morons because they're pretty sure there's some deep lesson to learn in the moronic lyrics of their stupidfuck raps. And that deep message contains the idea of "learning? PFFFFT." That's what speaks to Juggalo(')s.

Believe me when I say the anti-education stance shows when talking to those people. On the podcast we tend to go after the crazy numbskulls in any community, but with Juggaloes, there are no boring, smart people. The furry who has a regular job and just dresses up as a kestrel on the weekends can feel comforted in the knowledge that his quantum-jumped Juggalo doppelganger would be stupid 100% of the time.

 Idiocy on its own is bad, but idiocy that actively refuses to become smarter is counterproductive. On the intelligence scale, Jugallo'''z would have to be somewhere in the negatives.

* Once again, nobody under 30 gets our references.
Lemon Blandest Yossarian Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 08:01:06 am by portaxx »


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The stupidest motherfuckers #18
Having actually given serious thought to this for a couple minutes I think my answer has to be the Malatorians. I mean, these are people who think that their personal problems require a bizarre sort of trans-humanist neo-colonialist political solution. The idea of some guy getting made fun of in school for being a nerd and furry and thinking to himself "they laugh now, but in a few years I'll be a robot dragon and then I'll blow up all the jocks' houses with a nuclear missile fired from my space station." To me that's stupidity of an extremely rare, refined quality, on a much higher plane than everyday morons concerned about their panic size or the bottles of piss in their library.

Portaxx makes a very good case for Juggalos above though
chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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The stupidest motherfuckers #19
I'm going with the people who had so much trouble figuring out how to put on a hat that when they finally figured it out they documented the solution to save others the hours and hours of work it took them.


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The stupidest motherfuckers #20
For me it's the isitlegalto guys because if you have to ask the question, it isn't. 


  • a muscular, cum producing MONSTER
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The stupidest motherfuckers #21
The unschooling/antivac moms forum. Because you have to be really, REALLY fucking dumb to think you can teach your child better by doing nothing.

But of the choices, I'd say Facebook because it has a smattering of every dumb community.


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The stupidest motherfuckers #22
I considered Jugglaoes, but there’s always the remote possibly that many of the fans are actors playing to their accepted roles of idiots, rather than actually being so. The Malatora population is foolish and highly delusional, but they seem overly functional to be true idiots.

Thus, I had to go with Yahoo!* Answers, because as Isfahan points out, it’s a low barrier of entry from the top surface of the internet, and for people with a limited ability to perform research or explore (i.e. the stupidest motherfuckers), it’s readily available in one click from the Yahoo.com front page. I also took account that the people there are taking the path of least resistance and asking an open question to an anonymous crowd instead of seeking out advice from a more select audience who might be older/wiser/more knowledgable/less full of total bullshit than other random visitors to the same site. Although frankly, I would put it on par with BlurtIt or eHelp or Facebook or in terms of being so populist and accessible that the idiot pull is several times stronger than other sites that lie lower in search engine returns for “How does-”.

* Always spell it with the exclamation point. It’s a part of the brand.


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The stupidest motherfuckers #23
I went with Juggaloes (Portaxx was very convincing) but the answer of my heart is mothering.com

"Polio hysteria". For fuck's sake.


  • Guest
The stupidest motherfuckers #24
Where is the Internet (all) option?
EYE OF ZA, August 31, 2014, 02:49:07 pm

And can we put more caffeine in it?

My actual answer to the actual question would be the aggregate of all the users of all the various "answer my question" sites, from Yahoo! Answers to BlurtIt.com. The idiots on the other sites may have some really ridiculous views or be detached from reality in one or more specifically-defined ways. By contrast, people who post on answers sites seem to lack even basic life knowledge to the extent that they are asking the internet for said basic life knowledge. They don't even know enough to ask a real person such as a parent or teacher who could provide them both a credible answer and at least a shred of context on how to apply it (like, "your question makes me despair, and here's why").

Victor Laszlo

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The stupidest motherfuckers #25
A lot of these responses seem to be actually answering the question "most infuriating motherfuckers" as opposed to stupidest.

My vote goes to my very first (and only?) accepted content submission, Joan Ocean.  Because for heaven's sake, the woman believes:
(a) that Bigfoot is real,
(b) that Bigfoot lives near her house in Hawaii,
(c) that Bigfoot writes her letters,
(d) that Bigfoot can shapeshift and astral project,
(e) that dolphins can access multiple dimensions,
(f) that whales came from space and know the Star People,
(g) that there is such a thing as Star People, and
(h) that Joan Ocean can time-travel.

Juggalos are ignorant, know it and celebrate their ignorance because it is all they have.  Joan Ocean is stupid and is too stupid to know it so she celebrates her stupidity without knowing what she is celebrating.

cyclopeantrash Zekka Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB

Adam Bozarth

  • Your friend on the internet
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  • 181
The stupidest motherfuckers #26
Ice Chewers.

I don't think anything distills the themes of catastrophic wastes of time, self-abuse, and willful ignorance more than the Ice Chewers.
Figures Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB

Lady Frenzy

  • ride junk ride drunk
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  • Doctor doctor, I've got the lady frenzy
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    • 121
The stupidest motherfuckers #27
I voted for Juggalos, but I strongly feel Monkey Moms should be on that list.
Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB


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The stupidest motherfuckers #28
I voted for Wikihow, because it represents the collective skill level of the everyday layman. I also know from experience that if we all try, we can all be stupid incompetent motherfuckers. Or at the very least, feel even more stupid than some guy who dresses up like a clown and listens to terrible rap music.
Sherman Tank
« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 10:51:15 am by STOG »


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The stupidest motherfuckers #29
Oh crap, I just remembered:

Consider this a write-in vote for TigerMegatron.

He's the guy who wrote the Transformers fanfiction, tweeted about washing hands before buying toys to prevent AIDS, tried to convince us he makes $45 an hour (or over $90k a year) driving a UPS truck, and considers Wal-Mart employees to be "poor and uneducate."