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June 04, 2024, 07:31:26 pm

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Topic: What the hell else do you guys do?  (Read 16456 times)


  • Wish I was little bit smaller, wish I was an iguana, wish I had a rock with a lamp so I could chill when I wanna
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What the hell else do you guys do?
Uh, we have
nigeline, September 12, 2014, 02:22:59 am

So after you're done listening to the F Plus on your F Plus branded headphones, drinking your F Plus k-cups, eating discount F Plus sardines and staring lovingly into the eyes of your F Plus dakimakura, what else do you guys do? I know that Lemon's tithe really cuts into spending money, but maybe your like me and you find enough pennies in the gutter to pick up a few hobbies and cultivate a few passions.

Personally, I fix and build all sorts of stuff. I absolutely love bicycles, especially old road bikes. Sometimes I wrench on my truck, other times I get really into carpentry and wood working. I could go on, but I don't want to be the one guy bragging about how he goes outside without mom's permission (which I can doas long as I'm back before my curfew and I stay on this side of the tracks)

Zsa Zsa

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What the hell else do you guys do? #1

This is a fabulous song, by the way.

Tiny Prancer

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What the hell else do you guys do? #2
I'm an art student, so I have school stuff to deal with, and I'm admittedly pretty bad at "real life" stuff. I guess the only other thing of note outside of general comics/animation/etc nerdery is that I like sculpting as a hobby and have made several things in sculpy and sculpted off of/painted a few munnys (I have one of Cherry from Studio Killers that's been sitting around for a while), and I occasionally dabble in dumb doll modding stuff. I bought a couple of MLP dolls when the show first started and got half-through modding them (I finished one and never finished the other two), and recently I bought a couple of monster high dolls to repaint and mod as well. I have a terrible weakness for dolly things.


  • Persnickety fussbudget
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What the hell else do you guys do? #3
I work as a legal editor, I host a Web series, and I play Ultimate on a tropical island.


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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  • It's Samba time for Tambo & Weep Day for Urine Man
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What the hell else do you guys do? #4
Front end web designer. I have a background in graphic design and fine art.


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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  • John Brown did nothing wrong
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What the hell else do you guys do? #5
Full time student.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

  • Can I offer you a Lorna Doone?
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  • You have a very flexible torso.
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What the hell else do you guys do? #6
I make mead in my kitchen and bake professionally.


  • Ask me about AKs.
  • Ridiculist
  • Trouble with customers? Isfahano cares.
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What the hell else do you guys do? #7


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What the hell else do you guys do? #8
I teach science at a community college.


  • The phased-out byzantine devil.
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What the hell else do you guys do? #9
I've built a few guitars (from scratch), a few synthesizers and amps (from kits), and some guitar pedals (from scratch but using existing designs).  I spend as much time as I can working on music, and do freelance jobs as much as possible (editing and mastering for Blackstone Audio last year, music researcher for Rovi for 7 years before that). Because of a series of tax scandals and mergers most of Blackstone's east coast freelancers were cut off this year, so right now I work part time at "the 9th most beautiful library in the world" and live off a dwindling savings for as long as I can manage it, because I haven't been this productive in a decade and the longer I can go without working full time the more productive I get.  Lately I've started getting more interested in live video and am just beginning to learn VVVV. It's pretty easy to understand so far because it largely follows the Max/MSP interface paradigm, which is really straightforward, but it's still a lot of stuff to learn and practice with.  I give it maybe a year of work before I'd expect to start developing any real voice in it.

Socially I just do the usual stuff, hang out with people, spend a weekend with my family every month or two.  Most of my friends are musicians and artists so its kind of the same stuff I do on my own a lot of the time.  Most of the friends I made since I mved here left the state about a year ago so my circle's smaller than usual but I've been so involved with my own projects this year that I've been kind of slow about going out and socializing with people I don't already know.  Now that fall's here and the weather isn't unbearable anymore that should change.



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What the hell else do you guys do? #10
Legal research. House renovations (always something new to deal with! last night I found black mould in my basement bathroom! thanks previous owners for thinking wooden baseboards in a basement bathroom against an exterior wall as a good idea!). I have a large husky-lab mutt so a lot of time goes into walking and training her. Videogame and comic nerd shit. Some major theatre venues in big cities have started providing live satelitte streams of plays and operas, so I'm able to scratch that itch (Streetcar Named Desire this week, woop woop). Wrapping scale replicas of Roy Orbison in clingfilm.


  • Petrodactyl Spotter
  • Internaut
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  • 3,114
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What the hell else do you guys do? #11
Isfahan, September 13, 2014, 08:34:43 pm

Like we needed telling.

I'm desperately looking for a job and doing some business studies on the side. Still waiting for the day when "using Google to find weird shit online" is a viable career option.

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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What the hell else do you guys do? #12
I'm unemployed, I consume nerd shit like videogames and anime, and I occasionally play classical piano, but I don't a have a piano that really works now since my 10 year old Electric piano is only partially working and the synthesizer I have for doing music stuff on my computer is kind of too small to play full pieces.

I do have some issues I need to sort out with the company I did my national service through and I want to study in university so I have to probably redo some of my matriculation exams from high school and do uni entrance exams.


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  • is made of 50 unbreakable g-strings
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What the hell else do you guys do? #13
I do receiving and quality assurance for an online shipping business part-time and am returning to college (after getting an associate's) to get all the requirements for a dietetics internship. I also write things sometimes, and am climbing my way out of the gross nasty pit that is clinical depression.

Emperor Jack Chick

  • he/him
  • Ridiculist
  • Metal tyrant from hell
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What the hell else do you guys do? #14
I have 3 main things I do.

Thing 1
Thing 2
Thing 3

The best part is I have a playlist of 92 songs, all about how rad metal is