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Topic: Episode 155: The Search For Terrestrial Intelligence  (Read 13987 times)

Adam Bozarth

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When Bozarth was reading about the connection between Aliens and THE GAYS, I kept waiting for him to ask for pepperoni.
FattyBoBatty, November 17, 2014, 12:12:59 am
Ralph's not that stupid.
Bozarth, please write a sketch about the man that realizes he's the only real person on the internet.
Cleretic, November 17, 2014, 05:12:13 am
Lemon Frank West Ramona Chingona Sherman Tank


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Did I hear correctly that this was before F+ Live? I know you guys held onto an episode for awhile after the Turkish hackers got ya, but is there like a Disney vault of unedited F+ recordings?


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Lou's "No one. On Earth. Is gay." reading is like a top ten Fplus moment holy shit.

Boots Raingear

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Did I hear correctly that this was before F+ Live? I know you guys held onto an episode for awhile after the Turkish hackers got ya, but is there like a Disney vault of unedited F+ recordings?
BomberJacket, November 18, 2014, 01:15:29 am
This one was a bit of an exception. I sat on it for a while through various fits of being busy, lazy, and sick. In terms of unedited relics, you should probably ask Kumquatxop about GOGMAGOG.


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Boots, when you read the list of possible spaceship fuels, were you channeling Bob Ducca?

Boots Raingear

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It wasn't intentional when I started, but it totally turned into that.


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Ok, to tip my hand, I'm kind of interested in paranormal subject.  I don't really believe in any of it, but something always sticks out to me: UFO people do not like other paranormal things.  Like, people that believe in aliens do not like other paranormal subjects and will go out of their way to make fun of them.  It doesn't make any sense to me for people who believe in UFOs to shit on ghost hunters and cryptozoologists especially when the other paranormal people try and be nice to each other and to the alien dudes.  Do any of you have explanations for this or are the hearts of men an enigma?

Tiny Prancer

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I'd suspect the dealio is that unlike the majority of people trying to support a bizarre pseudoscience, where there's a "if we support each other then we're stronger as a whole" thing going on, these guys assume that by shitting on everyone else they look more "real" and "scientific" than the others. Also then they can smugly insist that ghost and cryptocreature sightings are actually aliens, probably.


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I'd suspect the dealio is that unlike the majority of people trying to support a bizarre pseudoscience, where there's a "if we support each other then we're stronger as a whole" thing going on, these guys assume that by shitting on everyone else they look more "real" and "scientific" than the others. Also then they can smugly insist that ghost and cryptocreature sightings are actually aliens, probably.
Tiny Prancer, December 11, 2014, 08:27:41 am

The people I'm thinking of specifically say that the alien government use religion and spiritual stuff (all gods are actually aliens btw) as a social control so we don't ask questions about the alien menace

Tiny Prancer

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in that case it's definitely gotta be because they think people who believe in ghosts and bigfoots are too stupid/brainwashed to realize it's all aliens.

Sherman Tank

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in that case it's definitely gotta be because they think people who believe in ghosts and bigfoots are too stupid/brainwashed to realize it's all aliens.
Tiny Prancer, December 11, 2014, 03:38:12 pm

This way of thinking is also known as The Abovetopsecret Paradigm.

Sherman Tank

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Seriously, I think in future if someone's writing has a bunch of tabs in it, they should be read aloud.


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I second that motion.