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Topic: Episode bugs? (Technical question)  (Read 27053 times)


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Episode bugs? (Technical question)
I have no idea if this is an issue with my iPod, with iTunes, or with this podcast, but I seem to have a weird issue with two episodes in particular. In Violet, You're Turning Violet, Violet, as well as Porno for Pyros (With Sex Instead of Fire), whenever I hit a certain point in the episode, it immediately skips ahead to the next one. I have no idea why. Anyone else have this problem and/or have a solution?


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Episode bugs? (Technical question) #1
I've listened to my copies of those episodes several times, and they've never skipped for me. Not sure what to tell you. I'll assume you've tried a re-download, so barring that, I have no idea.

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Episode bugs? (Technical question) #2
Violet... won't play past the first few minutes for me through iTunes. I had to just download directly from the F Plus site.


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Episode bugs? (Technical question) #3
The Porn one does it to me.  One of my favorite episodes, but having to restart it and fastforward past the skip point ruins it for me a little every time.


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Episode bugs? (Technical question) #4
Another issue that might only exist on my ipod is that the body mod episode shows up as a January 2012 episode instead of a 2013 episode.  But then again, I've had other podcast problems that don't show up on the normal itunes feed or for other people.
