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Topic: Episode 157: HSSSSFFFAWWWWUGGHHHHHHH!  (Read 35242 times)

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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I agree that there are probably many different roads leading to these same fetish communities. And as I've mentioned before, communities thrive on the momentum of simply being a group, so after a while the subject and source no longer matter, as they pale in comparison to the rush of belonging to a team.  However, I think one of the paths that lead to shit like this is a generation's inability view the world without the lens of pop culture.

In America, we have this really weird idea about not just sex, but who is allowed to even know it exists. If a school tries to teach sex education, you get tons of parents crying out that it's "warping  the children," even if their kids are 16 and are dealing with sexual feelings. If they try to give out free birth control to teens, it's "condoning sin". Hell, if they try to teach them about their own bodies, they're accused of befouling innocent minds. Parents who yell about this swear that they want to be the ones to teach their own kids about this stuff, but of course they don't actually do it. They instead tell their kids to just not think about it, to not ask about it, and certainly to not look it up. The mere concept of sex is simply forbidden knowledge. It's all under the pretense that if you don't even know about it, you'll save yourself for marriage like God commands.

But the thing is, sex sells, so we use it in advertising and entertainment. A LOT. Yet we can't go too far, lest a "wardrobe malfunction" permanently damage everyone's psyche. So we have to get really ridiculously coy about shit. Sitcoms don't get too overt, but rather talk about "who slept with who." Male characters in movies keep talking about "getting some," but we don't often get more information than that. A girl can have sex in a movie, but if she enjoys it too much, it can affect the film's rating because it's "too explicit." Am I saying I want to see explicit acts and tons of detail in a primetime comedy show? Of course not. My point is that nobody's allowed to learn about the realities of sex, and therefore their only teachers are pop culture, which in turn treats sex as a cartoonish mystery.

We like to assume that kids are just robots with blank memories, but they're not actually that stupid. They notice that "sex is a thing people really want!" is a widely popular recurring theme in every song and movie they consume. But since it's been treated as a forbidden mystery their whole lives, they can only process it as it appears in entertainment. It's an unseen macguffin. A running gag. A dramatic plot device that affects the rest of the story. So naturally, they get the joke. The male character on TV doesn't want to go to a museum, but the super hot female love interest leans over and says "pleeeaaase?", and suddenly, he instantly agrees to go! Haha, get it? He wants that Mystery Thing everyone wants!

But that's just it, isn't it? In these stories, you could basically replace sex with utter gibberish and it'd mean the same thing to these kids. Ha ha, the guy bought 30 extra books at the book store because the sales clerk was cute! Because he wants the flibble-flop-jimpy-jorps! I get it! Man, it feels great to be part of this group of people who get that joke, ha ha ha!

No, I'm not saying they don't literally know what sexual intercourse is. Most of them know about Insert Figure A Into Slot B. But they really don't know about anything that surrounds it. Sex is just kind of a phantom character that everyone talks about but nobody sees, so many of these nerds just treat it as such. I'm certain that for many of them, there's a horrendous problem of misplaced sexual desire. They get aroused, but they don't have any idea who or what to focus on, so they get attached to stimuli that's tangentially related to what they would have actually wanted, had they known what sex really was all about. You like caring for people? Well ok, but clearly it can't be about Actual Sex, since Actual Sex is a weird mystery thing that you can't really conceptualize... ah! Here we go! Sneezing! You like sneezing! You specifically are attracted to just sneezing and the sound of it and people being under the weather! and... that's it! Nothing beyond it! Juuuust the sneezing!

Think back to the mud fetishists, or the inflationists. Or the flat fetishists. Or the glasses fetishists. Rarely does sex even enter the equation. In many cases it seems as if it'd actually lessen the experience for the fetishists. Because at that point, your brain would have to confront the reality of Actual Sex With Another Real Human Being, and if you're like these people, your mind would draw a total blank.

It seems this problem could also explain huge subsets of the AVEN/Tumblr asexual community. The realities of sex are just one big question mark, so clearly pop culture will guide them! I mean my god, we've got people who honest-to-christ think that "I only want to fuck people I like" is not only so  unusual that it needs its own label, but that it's an oppressed minority akin to the gay community. We've got self-described "aromantics" who describe their ideal nerd dates and then swear that such meetups would not be considered "romantic" because y'know, nobody's sharing a milkshake with two straws or writing overwrought love poems. There are folks out there that think the astronomically high number of sexual partners that sitcom characters have is the average for real people.

It's a huge issue that clearly needs to be addressed by our culture at large, but that'd mean tackling our Puritanical nature... and that's going to take quite a few generations. And by then we'll have mostly gone extinct anyway since we'll all be married to nonexistent waifus, so I guess it's a moot point anyway!

Also I fucking love this Asexual Bingo card and I encourage everyone to bulb it immediately, as I have.
Maxine Headroom Mister Smalls Isfahan STOG Runic Dawnswalker Sherman Tank Corn Syrup SHAMBA~1.SBB

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
  • Ridiculist
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I'm not sure either. My thoughts are this: if the readers are really considering playing bingo for an episode short, Ashto, December 08, 2014, 04:51:12 pm



  • Smoke-Free
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What's a sneeze fetishist's favorite pokemon?

 [rob] A pikachoo.


  • a muscular, cum producing MONSTER
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  • 656
  • 46
I too decided to pay $10 to share something I made.


The terms are more general though probably skewed more towards fetish episodes.
Dole, December 09, 2014, 01:07:03 am

Outstanding. We got some real talented people here.


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What's a sneeze fetishist's favorite pokemon?

 [rob] A pikachoo.
Cyberventurer, December 09, 2014, 05:45:52 am

Oh god... is this John's username? This has got to be John's username, right?

No? There's more than one person out there making puns on the internet?

Jesus Christ...


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Oh god... is this John's username? This has got to be John's username, right?

No? There's more than one person out there making puns on the internet?

Jesus Christ...
Ashto, December 09, 2014, 08:32:22 am
Welcome to ballp.it: Tons o' puns and lots o' fun! And also NO ESCAPE


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[snip]portaxx, December 09, 2014, 02:19:23 am

Yes, all of this exactly. Especially regarding the Tumblr asexuality thing. I feel like a lot of things in the culture that produces all this would be fixed if people would just finally realize that human sexuality is both way the hell more and way the hell less complicated than people make it out to be, and just left it at that. That way you wouldn't get people agonizing over what smaller and smaller boxes to fit their individual preferences into, realizing that they fall within a completely normal range of sexual interest. I almost feel like looking at sexuality in a more pre-20th century light, as more of a behavior as opposed to an identity, could really help a lot of people come to terms with what you're talking about here. Demystifying sex, at least in the public educational sphere, is another big one, but as you say that's probably not gonna happen for a while, even if it is gaining momentum in some places.

Anyway. This episode. I went in expecting it to be a lot more viscerally gross, but the part that squicked me out the most had to have been the Pride and Prejudice bit. It was really just the perfect fetish fiction storm--this superficially cutesy, innocuous story that has all of these gross, weirdly cruel undertones. The big helping of pseudo-incest (was it just me, or was that kind of a Thing this episode?) just made it all the worse.

a gross spider

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On the subject of why and how fetishes and kinks come about, and their intersection with the internet, I read a couple of interesting books recently on the subject: Perv and A billion Wicked Thoughts.

They're both easy reads if you're interested in that kind of thing. I thought Perv was the better researched of the two. ABWT, while it has some interesting ideas and novel data gathering methods, tends to extrapolate more than it should, and goes pretty heavy on the evo-psych, which I think is kind of bullshit.


  • Square Pusher
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I too decided to pay $10 to share something I made.


The terms are more general though probably skewed more towards fetish episodes.
Dole, December 09, 2014, 01:07:03 am
This is perfect! Here, if you feel like adding my list, go right ahead:

(Point to schlong)
A = B, therefore B = C!
An actual rational thought
Asexuality (or lack thereof)
Asian people are so exotic!
Audible sigh
Ayn Rand was here
Beep Boop, I am robot
Bible God Jesus Bible
Bitches be crazy, amirite?
Bunnybread doing a Southern accent
Dog dicks
Doing work is too hard
Er, I'm just kidding, guys!
Famous Last Words
Fatness detected
Fetish Justification Manifesto
Fuck you, I'm a dragon!
Girls are so mysterious
Horrible behavior
How can we make this even more gross?
How'd that happen?
I shouldn't be posting here, but…
Introducing myself (in 6000 words)
I'm asking for a friend
Reference to TV Show / Movie / Video Game
It's not "rape," it's "non-con"
Kawaii, desu ne? ^_^
Magical Thinking
Magick & Witchkraft
Misuse, of… punctuation;
Nerd Alert!
New-Age / Crystals / Nonsense
Not that I care!
Of course I'm a lady!
Overt Fanaticism
Parents just don't understand!
Problem solved!
Rare garbage, only $999
Scrutinizing details
Shit That Didn't Happen.txt
State-of-1996-era Web Design
Thanks, Montrith
Bodily functions are sexy!
This is why we're right!
We support you
Where are the cops?!
Word Salad
Wouldn't it be great if…?
Wrapped entirely in cling film!
Written from prison
You're making "your" errors
[ citation needed ]


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Witchkraft is my darkwave Kraftwerk tribute band


  • the 49th unbreakable gstring
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    • 45
Yes, all of this exactly. Especially regarding the Tumblr asexuality thing. I feel like a lot of things in the culture that produces all this would be fixed if people would just finally realize that human sexuality is both way the hell more and way the hell less complicated than people make it out to be, and just left it at that. That way you wouldn't get people agonizing over what smaller and smaller boxes to fit their individual preferences into, realizing that they fall within a completely normal range of sexual interest.

Failure to realize "they fall within a completely normal range of sexual interest" is so absolutely on point. Being picky is not a unique quality. I am also baffled by how content some are to lump all straight people together as though every straight person hasn't got the same scruples about who they bone as someone with a tumblr sidebar listing sapio-mono-graysexual but pansexual on tuesdays. (Can't help but chime in, this topic is of particular interest to me.)


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Dole, December 09, 2014, 01:07:03 am

This is goddamn terrific. My only one wish is that you could store the two variable sets in localStorage, so you could continue to play over more than one session. Terrific job though.


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Dole, December 09, 2014, 01:07:03 am

My only one wish is that you could store the two variable sets in localStorage, so you could continue to play over more than one session.
Lemon, December 09, 2014, 01:21:45 pm

Done. I added some suggestions from Down10 as well.


  • Paid
  • Messenger of the Outer Gods
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Yes, all of this exactly. Especially regarding the Tumblr asexuality thing. I feel like a lot of things in the culture that produces all this would be fixed if people would just finally realize that human sexuality is both way the hell more and way the hell less complicated than people make it out to be, and just left it at that. That way you wouldn't get people agonizing over what smaller and smaller boxes to fit their individual preferences into, realizing that they fall within a completely normal range of sexual interest.

Failure to realize "they fall within a completely normal range of sexual interest" is so absolutely on point. Being picky is not a unique quality. I am also baffled by how content some are to lump all straight people together as though every straight person hasn't got the same scruples about who they bone as someone with a tumblr sidebar listing sapio-mono-graysexual but pansexual on tuesdays. (Can't help but chime in, this topic is of particular interest to me.)
eudo, December 09, 2014, 01:19:10 pm

Yeah, absolutely. Not to mention people who deviate more explicably from the perceived norm, like kinky or polyamorous people, insisting that their sexuality is "queer" (a term rapidly losing all meaning due to shit like this) because it doesn't fall into a narrowly defined idea of "straight" as "into exactly one member of the opposite sex with whom they occasionally have vanilla sex." With how much being straight is stigmatised in some parts of the Internet (though certainly nowhere near as much as a lot of morons think) I imagine it's at least partly an attempt to fit in, but I do think that more of an emphasis on "everyone's sexuality is different, and that's okay" would help a lot of people. (And yes, this is a favourite topic of mine too.)


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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I don't want to spoil anything, but Jimmyfranks won Bingo tonight.