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Topic: Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin  (Read 19763 times)

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #15
  "Cutesy Term for Something Disgusting or Sexual"
Mique, February 23, 2015, 01:22:28 pm
It's pretty widely "accepted" by now, but that's kind of how "fap" started out.


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #16
I was really surprised at how little this episode talked about actual hentai. There's this whole community on a website dedicated to a specific fetish, yet so many people are so desperate for people to listen to them that they want to post about anything else.
It's like they think, "hey, these other people share at least one of my interests! Maybe that means they share ALL of my interests and are interested about me!" It's been a running theme in most episodes about specific communities, but it still manages to surprise me how people stick around after masturbating to talk about something unrelated to masturbating.

Incidentally, is there anything in this episode that would count as "Cutesy Term for Something Disgusting or Sexual" or "Nerdy Jargon that Needs Long Explanation" because I am one away from a Bingo. There's some nerdy jargon, but it didn't really need a long explanation that I saw.
Mique, February 23, 2015, 01:22:28 pm

The fact that they talk mainly about everything except hentai on a hentai site is the document's raison d'ĂȘtre. That's not to say that there's not a lot of "discussion" (for lack of a better word) of hentai on the site, but I wanted to showcase the width of the spectrum of blog postsstupidity.

If you want nerdy jargon that needs long explanation, I put in a post on (and don't google this term) "omorashi" in the doc.


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #17
If you want nerdy jargon that needs long explanation, I put in a post on (and don't google this term) "omorashi" in the doc.
Fanzay, February 23, 2015, 03:07:30 pm

's already been an episode, yo.


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #18
Listening to that one story about the two girls leaving class to go have sex in the bathroom was like watching a porno in fast-forward. Also, she went from being a virgin to getting fisted in the same story? Are plausible sexual encounters just too tame once your porn-callous has gotten too thick?

Puppy Time

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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #19
Listening to that one story about the two girls leaving class to go have sex in the bathroom was like watching a porno in fast-forward. Also, she went from being a virgin to getting fisted in the same story? Are plausible sexual encounters just too tame once your porn-callous has gotten too thick?
Isfahan, February 23, 2015, 04:48:14 pm

Hentai doesn't seem to go for plausible sexual encounters in general.  I assume it's one of those situations like regular internet porn sites, where they're catering so much to a niche audience that things just get more and more weird until it's only distinguishable from a horror movie by the color of the fluids.

A Meat

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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #20
I'm glad this episode happened, because I tried to make a doc from a different hentai discussion forum, and I just got really annoyed and grossed out instead of finding anything funny. This episode was so much funnier than what I would have found, probably because these people don't really talk about hentai at all. The impression I got when trying to mine this kind of content, is that most of these losers are really young, as in mid teens to early twenties, at least as according to them.

 I just see this and the Superwholock and One Direction stuff as a way that the internet has failed my generation, it's just that easy to come across the wrong kind of framework for your masturbation, and if you're already socially maladjusted, it might fuck you up real bad.

Puppy Time

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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #21
Hentai doesn't seem to go for plausible sexual encounters in general.  I assume it's one of those situations like regular internet porn sites, where they're catering so much to a niche audience that things just get more and more weird until it's only distinguishable from a horror movie by the color of the fluids.
Puppy Time, February 23, 2015, 06:49:36 pm

You might not want to look up "guro" if you want to continue believing that it can be at all distinguishable.
Mique, February 23, 2015, 09:45:58 pm

I don't really feel like guro goes in the same category, since even most misogynist consumers of porn aren't fetishizing snuff so much as humiliation.  I'm talking about a sort of pornographic Overton Window, where the audience in general seem to be going for weirder stuff but treating it like it's normal.


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #22
Hentai doesn't seem to go for plausible sexual encounters in general.  I assume it's one of those situations like regular internet porn sites, where they're catering so much to a niche audience that things just get more and more weird until it's only distinguishable from a horror movie by the color of the fluids.
Puppy Time, February 23, 2015, 06:49:36 pm

You might not want to look up "guro" if you want to continue believing that it can be at all distinguishable.
Mique, February 23, 2015, 09:45:58 pm

Guro is a real life art movement and isn't just porn; it's related to Weimar Republic avant-garde art.  One of the best Japanese novelists ever, Junichiro Tanizaki, wrote an Ero-Guro novel called The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 10:53:24 am by Smoking Crow »


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #23
Hentai doesn't seem to go for plausible sexual encounters in general.  I assume it's one of those situations like regular internet porn sites, where they're catering so much to a niche audience that things just get more and more weird until it's only distinguishable from a horror movie by the color of the fluids.
Puppy Time, February 23, 2015, 06:49:36 pm

You might not want to look up "guro" if you want to continue believing that it can be at all distinguishable.
Mique, February 23, 2015, 09:45:58 pm

Guro is a real life art movement and isn't just porn; it's related to Weimar Republic avant-garde art.  One of the best Japanese novelists ever, Junichiro Tanizaki, wrote an Ero-Guro novel called The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi.
Smoking Crow, February 24, 2015, 10:51:36 am

go to church lol
Cat Planet cube abuser Sherman Tank


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #24
Hentai doesn't seem to go for plausible sexual encounters in general.  I assume it's one of those situations like regular internet porn sites, where they're catering so much to a niche audience that things just get more and more weird until it's only distinguishable from a horror movie by the color of the fluids.
Puppy Time, February 23, 2015, 06:49:36 pm

You might not want to look up "guro" if you want to continue believing that it can be at all distinguishable.
Mique, February 23, 2015, 09:45:58 pm

Guro is a real life art movement and isn't just porn; it's related to Weimar Republic avant-garde art.  One of the best Japanese novelists ever, Junichiro Tanizaki, wrote an Ero-Guro novel called The Secret History of the Lord of Musashi.
Smoking Crow, February 24, 2015, 10:51:36 am

go to church lol
Bobalay, February 24, 2015, 05:17:47 pm

It's cancelled today due to a foot of snow


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #25
Is it just me or do these porny stories that totally happened always become extremely formulaic, yet the userbase never fails to eat it up? Like that forum with the people who like to lift others into the air, or pretty much every fplus episode ever. Seriously, you could probably program a website to write these things and these people would still get off to it. It's like they have 4 or 5 specific scenarios they love and they just plug them into the middle of a vague story-like structure, like some kind of horrible oreo. I'm sure it's foolish of me to expect subtlety or nuance from people who get their rocks off to a couple lines and pink dots but they could at least try.


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #26
You mean like a Markov bot for porn? Pretty sure that already exists.

's already been an episode, yo.
Neal, February 23, 2015, 03:33:23 pm

Of course it has.


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #27
I'm sure it's foolish of me to expect subtlety or nuance from people who get their rocks off to a couple lines and pink dots but they could at least try.
Sovereign, February 24, 2015, 06:37:07 pm

Does this bother you as an intellectual?
Bobalay Sovereign A Meat


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #28
I'm sure it's foolish of me to expect subtlety or nuance from people who get their rocks off to a couple lines and pink dots but they could at least try.
Sovereign, February 24, 2015, 06:37:07 pm

Does this bother you as an intellectual?
Lemon, February 24, 2015, 07:07:40 pm
Goddammit, I guess I better write porn now.

I'm half tempted to start some kind of hentai writer's guild or the equivalent of a Hugo award ceremony just so I can make a doc out of it next year and send it in to be read.


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Episode #167: Hentaint Misbehavin #29
This episode was so much funnier than what I would have found, probably because these people don't really talk about hentai at all. The impression I got when trying to mine this kind of content, is that most of these losers are really young, as in mid teens to early twenties, at least as according to them.A Meat, February 24, 2015, 07:09:50 am

That's because as far as I can tell Luscious is just reposting content from other places so you are therefore looking at a group of consumers set apart from the people who actually spend time and money getting porn from Japan and translating it. The kind of people who learn Japanese to understand porn stories.

I don't know any specifics but I have heard that there is a lot of drama in "doujin-translation circles". Fights about who should have the "rights" to translate what, people reposting content elsewhere without the pages identifying the translation team, and so on.
I do know there was some kind of big legal strike down because a western online sales portal for erotic comics acquired the legal rights for a bunch of stuff and then proceeded to email cease-and-desist letters to people who were translating the porn that now belonged to them, all while using those translations to lazily do their own by changing only a few words. SCANDAL.

If you want to go somewhere closer to the source, stick your nose into the fountain of cartoon smegma, you would probably want to take a look at the E-Hentai forums or Gelbooru Forums. That's where all the cool kids translating porn or getting it straight off Pixiv (Japan's Deviantart) hangout.

E-Hentai even has a "Sadpanda" section so called because unless you first do X, Y, and Z to register properly all you will see when you are linked to that section is a picture of a Sadpanda. That's where they keep all the stuff that has "Copyright Issues", is blatantly stolen from western paysites, or is just too gross for the mainstream sections.


or the equivalent of a Hugo award ceremony just so I can make a doc out of it next year and send it in to be read.
Sovereign, February 24, 2015, 07:40:38 pm
I'm pretty sure those sorts of awards have been around since at least the LiveJournal era. Every niche shipping community had their own contests and awards for the best fanfiction written that year, both erotic and just plain rooooomantic.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 07:42:32 pm by Odd »