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Topic: Tell me where to go, internet  (Read 9392 times)


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Tell me where to go, internet #15
Not to hijack the thread or anything, but I have a similar question. I'll be going to Edinburgh for the Fringe festival soon- do any of you know of neat stuff to check out around there?
Nikaer Drekin, June 29, 2015, 12:17:14 pm

So my girlfriend spent a lot of time in Edinburgh and I asked her what's what. These are the things she said.

She liked the Elephant Cafe for the cake and the Frankenstein Bar for alcohols. She says get local beer there. She also says to go see The Castle, I assume there's just one. And that you could buy a ticket for just the castle but if you're in Scotland for some time to just get a historical society pass instead so you can see all the historical things around. But if you're just there for Fringe, probably not. The museum is cool (again, I assume there's just one or something), but she says make sure you go downstairs where you're in the museum, the downstairs has a cool Scottish gallery. Don't get distracted by the upstairs.

The rest I think I have to type as it was discussed.
"And the cheese shop. The cheese shop is fantastic."
"The cheese shop. Does it have a name?"
"....it's the CHEESE SHOP. Just ask someone in Edinburgh, anyone, where the cheese shop is. It's just the cheese shop."
"I'll leave you alone now."

I am sorry about my girlfriend's shit memory but I hope some of this sound cool to you.

Nikaer Drekin

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Tell me where to go, internet #16
It does, thank her for me! My professor who's been there before actually mentioned the Frankenstein, but local cake sounds pretty fantastic too.

Sun Smasher

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Tell me where to go, internet #17
Lol, I too am going to ask where "THE CHEESE SHOP" is.