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January 02, 2025, 12:43:44 pm

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Topic: Nikaer Drekin's Movie Reviews!  (Read 7541 times)

Nikaer Drekin

  • One-Man Nic Cage Fan Club
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  • "My burrito is a big deal"
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Nikaer Drekin's Movie Reviews!
So, uh, I guess I'll kick this board off with a little movie review blog I run, White-Glove Grindhouse. I try to review the stuff I see in theaters, or just movies that interest me in general. I'm also open to requests but haven't really gotten any yet. Feel free to use this thread to suggest films here/agree with all of my opinions/tell me why I'm full of shit!

My most recent piece is on Jurassic World. A few other movies I reviewed recently were Mad Max: Fury Road, the Kickstarter-funded Kung Fury, and Inside Out.

Nikaer Drekin

  • One-Man Nic Cage Fan Club
  • Paid
  • "My burrito is a big deal"
  • 682
  • 47
Nikaer Drekin's Movie Reviews! #1
I recently watched and wrote a review for Killing Them Softly, the Brad Pitt thriller/crime drama from 2012!

Spoiler: I didn't like it very much.