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Topic: 186: Hokum Pocus  (Read 15348 times)

Nikaer Drekin

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186: Hokum Pocus #15
It's okay, Lemon, I remember Schoolhouse Rock too.

And I'm 22, so maybe I just have a weird frame of reference!

Fatty Bo Batty

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186: Hokum Pocus #16
Can I get the "CRICKETS" sound clip in ringtonable form?
Ambious, August 24, 2015, 04:26:30 pm
I never actually never saved the work file, so I don't have it to give. If you wanted a "CRICKETS" sound clip, wouldn't you want something from the dickbugs episode instead?
Lemon, August 26, 2015, 03:31:41 pm

I've always wanted my text notification to be "AND THEN THEY STASTED BITING MY PEEHOLE!!!"


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186: Hokum Pocus #17
Can I get the "CRICKETS" sound clip in ringtonable form?
Ambious, August 24, 2015, 04:26:30 pm

Pick your poison
Lemon Emperor Jack Chick STOG Deep 13 NutshellGulag Sherman Tank


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186: Hokum Pocus #18
sometimes it mote how it be.
McMillan and Waifu gee golly gosh


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186: Hokum Pocus #19
I'm sad that the new site doesn't have the little random things at the top anymore. Mostly cause

thefplus.us: All you do is masturbate

would fit in well.   

Sun Smasher

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186: Hokum Pocus #20
By the by, "so mote it be" is basically the pagan "amen". They just wanted to sound fancy.


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186: Hokum Pocus #21

I saw this and was immediately reminded of all the magick episodes.  Funny, it doesn't look very cross.


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186: Hokum Pocus #22
So, apparently "Jewitch" is actually a thing. I don't WANT it to be a thing, but it is:
Shemini Atzeret—the Jewish holiday that comes at the end of Sukkot—is a time when Jews around the world say Tefilat HaGeshem, a prayer for rain. And the people who will gather to mark the holiday at Jewitch Camp outside San Francisco on the evening of Oct. 4 are no exception.

But this gathering, described as “a sanctuary of spirit drawing on earth-based magic to pursue tikkun olam,” will go further in its rituals. The group of around 50 feminist, eco-conscious, Jewish-influenced witches who will convene in a sukkah constructed around a hot tub in Richmond, California, won’t just be shaking the lulav and the etrog. They’ll also be casting a circle, calling in the directions, and invoking everyone from the Native American ancestors of the land where they gather, to Ba’al Hadad (literally Master of Thunder), an ancient Canaanite storm and rain god.

“It’s very much about tapping into Canaanite/pagan roots,” said Susie, a Jewitch Camp steward who goes by one name. “Baal Shem Tov earth-based ruach led with kavannah—less about intellect and books.”

(This is so deeply unkosher. SO unkosher)

A Meat

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186: Hokum Pocus #23
So, apparently "Jewitch" is actually a thing. I don't WANT it to be a thing, but it is:
Shemini Atzeret—the Jewish holiday that comes at the end of Sukkot—is a time when Jews around the world say Tefilat HaGeshem, a prayer for rain. And the people who will gather to mark the holiday at Jewitch Camp outside San Francisco on the evening of Oct. 4 are no exception.

But this gathering, described as “a sanctuary of spirit drawing on earth-based magic to pursue tikkun olam,” will go further in its rituals. The group of around 50 feminist, eco-conscious, Jewish-influenced witches who will convene in a sukkah constructed around a hot tub in Richmond, California, won’t just be shaking the lulav and the etrog. They’ll also be casting a circle, calling in the directions, and invoking everyone from the Native American ancestors of the land where they gather, to Ba’al Hadad (literally Master of Thunder), an ancient Canaanite storm and rain god.

“It’s very much about tapping into Canaanite/pagan roots,” said Susie, a Jewitch Camp steward who goes by one name. “Baal Shem Tov earth-based ruach led with kavannah—less about intellect and books.”

(This is so deeply unkosher. SO unkosher)
Sherlockian, October 02, 2015, 03:40:56 pm
This is somehow less Jewish than I could have possibly made up. Idol worship is one of the things explicitly forbidden in the Bible.
I don't have problem with this, but this is just a different kind of crazy Jewish mysticism than I'm used to seeing.
Mind you the whole concept of the "Baal Shem" is just the regular shit they do in Christianity of invoking names of saints and other religious or mystical figures, so it just kind of loops around into being mundane again.

Tiny Prancer

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186: Hokum Pocus #24
I feel like there's a huge missed opportunity here for "jewitch" to refer to some kind of sandwich made with, like, knishes or something.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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186: Hokum Pocus #25
I was gonna make a deli joke


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186: Hokum Pocus #26
There's a ton of Jew groups that boil down to 'ethnically Jewish spiritually other shit'. My favorite is "Ju-Bu" which is Jewish people who read a book on Buddhism once and meditate sometimes.

I do not recommend pursuing Ju-Bu.


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186: Hokum Pocus #27
So I grew up going to church every week, and every now and then they would have little festivals in the parking lot with games and candy and stuff for the kids. One time they had a magician there to perform on stage, except they were very adamant that he was an "illusionist" and that everything he did was just tricks and illusions and that there was no such thing as magic because they thought if we believed in magic we'd try to cast spells on people and start worshiping Satan and all that other good stuff.

Even as a child, I thought it was ridiculous that they figured we'd believe in magic from watching stage magicians and that it would lead to devil worship, but after hearing all these magick episodes, I'm realizing that their paranoia wasn't completely wrong.
Mique, August 26, 2015, 04:30:39 pm

I always attributed this to Harry Potter and stuff, which is why as a kid after binging on "A Series of Unfortunate Events" I started dressing up as a sack of flour and demanding people kick me or drag me around on a noose.


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186: Hokum Pocus #28
I do not recommend pursuing Ju-Bu.Glitterbomber, October 04, 2015, 10:52:17 am

Don't you worry, Glitterbomber. I got it.

junior associate faguar

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186: Hokum Pocus #29
The MP3 for this episode seems to have disappeared.