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Topic: Joel's trying to raise $5.5 Million for a new season of MST3k  (Read 11200 times)


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Apparently during the Summer Joel and Shout Factory wrestled the rights back from Best Brains and are now trying to crowdfund new episodes (on Kickstarter, of cuss). Here's the breakdown:

A lofty goal to be sure, but it went live today and they're nearly at $1 Million.

McMillan and Waifu

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Not gonna lie, I've already thrown money at this. Given the past history of MSTies overspending on promoting the show, it'd be a surprise if they don't at least hit their middle funding goals.

I'm curious about the all new cast aspect of this. It's supposedly Jonah Ray as the shadow host in the Kickstarter video, it wouldn't be terrible if he's the new Joel/Mike but I'm not sure he'd be my first choice. On the other hand, MST has a proud, rich tradition of swapping out everyone, so a third host/new Crow and Servo wouldn't necessarily be horrible. On the whole I'm maybe 10% cautious, 90% stupidly optimistic to see how this turns out.


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I grew up loving Mystery Science Theatre, it's been a big part of my life.

I have no interest in this.

I still like Rifftrax though.

Nikaer Drekin

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Yeah, Rifftrax is really in its prime and is doing now what MST3K did so well back in its day. To me this seems... not bad, probably more superfluous than anything. I'll check it out if it ends up happening, but I doubt I'll end up backing it.

Sherman Tank

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Well, Joel pulled in $5.7 million. With some additional non-Kickstarter funding, that's enough for 14 episodes, including a Christmas special.
chai tea latte CormansInferno


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Fingers crossed these don't suck


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Fingers crossed these don't suck
goombapolice, December 12, 2015, 04:51:24 am

Hoping these don't suck too, but Ernest Cline is joining the writing team at some point in the production, and I'd rather have a back tooth pulled than read "Ready Player One" past the four pages I read in the bookstore. So my spirits are kind of dampened, and it's looking like a "Wait until they release, then get hyped" thing.



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Fingers crossed these don't suck
goombapolice, December 12, 2015, 04:51:24 am

Hoping these don't suck too, but Ernest Cline is joining the writing team at some point in the production, and I'd rather have a back tooth pulled than read "Ready Player One" past the four pages I read in the bookstore. So my spirits are kind of dampened, and it's looking like a "Wait until they release, then get hyped" thing.

STOG, December 12, 2015, 10:09:23 am

They can just put him in charge of 80s and 90s references and then spend the rest of production time doing things that are funny instead.


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I love MST3K but I'll be honest, when I went to the page and saw Felicia Day I just said "oh" and closed the tab.


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Fingers crossed these don't suck
goombapolice, December 12, 2015, 04:51:24 am

Hoping these don't suck too, but Ernest Cline is joining the writing team at some point in the production, and I'd rather have a back tooth pulled than read "Ready Player One" past the four pages I read in the bookstore. So my spirits are kind of dampened, and it's looking like a "Wait until they release, then get hyped" thing.

STOG, December 12, 2015, 10:09:23 am

I read like half way through Ready Player One and the only thing that Ernest Cline could write in that space in a somewhat enjoyable manner is the experience of playing a video game you're good at.

McMillan and Waifu

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Fingers crossed these don't suck
goombapolice, December 12, 2015, 04:51:24 am

Hoping these don't suck too, but Ernest Cline is joining the writing team at some point in the production, and I'd rather have a back tooth pulled than read "Ready Player One" past the four pages I read in the bookstore. So my spirits are kind of dampened, and it's looking like a "Wait until they release, then get hyped" thing.

STOG, December 12, 2015, 10:09:23 am


After seeing the heavy ambivalence towards this I thought "maybe it's best to not give this money up front." Since then it's just been a hit parade of The Internet's Favorite People (tm) getting involved and I'm regretting pulling out less and less.


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It's really going to hurt to hear Servo do a Gangnam Style joke.
Maxine Headroom

Sherman Tank

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Y'all are really negative about this. C'mon, don't be that kind of internet person.

Nikaer Drekin

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I would honestly kind of prefer it if they made new bots- I know, Crow's voice changed, but it's going to be super weird to hear a voice coming out of Tom Servo that isn't Kevin Murphy's.


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Y'all are really negative about this. C'mon, don't be that kind of internet person.
Sherman Tank, December 13, 2015, 10:08:09 pm

if I was that kind of internet person they'd already have tapped me to write or do a cameo
Nikaer Drekin Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank