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June 04, 2024, 06:20:54 pm

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Topic: Joel's trying to raise $5.5 Million for a new season of MST3k  (Read 11202 times)


  • Petrodactyl Spotter
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I'm positively surprised so far. Sure it's different from the old MST3K, but it was always going to be. Sure, there are some issues and things I don't like, but that's pretty much always the case with the first episodes of a new TV show. All in all it's good enough that I'm gonna keep watching and hope they can iron out the kinks.
Shell Game Sherman Tank

I Liked That Joke

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  • Boy oh boy, there's a lot of good jokes out there!
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The first few eps were rough, but it really clicked around four or five. I really liked Jonah Ray, the new bots kept the soul of the old bots, and I liked the set design. The only bad part was the GUEST STAR CAMEOS! >:(
Bad cameos, guys. Bad job at that.


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My fears were unfounded and while the first few episodes were so packed to the brim with riffs that it felt really rehearsed and too quick to keep up with, this season is really clicking with me! I think it is pretty good.