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Topic: Episode 199: Episode 799  (Read 15177 times)


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Episode 199: Episode 799
« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 07:44:22 pm by Lemon »


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #1
We are from the future and the future is dumb


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #2
Got it in right under the wire! And the Bicentennial Episode (not to be confused with Bicentennial Man, starring Robot Williams) is almost upon us.

Sherman Tank

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Episode 199: Episode 799 #3
I learned its possible to make an entire episode about time travel with no Doctor Who jokes. Also for once I'm glad I'm not a Ridiculist, because if I'd been in the recording session my response, as a military historian, to the whole Nazi timeline part would have been an unusable rant.

Time traveling Nazis. I hate time traveling Nazis.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 11:56:53 pm by Sherman Tank »


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #4
I wanted to see if I could post about being a Finnish game (not a German one) before Montrith did.

A Meat

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Episode 199: Episode 799 #5
Huh, I always thought Dvorak keyboards were pronounced the same way as the composer (with a ř). Apparently that isn't the case, and it's like Boots pronounced it.


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #6
I wanted to see if I could post about being a Finnish game (not a German one) before Montrith did.
Cheapskate, January 01, 2016, 02:10:44 am

You've got an advantage, since I'm saving this episode for Monday when I have to get back to work.


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #7
I learned its possible to make an entire episode about time travel with no Doctor Who jokes. Also for once I'm glad I'm not a Ridiculist, because if I'd been in the recording session my response, as a military historian, to the whole Nazi timeline part would have been an unusable rant.

Time traveling Nazis. I hate time traveling Nazis.
Sherman Tank, December 31, 2015, 11:49:10 pm

You should really watch "Iron Sky".
And definitely Iron Sky 2:

« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 03:19:29 pm by Ambious »


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #8
I was much happier with this episode when I thought it was just going to be kids playing pretend. "Oh, I'm totally from 2046 and we have flying cars and also computers are super great now you guys"


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #9
I learned its possible to make an entire episode about time travel with no Doctor Who jokes. Also for once I'm glad I'm not a Ridiculist, because if I'd been in the recording session my response, as a military historian, to the whole Nazi timeline part would have been an unusable rant.

Time traveling Nazis. I hate time traveling Nazis.
Sherman Tank, December 31, 2015, 11:49:10 pm

I wouldn't have blamed though.

I think what bothers me the most is there is a user named Einstein and this dude apparently doesn't know anything about the real Einstein. Way to insult an icon. See stuff like this is why God doesn't talk to us anymore.

Adam Bozarth

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Episode 199: Episode 799 #10
When these idiots started commiserating about how great it is to be able to talk "freely" I was also glad that reality has been so openly hostile to their bigotry that the only place they can express it is on a board of maniacs and liars.

Then I remembered Reddit still exists.
Sherman Tank Kaleidoscope adrenochrome dome Really_Quite_Nice Digital Walnut eldritchhat


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #11
I got the Simpsons reference, Lemon.

I hope you still have the new "crickets" clip though. I need that in my life.
Mique, December 31, 2015, 08:21:39 pm

Me, too.  On both counts.


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #12
You know, I used to say as a joke that it's not that there are way too many alternate universe fictions where the Nazis won World War 2, it's that we're the one alternate universe fiction where the nazis lost World War 2.

I didn't expect to hear someone actually approaching that theory legitimately.

McMillan and Waifu

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Episode 199: Episode 799 #13
I'm with Isfahan, I thought they were going to at least be politely supportive of each others' mutual delusions. Then it turns out they so goddamn serious about time-travel. Did everyone assume this John Titor guy (or someone else?) was the real deal? Were they waiting for the appointed time travel Messiah? If so, how would they know it was Him?

Then it turned out they were all pro-Nazi and I was like "ehhhhh fuck these assholes", so problem solved.

In conclusion, The F Plus: Schizophrenia is a Powerful Thing


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Episode 199: Episode 799 #14
The thing is I feel like none of these people have actually read a history book? I feel like being this ignorant is a talent. You have to try to not educate yourself to reach this level
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