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Topic: Portaxx  (Read 14139 times)


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Portaxx #15
No, that happened, and it was catfish noodling. I just don't remember which episode it was, or why.

Sherman Tank

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Portaxx #16
Hah, found it. It was the appropriately-titled But What If They're All Crappie?

Apparently Portaxx spent time in Oklahoma.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Portaxx #17
Hah, found it. It was the appropriately-titled But What If They're All Crappie?

Apparently Portaxx spent time in Oklahoma.
Not Always Sherman Tank, April 24, 2016, 11:31:13 am

Originally from there, actually. Which accounts for the accent that may or may not exist, depending on who you ask.
Sherman Tank Nifty Nif JonRG Liatai John Toast Really_Quite_Nice

Emperor Jack Chick

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Portaxx #18
Hah, found it. It was the appropriately-titled But What If They're All Crappie?

Apparently Portaxx spent time in Oklahoma.
Not Always Sherman Tank, April 24, 2016, 11:31:13 am

Originally from there, actually. Which accounts for the accent that may or may not exist, depending on who you ask.
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes, April 24, 2016, 05:36:35 pm

and your propensity for wearing very large belt buckles.

Corn Syrup

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Portaxx #19
Client: So, uh yeah, my- my wife left me and she's wantin' to take all my stuff.

Attorney: ...RUH.

Client: Yeah, exactly- she said she gets to have full custody of the kids and that I'm an unfit parent-

Attorney: RUH.
chai tea latte Yavuz Gyro Sherman Tank Captain Nobeard Liatai Digital Walnut zmonbobbo Nifty Nif Amelia Blank Ragnarok Boobies John Toast Really_Quite_Nice


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Portaxx #20
Client: So, uh yeah, my- my wife left me and she's wantin' to take all my stuff.

Attorney: ...RUH.

Client: Yeah, exactly- she said she gets to have full custody of the kids and that I'm an unfit parent-

Attorney: RUH.
H.P. Shivcraft, September 14, 2016, 12:30:42 pm

Can someone please edit "RUH" over all the werewolf dialog in the Twilight movies? It would really mean a lot to me.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Portaxx #21
Client: So, uh yeah, my- my wife left me and she's wantin' to take all my stuff.

Attorney: ...RUH.

Client: Yeah, exactly- she said she gets to have full custody of the kids and that I'm an unfit parent-

Attorney: RUH.
H.P. Shivcraft, September 14, 2016, 12:30:42 pm

Can someone please edit "RUH" over all the werewolf dialog in the Twilight movies? It would really mean a lot to me.
Down10, September 20, 2016, 04:19:54 am

You can do this yourself! All it takes is your IMAGINATIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

and like many many many hours of audio replacement


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Portaxx #22
many many many hours of audio replacement
jack chick, September 20, 2016, 02:53:16 pm
Video replacement too, because for best effect, every warewolf line should be cut down to a single "RUH".

Would be a fun YouTube short anyway.

Nikaer Drekin

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Portaxx #23
many many many hours of audio replacement
jack chick, September 20, 2016, 02:53:16 pm
Video replacement too, because for best effect, every warewolf line should be cut down to a single "RUH".

Would be a fun YouTube short anyway.
Lemon, September 20, 2016, 03:40:56 pm

If I can find a good Twilight clip to use I will totally give this a shot.

Shell Game

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Portaxx #24
Shit, Portaxx, finding out you were part of the f-plus sealed the deal for me. My roommate and I have been admirers of yours since the Blackblood Alliance parody you did. Keep on being the best kind of nerd!
Lady Frenzy Isfahan

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Portaxx #25
Shit, Portaxx, finding out you were part of the f-plus sealed the deal for me. My roommate and I have been admirers of yours since the Blackblood Alliance parody you did. Keep on being the best kind of nerd!
Shell Game, May 07, 2017, 02:10:05 am

Thanks for the kind words! Out of curiosity, where did you see the BBA parody? I ask because years after the fact, I heard that thing spread way farther out than I originally thought it would. FYI  there's yet another reboot on DeviantArt. It starts off with the main character witnessing her own mother's death and features striped hyenas as the villains. They play keep-away with a severed animal head. The characters swear. The pacing is still weird. It's pretty great.

Shell Game

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Portaxx #26
I had to ask my roommate. I guess she found it on Portal of Evil probably about 8 or 9 years ago. Digging around for this stuff on the internet is pretty much the basis of our friendship (only a slight exaggeration.) While asking I told her about the re-reboot and she and I now have plans for the day. Neither of us were surprised that it still has pacing problems, though now I'm curious as to whether she's still with the same background artist. I recall the backgrounds actually being decent, especially compared to the Balto rip-offs with color vomited onto them. Definitely going to look into it. Thanks for the info!

Sherman Tank

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Portaxx #27