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Topic: Episode 206: Return To Castle Experience Project  (Read 26997 times)


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-nodnod- i can definitely see that. I have a love for searching [terriblecharacter]kin into tumblr and seeing what I can come up with, and if you search deep enough you can find some iiiiiiiiiiinteresting backstories, but I'll definitely dig more for other valuable sources of entertainment. Did a short search to find some weird therian stuff and I found some poetry! so that's certainly a start.

looks like there's lots of old otherkin forums that are dead now though. Sad times, I'd have loved to find some early 2000s forum relic


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Save for the outtake at the start, that was an incredibly professionally done reader intro section. Well done!

Sherman Tank

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EDIT2: Because I'm an overbearing dick I'm going to suggest some extra tags: "hey everybody I'm on drugs", "support groups", "first world problems", "annoying", "morons", "cant stop clown will eat me out", "fetishes", "the internet isn't helping", "otherkin"
Sherman Tank, March 19, 2016, 04:52:50 pm
Lemon, March 20, 2016, 12:50:28 pm

Come to think of it, "The Internet isn't helping" could be an alternate tagline for the whole podcast.
chai tea latte Ashto Gyro Runic


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I like that Lemon's dead-in-the-water reference from the closer of the first Experience Project episode is the music for the closer of this one.


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* imagine me with a dragon hat, a pennant that says "OTHERKIN" on it, and a big foam finger that looks like a falcon's foot
portaxx, March 20, 2016, 07:56:56 pm

As always.

Victor Laszlo

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imagine me with a dragon hat, a pennant that says "OTHERKIN" on it, and a big foam finger that looks like a falcon's footportaxx, March 20, 2016, 07:56:56 pm

99% sure this is how you described yourself on the phone when I was trying to find you and Toast in the Minneapolis airport.
Cirr Nifty Nif Bodark Caroline One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Maxine Headroom Sherman Tank Runic A Meat SHAMBA~1.SBB

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Don't BeliEevee The Hype - Public Enemy ft. Portaxx
Cirr Gyro Nifty Nif Nikaer Drekin Bodark One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes moooo566 (taylor's version) chai tea latte Sherman Tank junior associate faguar SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Okay well FIRST of all,
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank chai tea latte Knitting Machine Madtrixr SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Okay well FIRST of all,
Isfahan, March 22, 2016, 04:47:15 pm
Word filter suggestion: change "clip" to "clip" and "clip" to "clip". Watch Isfahan explode.
RoeCocoa One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Sherman Tank Runic goombapolice Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Isfahan Maxine Headroom Knitting Machine Nifty Nif Lemon Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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Okay well FIRST of all,
Isfahan, March 22, 2016, 04:47:15 pm
Word filter suggestion: change "clip" to "clip" and "clip" to "clip". Watch Isfahan explode.
montrith, March 22, 2016, 11:44:11 pm

BONUS FUN: Randomly turn the filter off and on unannounced, everyone rushes to Isfahan's expertise thread to ask him gun questions
Bodark Sherman Tank Runic montrith Isfahan Maxine Headroom Nifty Nif Lemon Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB

Lady Frenzy

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Jesus, "coming out as a gay clown" is the funniest six words I've heard all year.
Digital Walnut Yavuz Vinny Possum Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB

Digital Walnut

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Jesus, "coming out as a gay clown" is the funniest six words I've heard all year.
Lady Frenzy, March 23, 2016, 12:18:13 pm
Especially with Jimmy Franks' delivery. I think Clown Knarf is our first look at the early stages of adult onset erotic clowning disorder, too.


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Now to purchase some pornographic videos from clips4sale.com!

Then I will read the latest issue of TIME clip.

(Lemon is my hero!) [heart]
Lemon Sherman Tank Liatai goombapolice Maxine Headroom SatanInAZootSuit

Sherman Tank

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STOG's audio is weirdly quiet in this episode.


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so, if i were to say, be sort of working on an otherkin document, would a mix of crazy therian forums that have more of the crazy person trying to be noble animal flavor and batshit tumblr user style stuff be good? or should I stick to one or the other?
YetAnotherAmber, March 20, 2016, 11:47:46 am

Personally speaking as the one who will likely laugh/rage the most at an otherkin episode*, here's what I'd love to see, though I suspect it'll be kind of hard to find:

Otherkin started off as having incredibly elaborate, over-the-top backstories. At the time, the idea was "I'm a dragon!... okay so I know what you're thinking, since I don't look like one, but let me explain!" Often this included a huge, exciting story about what happened in their past lives. In the case of fictional species, it would also include describing the world they were "from" and it always came off as a cornball fantasy novel. Then something-something-something, they'd die, something-something-something-else, they'd get reincarnated in their current form for whatever reason. Sometimes they knew why, sometimes they didn't. But now they're stuck as a human and it is hard adjusting to this crazy human world, you guys! Some of them would be super pissed at being "confined" in this way, while others would straight-up pretend to be fascinated by our weird alien culture as if they didn't grow up in it with the rest of us. A great example of the latter would be the webcomic Theri There, which cheerfully described how gosh darn WaCkY it was trying to live as a non-human in our human world. Some examples include dealing with phantom wings and tails, pointing with their phantom wings, and using "mental shifts" to somehow affect real-world physics. Oh yeah, "mental shifting" is totally a thing. Since physically shifting is impossible, then might as well mentally turn into a monster, right? I love all that crap, because the idea of going out of your way to make your own home planet seem exotic and unfamiliar is just great. Other fun things include struggling to live in a world without magic vs. the otherkin who say they totally do practice magic but humans can't see it, frequent visits to the astral plane, and communicating with otherworldly beings. That stuff is all beautiful.portaxx, March 20, 2016, 07:56:56 pm

I've got like 10% of a Baxil doc floating around so when I get some time I'll try fleshing that out some more