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Topic: Episode 95: Why Crush A Bug When You can Ruin It Emotionally?  (Read 43746 times)


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This is an episode all about people who are sexually aroused by insects touching their genitals.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 09:20:32 pm by Lemon »


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So I'm guessing this is the episode Isfahan kept talking about.


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Oh god, it was worse than I ever could have imagined...


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Personally I would have titled it "That Episode" and moved on after erasing it from my consciousness. I'm seriously hesitant on even listening to it again.
Sherman Tank

chai tea latte

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I'm enjoying the "Go To Hell Montrith" tag.


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This is "That Episode".

Hold onto my valuables, folks, I'm going in.


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I was able to take Lou Reads Cum on Food to the end (even though I sort of teared up at how disgusting the morals were) so I am sure I will be able to take this. [GetIn]

Geremy Tibbles

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Almost didn't make it through this.

I was gagging along with Isfahan.


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I think this episode should be used as a hazing ritual for people who want to be guest readers on The F Plus.

That said, I think I survived with my mind intact. I will say I was squirming like fuck the whole way through.

Goddammit Montrith.

Keetah Spacecat

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I'm trying to convince my fiance to listen to this with me because I'm afraid to listen to it alone, but then he might not want to marry me after it XD


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Can we start a petition to cut off Montrith's internet forever after this?


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I have never been so flaccid.


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I don't think anyone can, or should, make fanart for this episode. Just throwing that out there.
That said, I have mustered up the last of my remaining strength to draw a special motivational mantra for people to repeat to themselves when listening to this episode.


  • ᕕ(⊙ω⊙)ᕗ
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Believe it or not, there is a female counterpart to the maggot-dick guy! Her name is Blowfly Girl and here is her story. If you want a synopsis, I'll write in 2 pt font, because it is truly horrible:

Girl finds some rotten meat being eaten by maggots and crams her vagina full of it. She has an orgasm as she's stuffing handfuls of blowfly maggots into her pussy. For two days, she stays in her room and  lets the maggots writhe around and grow in her pussy; she doesn't want to suffocate the maggots, so she ties her legs to the bed post. Since she's now immobile, she shits the bed. She possibly hallucinates and on Tuesday morning (this fiasco started on Sunday afternoon), she takes a hand mirror to see what's happening. Here's what she writes:  "My pussy was totally gaped wide open. I'd never seen it like that before. It reminded me of a mouth in a sick, gagging expression. My inner lips were swollen and dark purple, almost black, while my outer lips were cherry red and I was losing a layer of dead skin, like a sunburn. A stream of the light brown slime was oozing from inside my vagina and down my butt crack onto the shitty mattress. Although I could still feel a large mass of maggots and rotten meat inside me, there were maggots everywhere between my legs." She masturbates and passes out, waking up in the hospital. THE END. In other posts, she talks about how she's stuffed her vagina full of rotting garbage (maggot-free!), dog shit (from which she gets vaginal pinworms) and, in her second maggot story, finds a days-old dead, decomposing deer, its stomach burst open and filled with thousands of maggots. She shoves some maggots and some putrefying deer intestines into her vagina before going all the way and just sitting naked inside the deer, surrounded by maggots and with maggots crawling in and on her. Jesus Christ, fuck this gay Earth. Fuck fuckk fuck thisja godadmnitt

It is the worst thing. It's not F-Plus worthy. You just can't stop reading with slack-jawed horror.

If you read her handful of blog entries (assuming all she's written is true), she obviously has a boatload of mental illnesses (perhaps all of them?) and severe, severe depression. I legitimately became depressed and sad while reading it. It's awful. It's the worst thing I've ever seen.

I will never forget it.

edit: Actually, you know what? Pentti Linkola is right. Drop the bombs, this is it. Nukes, ebola, plague, don't care. Let's start all over. We're done. This is the worst; this is absolute bottom.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:19:35 pm by Psammetichus »


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Seriously, don't be hard on Montrith.  If you're going to be hard on people, be hard on those who willingly stuck it out and read the whole thing.  Well, also be hard on yourself, you fuckin' listened to it.

I've heard it--and some chopped bits--quite a handful of times, and it didn't bother me all that much.  It's kinda funny, BUT THAT SAID, I disliked the B-52s before and now I loathe them utterly.
Sherman Tank