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Topic: 232: Myers' Frigs  (Read 48406 times)


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232: Myers' Frigs #30
adrenochrome dome DetectiveSlowpoke


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232: Myers' Frigs #31
That last minute of DEVO was accidental, btw. Just noticing that.

(we shove the poles in the hole)
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank JonRG Captain Nobeard Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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232: Myers' Frigs #32
That last minute of DEVO was accidental, btw. Just noticing that.

(we shove the poles in the hole)
Lemon, November 14, 2016, 11:16:52 am

I enjoyed it nonetheless, having some DEVO in you is always good. If I get my way, the next Extra Credit episode is gonna have some too


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232: Myers' Frigs #33
If this is what happens as you progress into your 20's, I want it to be over before it's too late.


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232: Myers' Frigs #34
Now we can finally get the Catch-22 jokes from the youtube video.

Quite the catch-22, isn't it?
Liatai Yavuz Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop moooo566 (taylor's version) Sherman Tank JonRG Saoirse-Lilith chai tea latte Achilles' Heelies Vinny Possum MyFaceBeHi Eider Duck Down10 Puppy Time nuffkins, of all people,

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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232: Myers' Frigs #35
Promethorn Dr. Buttplug

adrenochrome dome

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232: Myers' Frigs #36
Great episode, great intro, great insufferable dorks who worship Scott Adams!

I know that, for a number of reasons, the Myers-Briggs test is a glorified horoscope, but it's difficult for me to get that in my gut. I was the kid who always got exactly what I wanted on career tests, and scoring INFP every time, I took this as a way to validate myself, to hope (as these doofuses do) that I'm only different because I'm exceptional. So I understand the allure of it.

I will say that scanning /r/infp does help, since I get to gag at countless posts about how great it is to be a hopeless romantic who hates themselves for Caring Too Much About Others and being more emotionally evolved.

Insufferable assholes are always a treat.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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232: Myers' Frigs #37
I'm glad that Portaxx's Dumb Blonde voice finally got into business school.
Dawnswalker, November 13, 2016, 11:16:01 pm

Vinny Possum Liatai Achilles' Heelies Dawnswalker Sherman Tank chai tea latte Corn Syrup JonRG NutshellGulag nuffkins, of all people, Yavuz Really_Quite_Nice SHAMBA~1.SBB


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232: Myers' Frigs #38
Great episode, great intro, great insufferable dorks who worship Scott Adams!

I know that, for a number of reasons, the Myers-Briggs test is a glorified horoscope, but it's difficult for me to get that in my gut. I was the kid who always got exactly what I wanted on career tests, and scoring INFP every time, I took this as a way to validate myself, to hope (as these doofuses do) that I'm only different because I'm exceptional. So I understand the allure of it.

I will say that scanning /r/infp does help, since I get to gag at countless posts about how great it is to be a hopeless romantic who hates themselves for Caring Too Much About Others and being more emotionally evolved.

Insufferable assholes are always a treat.
Tao Te Chump, November 14, 2016, 06:46:20 pm

I did the exact same thing with r/enfp! I read about the test and did it and as an awkward self-obsessed teenager I liked knowing that other people described them selves the same way I did. I do think it's a good tool for kids who feel out of place. I wasn't on reddit at the time, but I did find a forum of people who presented themselves how I did and thus, had the same kind of problems socializing as me.

This may be off topic, but both me and my sister immigranted to Canada at a young age and with parents that didn't care about us being properly socialized. So both of us (we talked about this as adults) spent our youth studying pop culture as if we were aliens trying to learn how to act amongst the humans.

So yeah, this stuff was helpful for me. But it's just a tool.

Also, I unfortunately have been on reddit for like 7 years and the community has changed. I'm always terrified that the fplus is going to find some horrible thing I wrote at 16. XD


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232: Myers' Frigs #39
I wonder if there's any specific studies dealing with which sizes of numbers can trip people's bullshit detectors.  This isn't about r/typeapersonality, after all.  Dividing everyone's personalities into three types seems to be too simplistic for people to take it as science, but sixteen is enough for people to go "oh yeah that's definitely science."


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232: Myers' Frigs #40
I wonder if there's any specific studies dealing with which sizes of numbers can trip people's bullshit detectors.  This isn't about r/typeapersonality, after all.  Dividing everyone's personalities into three types seems to be too simplistic for people to take it as science, but sixteen is enough for people to go "oh yeah that's definitely science."
EYE OF ZA, November 14, 2016, 10:48:26 pm

Well most of our society seems to think that introversion and extrovesion are super real things and that's just two things!


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232: Myers' Frigs #41
Guys did you know that there's a certification for jugglers now? I tried to get a job as a clown but I didn't get hired because I didn't get my "Catch-22" license, and the only way to get that is to juggle and catch three balls 22 times each
Sherman Tank chai tea latte Glitterbomber Yavuz bubbleuj Achilles' Heelies Captain Nobeard JonRG Boots Raingear Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Promethorn Knitting Machine Down10 Puppy Time nuffkins, of all people, DetectiveSlowpoke I Liked That Joke znarf SHAMBA~1.SBB

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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232: Myers' Frigs #42
The other day I was looking over a crime scene report and a section had noted the items the victim had on him. Underneath the bad dragon dildo it had been noted "Cash - 22"
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank Knitting Machine


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232: Myers' Frigs #43
The other day I was looking over a crime scene report and a section had noted the items the victim had on him. Underneath the bad dragon dildo it had been noted "Cash - 22"
Sanguinary Novel, November 15, 2016, 02:44:11 pm

Last week I had a party down at the lake, to close out the cabin for the year. I asked my friend, who was doing the cooking, how many fish he was going to need to feed everyone. He thought for a few seconds, then said, "Catch 22."
Liatai myherozero STOG Corn Syrup SHAMBA~1.SBB


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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232: Myers' Frigs #44
You know, when I clock in for work, if I'm early then management assumes I'm trying to nickel and dime them. If I'm late they assume I'm lazy. And if I'm right on time, they assume I got in early and wasted time waiting around to clock in.  This happens every day I go to work; it's a real deja vu.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage bubbleuj Avian Down10 nuffkins, of all people, Corn Syrup Knitting Machine Carbon Really_Quite_Nice SHAMBA~1.SBB