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Topic: 240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You  (Read 10091 times)


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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #15
If only there were a way for me to combine the shitty politics of fundamentalism, the self-righteous smugness of atheism, and the patent ridiculousness of magick! Then they'd  *have* to invite me to the cool parties!

How is it that people (like reddit atheists and Satanists) constantly complain about "sheeple" and "brainwashed Christians", and then turn around and have the exact same fucking opinions? They're just sheeple with fedoras!
I Liked That Joke, January 15, 2017, 12:18:49 pm

These groups tend to accommodate people that want to piggyback onto a movement without doing any of the work involved in actually understanding the ideas the movement is supposedly based on.  They get to be a part of something.

I think there are three possibilities here:
-Teen internet Satanists have always had terrible opinions on things like trans rights, they just never had an opportunity to really deliver their hot takes because there wasn't a heated national discussion about these issues back during web 1.0
-Their contrarian impulses have more to do with messages of tolerance and acceptance in the -lamestream media, man- than conservatism or Christianity. 
-There is a tiny man living inside their fedoras telling them at regular intervals "shitpost about the "SJW"s, or I will never tell you the secrets of how to increase your sex power"
Lemon Dawnswalker QueenSyreen Sherman Tank Yavuz lazzer grardaion? McMillan and Waifu
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 11:44:28 pm by BARK RANGER »


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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #16
" I actually support the idea of polygamy too..."


McMillan and Waifu

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #17
-There is a tiny man living inside their fedoras that telling them at regular intervals "shitpost about the "SJW"s, or I will never tell you the secrets of how to increase your sex power"
BARK RANGER, January 16, 2017, 11:12:21 pm

All hail Baphomet, Dark Lord of Increasing Your Panic Size
Sherman Tank Yavuz

Jack Sensation

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #18
i hate the motherfucker talking about australian politics halfway through the episode, peace

Sherman Tank

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #19
I've never met an Australian who liked talking about Australian politics no what their other political persuasions were. I don't know what this means, but I'm sure it means something.

Jack Sensation

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #20
I've never met an Australian who liked talking about Australian politics no what their other political persuasions were. I don't know what this means, but I'm sure it means something.
Ol' Sherman Tanky, January 17, 2017, 07:37:29 pm

It's a blighted hellscape of shit blokes

Vocal Minority

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #21
Satanism to me was always just a way to criticize organized religion and how we treat it in America. I remember one story where a christian group was given permission to pass out bibles to students, so an atheist requested the same privilege to pass out satanic coloring books.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #22
" I actually support the idea of polygamy too..."

Dawnswalker, January 17, 2017, 06:49:39 pm

"But only if it means more women for me. No homo."

Sherman Tank

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #23
Satanism to me was always just a way to criticize organized religion and how we treat it in America. I remember one story where a christian group was given permission to pass out bibles to students, so an atheist requested the same privilege to pass out satanic coloring books.
Vocal Minority, January 18, 2017, 09:17:59 am

That's not so much a critique of American religious culture as it is just being a socially-inept contrarian edgelord. If they really wanted to make an actual point about religion they should've passed out Talmuds or Korans or something.
chai tea latte RoeCocoa

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240: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You #24
But then it wouldn't be about them!
Yavuz Bodark Sherman Tank RoeCocoa